1,650 research outputs found

    Immigrants health care: accessibility and quality of care based on an interview in different ethnic groups

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    По результатам полуформализованных интервью в Екатеринбурге (n=41) доступность и качество услуг здравоохранения для мигрантов связаны с режимом безопасности через контроль здоровья, необходимостью платных медицинских услуг в случае отсутствия гражданства РФ, низким уровнем доверия институту здравоохранения вообще и возможности экстренной медицинской помощи. Влияет на отношение к мигрантам в учреждениях здравоохранения статус и социальный капитал мигранта. Установка на самолечение, неудовлетворенность «бесплатной» медициной, приоритеты расходования средств сопоставимы с местным населением. Отношение к геттоизации, «изолированному» обслуживанию мигрантов в сфере здравоохранения, неоднозначно. Социально-уязвимый статус мигрантов усугубляется в ситуации болезни.According to the results semiformalized interviews in Yekaterinburg (n = 41) the availability and quality of health services for migrants related to the security regime through the control of health, the need for paid medical services in the absence of Russian citizenship, a low level of confidence in the institution of public health in general and the possibility of emergency medical care. Effect on attitudes towards migrants in health care status and social capital of the migrant. Installation on a self-dissatisfaction "free" medicine, spending priorities are comparable with the local population. Attitude to ghettoization, "isolated" for migrants in the health sector is ambiguous. Socially vulnerable status of migrants in a situation exacerbated by the disease

    Can teach online doctor: challenges of modern professional medical education

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    Выделены 3 группы источников медицинского онлайн-образования для профессионалов: МООС — массовые открытые онлайн курсы, образовательные порталы с видеоматериалами, профессиональные социальные сети. Востребованность онлайн-образования вступает в противоречие с возможностью формальной конвертации таких ресурсов. Онлайн-образование в медицинском профессиональном дискурсе используется российскими студентами-медиками и практикующими врачами только как информальное или самообразование.A group of three sources of medical online education for professionals: MOOC — a massive open online courses, educational portals with video, professional social networks. Demand for online education in conflict with the possibility of a formal conversion of such resources. Online education in the medical professional discourse used by the Russian medical students and practitioners only as informal or self

    Charcot osteoarthropathy: one disease, two presentations

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    Charcot osteoarthropathy or Charcot foot is a disabling complication of diabetes and is associated with poor prognosis and high mortality. Its pathogenesis is not fully understood and its treatment is at best symptomatic. Furthermore, it is not known whether there is a specific type of neuropathy which affects osteoclastic activity, and thereby leads to reduction of bone mineral density and the development of Charcot osteoarthropathy. Recently it has been proposed that there is a difference in the presentation of Charcot osteoarthropathy between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This article reviews the link between underlying osteopenia, abnormal biomechanical forces and type of neuropathy, and their varying interaction in the pathogenesis of Charcot osteoarthropathy in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Further attention is drawn to the newly discovered osteoprotegerin/receptor activator of nuclear factor kappaB ligand (OPG/RANKL) cytokine system, which controls bone resorption. Increased osteoclastic activity in the acute Charcot foot may be associated with altered expression of OPG/RANKL signaling pathway and modulation of the OPG/RANKL equilibrium in Charcot osteoarthropathy may provide additional therapeutical option to manage this difficult condition.Biomedical Reviews 2005; 16: 43-48

    On the Nature of Precursors in the Radio Pulsar Profiles

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    In the average profiles of several radio pulsars, the main pulse is accompanied by the preceding component. This so called precursor is known for its distinctive polarization, spectral, and fluctuation properties. Recent single-pulse observations hint that the sporadic activity at the extreme leading edge of the pulse may be prevalent in pulsars. We for the first time propose a physical mechanism of this phenomenon. It is based on the induced scattering of the main pulse radiation into the background. We show that the scattered component is directed approximately along the ambient magnetic field and, because of rotational aberration in the scattering region, appears in the pulse profile as a precursor to the main pulse. Our model naturally explains high linear polarization of the precursor emission, its spectral and fluctuation peculiarities as well as suggests a specific connection between the precursor and the main pulse at widely spaced frequencies. This is believed to stimulate multifrequency single-pulse studies of intensity modulation in different pulsars.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Theoretical and experimental study of high-pressure synthesized B20-type compounds Mn1x_{1-x}(Co,Rh)x_xGe

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    The search and exploration of new materials not found in nature is one of modern trends in pure and applied chemistry. In the present work, we report on experimental and \textit{ab initio} density-functional study of the high-pressure-synthesized series of compounds Mn1x_{1-x}(Co,Rh)x_xGe. These high-pressure phases remain metastable at normal conditions, therewith they preserve their inherent noncentrosymmetric B20-type structure and chiral magnetism. Of particular interest in these two isovalent systems is the comparative analysis of the effect of 3d3d (Co) and 4d4d (Rh) substitution for Mn, since the 3d3d orbitals are characterized by higher localization and electron interaction than the 4d4d orbitals. The behavior of Mn1x_{1-x}(Co,Rh)x_xGe systems is traced as the concentration changes in the range 0x10 \leq x \leq 1. We applied a sensitive experimental and theoretical technique which allowed to refine the shape of the temperature dependencies of magnetic susceptibility χ(T)\chi(T) and thereby provide a new and detailed magnetic phase diagram of Mn1x_{1-x}Cox_xGe. It is shown that both systems exhibit a helical magnetic ordering that very strongly depends on the composition xx. However, the phase diagram of Mn1x_{1-x}Cox_xGe differs from that of Mn1x_{1-x}Rhx_xGe in that it is characterized by coexistence of two helices in particular regions of concentrations and temperatures.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Boundaries and structure of akchagylian stage within middle volga area

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    © SGEM2017. All Rights Reserved. Accordingly to decision of International Commission on Stratigraphy in 2011 Quaternary period was increased till 2,6 million years. As a result of lowering Quaternary boundary the upper part of regional Akchagylian stage (Gelasian stage) was included into Quaternary as bottom subdivision. Thus upper boundary of Akchagylian stage–boundary between Neogene and Quaternary, upper boundary of Akchagylian stage located between Upper and Lower Pliocene. Currently Sokol layers within Middle Volga area conventionally included into regional Akchagylian stage. Their feature of bedding within Middle Volga area is a correlation with ancient river network. Therefore the important point for Sokol layers study is Geomorphological analysis associated with palynological and paleomagnetic data. Material for research was received after study of 7 reference Neogene sections in Middle Volga area (northward from Samara bend), palynological analysis of 14 wells that have exposed the Sokol layers, as well as reconstruction materials of the Neogene River Network in the Middle Volga Region. The sediments consist of massive sand, sandstone, clay and siltstone layers. Sokol layers has alluvial and alluvial-lacustrine genesis. Deposit thickness fluctuate from 12,0 to 93,0 meters. Absolute base surface marks vary from minus 70,0 meters within Kama's valleys range up to 65,0–100,0 meters in the upper reaches of tributaries Kama and Volga. The rocks are straight magnetized, which makes it possible to compare them with the Gauss epoch. Palinolinologic analysis of deposits allowed to distinguish in the Sokol layers 3 palynocomplex: pine, broadleaf-pine-spruce and pine-spruce, which reflect the change of vegetation during this period. the nature of the change in vegetation indicates that the beginning of this time was moderately warm and fairly dry, and the end was more humid

    About Gelasian tier stage within Middle volga region (according to palynological data)

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    The article presents the results of palynological studies of deposits of Gelasian tier within the Middle Volga region. Palynological study of these deposits has allowed to allocate seven palyno complexes, describing the biostratigraphic boundaries of Gelasian tier within the Middle Volga region