713 research outputs found

    Flight test evaluation of a separate surface attitude command control system on a Beech 99 airplane

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    A joint NASA/university/industry program was conducted to flight evaluate a potentially low cost separate surface implementation of attitude command in a Beech 99 airplane. Saturation of the separate surfaces was the primary cause of many problems during development. Six experienced professional pilots who made simulated instrument flight evaluations experienced improvements in airplane handling qualities in the presence of turbulence and a reduction in pilot workload. For ride quality, quantitative data show that the attitude command control system results in all cases of airplane motion being removed from the uncomfortable ride region

    Evaluating Diet Composition of Pronghorn in Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota

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    The pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) was reintroduced into Wind Cave National Park (WCNP), South Dakota, in 1914, and thus, has inhabited the Park for nearly a century. During the 1990\u27s, a decline in the population raised concern for the continued existence of pronghorn inside WCNP; an investigation into the observed decline was initiated. Primary objectives of our study were to evaluate diet composition and forage selection by pronghorn in WCNP. Microhistological analysis was conducted on 58 fecal samples collected opportunistically from pronghorn during 2002. Blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis), common juniper (Juniperus communis), and northern bedstraw (Galium boreale) were identified as major seasonal food items, representing 14.6, l 0.6, and 6.5 % of the annual diet, respectively. Annual diets of pronghorn in WCNP included 41.5% grasses, 31.1% shrubs, and 27.4% forbs. Total forage production in WCNP was 2% grass, 4% shrubs, and 23% forbs. Results indicated strong dietary selection by pronghorn for shrubs

    Migrating Mule Deer: Effects of Anthropogenically Altered Landscapes

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    Background: Migration is an adaptive strategy that enables animals to enhance resource availability and reduce risk of predation at a broad geographic scale. Ungulate migrations generally occur along traditional routes, many of which have been disrupted by anthropogenic disturbances. Spring migration in ungulates is of particular importance for conservation planning, because it is closely coupled with timing of parturition. The degree to which oil and gas development affects migratory patterns, and whether ungulate migration is sufficiently plastic to compensate for such changes, warrants additional study to better understand this critical conservation issue. Methodology/Principal Findings: We studied timing and synchrony of departure from winter range and arrival to summer range of female mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in northwestern Colorado, USA, which has one of the largest natural-gas reserves currently under development in North America. We hypothesized that in addition to local weather, plant phenology, and individual life-history characteristics, patterns of spring migration would be modified by disturbances associated with natural-gas extraction. We captured 205 adult female mule deer, equipped them with GPS collars, and observed patterns of spring migration during 2008–2010. Conclusions/Significance: Timing of spring migration was related to winter weather (particularly snow depth) and access to emerging vegetation, which varied among years, but was highly synchronous across study areas within years. Additionally, timing of migration was influenced by the collective effects of anthropogenic disturbance, rate of travel, distance traveled, and body condition of adult females. Rates of travel were more rapid over shorter migration distances in areas of high natural-gas development resulting in the delayed departure, but early arrival for females migrating in areas with high development compared with less-developed areas. Such shifts in behavior could have consequences for timing of arrival on birthing areas, especially where mule deer migrate over longer distances or for greater durations

    Relationship between spatial proximity and travel-to-work distance : the effect of the compact city

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    In this paper, an assessment is made of the relationship between selected aspects of spatial proximity (density, diversity, minimum commuting distance, jobs-housing balance and job accessibility) and reported commuting distances in Flanders (Belgium). Results show that correlations may depend on the considered trip end. For example, a high residential density, a high degree of spatial diversity and a high level of job accessibility are all associated with a short commute by residents, while a high job density is associated with a long commute by employees. A jobs-housing balance close to one is associated with a short commute, both by residents and by employees. In general, it appears that the alleged sustainability benefits of the compact city model are still valid in a context of continuously expanding commuting trip lengths

    Pneumonia in Bighorn Sheep: Testing the Super-Spreader Hypothesis

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    Following introduction of pneumonia, disease can persist in bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) populations for decades as annual or sporadic pneumonia epidemics in lambs.  Recurring years of depressed recruitment due to high rates of pneumonia-induced mortality in juveniles is a major obstacle to population recovery.  Management strategies for resolving this problem have so far been elusive. We are investigating the feasibility of removing individual “super-spreaders” to improve lamb survival.  Individual variation in infection and transmission is well documented in human diseases (e.g. “Typhoid Mary”).  We are testing the hypothesis that pneumonia epidemics in lambs are initiated by transmission of pathogens from a few “chronic-shedder” ewes. We have completed the first year of a 5-year project in the Hells Canyon region of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, and in a captive population at South Dakota State University. Through repeated testing of free-ranging individuals in Hells Canyon, we have identified individual differences in shedding of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae, a primary pathogen in the bighorn sheep respiratory disease complex.  We also found that when penned separately in captivity, lambs of ewes that consistently tested positive (chronic shedders) were infected and died of pneumonia, whereas lambs born to ewes from an infected population that tested negative (non-shedders), were not infected and survived.  Over the next 4 years we plan to 1) continue and expand testing of free-ranging and captive animals, 2) determine whether removal of chronic-shedder ewes improves lamb survival in free-ranging populations, 3) expand and replicate chronic-shedder commingling experiments in captivity, and 4) establish and monitor a new population founded with non-shedders from an infected population

    Media justice: Madeleine McCann, intermediatization and "trial by media" in the British press

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    Three-year-old Madeleine McCann disappeared on 3 May 2007 from a holiday apartment in Portugal. Over five years and multiple investigations that failed to solve this abducted child case, Madeleine and her parents were subject to a process of relentless ‘intermediatization’. Across 24–7 news coverage, websites, documentaries, films, YouTube videos, books, magazines, music and artworks, Madeleine was a mediagenic image of innocence and a lucrative story. In contrast to Madeleine’s media sacralization, the representation of her parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, fluctuated between periods of vociferous support and prolonged and libellous ‘trial by media’. This article analyses how the global intermediatization of the ‘Maddie Mystery’ fed into and fuelled the ‘trial by media’ of Kate and Gerry McCann in the UK press. Our theorization of ‘trial by media’ is developed and refined through considering its legal limitations in an era of ‘attack journalism’ and unprecedented official UK inquiries into press misconduct and criminality