662 research outputs found

    A Case Study on the Efficacy of STEM Pedagogy in Central New York State: Examining STEM Engagement Gaps Affecting Outcomes for High School Seniors and Post-2007 Educational Leadership Interventions to Reinforce STEM Persistence with Implications of STEM Theoretic Frameworks on Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

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    STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) has gained significant notoriety and momentum in recent years. STEM literacy highlights the vital connection between an educated STEM workforce and U.S. national prosperity and leadership. STEM educational and job placement goals have been a national priority for over the past 20 years. However, the STEM gap is widening—contributing to increasing STEM pipeline leakage and the social injustice milieu of a noncompetitive workforce— undermining efforts to create prosperity and sustain global leadership. The pace of STEM jobs filled lags the rate of technological advancement and the surges in skilled STEM labor demand. The aggregate disparity over time has troubling implications. The purpose of the study was to examine the STEM gap touchpoints for a Central New York high school during the transition period upon entering college or the workforce. A qualitative case study used Lesh’s translation model as a research framework. A semi-structured, focus group protocol was employed to gain a fresh perspective on the STEM gap problem and identify purposeful interventions. A major finding was the slow pace of adopting institutional reforms that replaces standardscompetency-based learning with progressive application- and outcome-based pedagogy. The study has implications for school districts, secondary schools, and higher education teacher preparedness programs in STEM pedagogy and curriculum development. A knowledge-based, progressive STEM theoretic framework with pedagogical scaffolding is conceptualized rooted in artificial intelligence and machine learning. The study presents recommendations for school districts, secondary education teachers, state education and legislative leaders, higher education institutions, and future research

    Rethinking Our Future: Moving Past December 31, 2010

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    This presentation features: Past, Present and Future; Redefining Old Age…Young-Old (Neugarten); A Lesson to be Learned…; Young-Old Concerns…; Counties with the highest percentage of 65 -74; Aging is a process…not an event; Redefining old age…Oldest-Old (Neugarten); Oldest-Old Concerns; Counties with the highest percentage 85 +; A glimpse of the state; Forget the Sweet Little Old Lady Model…; When does it all begin? The Nebraska example:; Aging of the US population; What’s All the Fuss About Aging?; Age at Time of Death; Changes are a happenin’; From childhood education to gerontology; Alpha Boomers -coined by Alan Wurtzel; AARP and NASCAR -Connecting the Generations; Where are all the alpha boomers???; Parents supporting adult children; Parental Support; Potential Implications of Parental Support; Caregiving 2011 -It’s not for the faint of heart…; The Alzheimer’s Generation; Future Considerations; and Our Future??

    Guanfacine treatment improves ADHD phenotypes of impulsivity and hyperactivity in a neurofibromatosis type 1 mouse model

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    BACKGROUND: Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is an autosomal dominant disorder with a mutation in one copy of the neurofibromin gene (NF1+/-). Even though approximately 40-60% of children with NF1 meet the criteria for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), very few preclinical studies, if any, have investigated alterations in impulsivity and risk-taking behavior. Mice with deletion of a single NF1 gene (Nf1+/-) recapitulate many of the phenotypes of NF1 patients. METHODS: We compared wild-type (WT) and Nf1+/- mouse strains to investigate differences in impulsivity and hyperactivity using the delay discounting task (DDT), cliff avoidance reaction (CAR) test, and open field. We also investigated whether treatment with the clinically effective alpha-2A adrenergic receptor agonist, guanfacine (0.3 mg/kg, i.p.), would reverse deficits observed in behavioral inhibition. RESULTS: Nf1+/- mice chose a higher percentage of smaller rewards when both 10- and 20-s delays were administered compared to WT mice, suggesting Nf1+/- mice are more impulsive. When treated with guanfacine (0.3 mg/kg, i.p.), Nf1+/- mice exhibited decreased impulsive choice by waiting for the larger, delayed reward. Nf1+/- mice also exhibited deficits in behavioral inhibition compared to WT mice in the CAR test by repetitively entering the outer edge of the platform where they risk falling. Treatment with guanfacine ameliorated these deficits. In addition, Nf1+/- mice exhibited hyperactivity as increased distance was traveled compared to WT controls in the open field. This hyperactivity in Nf1+/- mice was reduced with guanfacine pre-treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, our study confirms that Nf1+/- mice exhibit deficits in behavioral inhibition in multiple contexts, a key feature of ADHD, and can be used as a model system to identify alterations in neural circuitry associated with symptoms of ADHD in children with NF1

    Investigation of electron cut-off in a cylindrical electrode system in pulsed magnetic field of an inductor

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    The effect of electron cut-off from the anode in a cylindrical coaxial electrode system with an inhomogeneity of electric and magnetic fields along the axis is investigated by numerical simulation. The effect is caused by the pulsed magnetic field of the external inductor and the secondary magnetic fields generated by the eddy currents in the electrodes. The inhomogeneity of the fields is due to short length of the cathode and the inductor, and also by the internal protrusion at the anode opposite the cathode for the concentration of the magnetic field. The electrons escape along the axis from the interelectrode gap. To capture them, end cup-shaped collectors are introduced, for which the voltage of up to 300 V is applied when the anode voltage is of 10 kV. The results of the work can be used in designing a high-voltage current interrupter, for analyzing the conditions of magnetic initiation of a magnetron discharge, and the characteristics of magnetron electron guns.Досліджується методом чисельного моделювання ефект відсічення електронів від анода в системі циліндричних коаксіальних електродів з неоднорідністю електричного і магнітного полів уздовж осі. Ефект викликається імпульсним магнітним полем зовнішнього індуктора і вторинними магнітними полями, що генеруються вихровими струмами в електродах. Неоднорідність полів обумовлена малою довжиною катода і індуктора, а також внутрішнім виступом на аноді в області катода для підвищення концентрації магнітного поля. Має місце вихід електронів з міжелектродного проміжку уздовж осі. Для їх уловлювання вводяться торцеві чашоподібні колектори, на які подається напруга до 300 В при анодній напрузі 10 кВ. Результати роботи можуть бути використані при проектуванні високовольтного переривника струму, для аналізу умов магнітного ініціювання магнетронного розряду і характеристик магнетронних електронних гармат.Исследуется методом численного моделирования эффект отсечки электронов от анода в цилиндрической коаксиальной системе электродов с неоднородностью электрического и магнитного полей вдоль оси. Эффект вызывается импульсным магнитным полем внешнего индуктора и вторичными магнитными полями, генерируемыми вихревыми токами в электродах. Неоднородность полей обусловлена малой длиной катода и индуктора, а также внутренним выступом на аноде напротив катода для концентрации магнитного поля. Имеет место уход электронов вдоль оси из межэлектродного промежутка. Для их улавливания вводятся торцевые чашеобразные коллекторы, на которые подаётся напряжение до 300 В при анодном напряжении 10 кВ. Результаты работы могут быть использованы при проектировании высоковольтного прерывателя тока, для анализа условий магнитного инициирования магнетронного разряда и характеристик магнетронных электронных пушек

    Microbiological changes in meat and minced meat from beavers (Castor fiber L.) during refrigerated and frozen storage

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    This study aims to evaluate the microbiological status, pH, and water activity of European beaver meat to establish its shelf-life and microbiological safety. In this study, the microbiological profiles of meat and minced meat obtained from the carcasses of beavers were investigated. Microbial evaluation of the chilled meat was performed within 24 h after hunting, on the 7th day and 14th day, and the evaluation of the frozen meat was made during the 11th week of storage. Meat samples were analysed for total viable count (TVC), psychrotrophic bacteria count (PBC), Enterobacteriaceae count (EBC), Escherichia coli count (EC), total staphylococcal count (TSC), lactic acid bacteria count (LABC) and total yeast and mould counts (TYMC). Tests for the presence of pathogenic bacteria from the genus Salmonella and Listeria were also performed. Additionally, the pH and water activity were determined. The initial amount of TVC was 4.94 log CFU/g in meat samples and 4.80 log CFU/g in minced meat. After 14 days of storage, the TVC increased to 8.33 in meat samples and 8.08 log CFU/g in minced meat. Pathogenic bacteria such as Listeria and Salmonella were not found in the beaver meat tested. The microbiological state of meat stored frozen for 11 weeks was comparable to the state found in meat stored refrigerated for seven days regarding the number of microorganisms

    Validation of two-dimensional vertebral body parameters in estimating patient height in elderly patients

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    Objectives: Standardised comparison of abdominal muscle and adipose tissue is often utilised in morphometric clinical research. Whilst measurements are traditionally standardised against the patient’s height, this may not be always practically feasible. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between measurements of the vertebral body and patient height. Methods: We analysed cross-sectional CT scans. Measurements of the vertebral body area (VBA), anteroposterior vertebral body diameter (APVBD) and lateral vertebral body diameter (LVBD) were made by two independent investigators by manual tracing. Patients were randomly divided into two groups: Group 1 standardisation and Group 2 validation. We compared height and vertebral body parameters from patients in Group 1 and mathematically modelled this relationship. We then utilised the model to predict the height of patients in Group 2 and compared this with their actual height. Observer variability was assessed using Bland–Altman plots and t-tests of differences. Results: CT scans from 382 patients were analysed. No significant intraobserver or interobserver differences were apparent when measuring vertebral body parameters. We describe models which enable the prediction of the patients’ height using the measured VBA, APVBD and LVBD. No significant differences were observed between the patients predicted and actual heights in the validation group. Conclusions: We demonstrate an important relationship between measurements of the patient’s height and the vertebral body. This can be utilised in future research when the patient’s height has not been measured. Advances in knowledge: In the absence of the patient’s height, we demonstrate that two-dimensional vertebral body parameters may be reliably used to standardise morphometric measurements

    Target Localization and Tracking in Non-Coherent Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Radar Systems

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    For a non-coherent MIMO radar system, the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the target location and velocity, as well as the corresponding CRLB matrix, is derived. MIMO radar’s potential in localization and tracking performance is demonstrated by adopting simple Gaussian pulse waveforms. Due to the short duration of the Gaussian pulses, a very high localization performance can be achieved, even when the matched filter ignores the Doppler effect by matching to zero Doppler shift. This leads to significantly reduced complexities for the matched filter and the MLE. Further, two interactive signal processing and tracking algorithms, based on the Kalman filter and the particle filter respectively, are proposed for non-coherent MIMO radar target tracking. For a system with a large number of transmit/receive elements and a high SNR value, the Kalman filter (KF) is a good choice; while for a system with a small number of elements and a low SNR value, the particle filter outperforms the KF significantly. In both methods, the tracker provides predictive information regarding the target location, so that the matched filter can match to the most probable target locations, reducing the complexity of the matched filter and improving the tracking performance. Since tracking is performed without detection, the presented approach can be deemed as a track-before-detect approach. It is demonstrated through simulations that the non-coherent MIMO radar provides significant tracking performance improvement over a monostatic phased array radar with high range and azimuth resolutions. Further, the effects of coherent integration of pulses are investigated for both the phased array radar and a hybrid MIMO radar, where only the pulses transmitted and received by co-located transceivers are coherently integrated and the other pulses are combined non-coherently. It is shown that the hybrid MIMO radar achieves significant tracking performance improvement when compared to the phased array radar, by using the extra Doppler information obtained through coherent pulse integration

    Capsule endoscopy for screening colon tumors

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    Department of General Surgery with a course of endoscopy of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education and Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Leningrad Regional Oncologic Dispensary, Department of Faculty Surgery. prof. A.A. Rusanov of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education and Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroduction: Most of the colon tumors are detected in the later stages. The introduction of new, minimally invasive technologies into clinical practice allows to improve the results of the diagnosis of neoplasms. Material and methods: Capsule endoscopy is a procedure for colon examination using a miniature camera, which takes more than 10,000 images of colon at a speed of 4 to 24 frames per second. For the patient, the procedure itself does not cause discomfort. On the day of the study, the patient may do his usual activities. The indications for capsular examination of the colon may be suspected tumor of the colon, a positive test of fecal occult blood test, and the patient is over 50 years old. We made a decision to launch a pilot project for screening the colon among health care workers in Oncology Dispensary of Leningrad Region. Results: In the years 2017-2018, we performed 67 capsule colon examinations for medical workers who had not previously performed a colonoscopy. A total colon investigation was performed in 58 patients (87%). Among these patients 2 malignant tumors of the colon (3.5%) were detected. Colon epithelial neoplasia was detected in 11 patients (19%). These findings contributed to perform colonoscopy with endoscopic polypectomy. Conclusion: Capsule endoscopy of the colon can be used for examination, in cases where colonoscopy is not possible. Capsule endoscopy helps to convince the patient of the need to perform colonoscopy. Capsule endoscopy is a safe method for screening colorectal cancer

    Events in the affective city: Affect, attention and alignment in two ordinary urban events

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    In a representational regime, planned urban events are used by urban planners to render urban projects visible and acceptable. As a corollary of the focus of urban studies on their representational dimension and in spite of a burgeoning literature on the notion of affective urbanism, the experiential character of events remains surprisingly unexplored. This paper argues that an ordinary regime of events is mobilised by city-makers to act on the embodied, affective experience of the city and on the ways urban dwellers know and act upon the city. By analysing planned urban events in their embodied, experiential dimension, we focus on the ways in which, through the design of ephemeral material dispositives, urbanists attempt to encourage citizens to incorporate ways of knowing and acting on space and on the modalities of knowing and acting that are at play. We stage an encounter between critical event studies and Ingoldian approaches to affect and attention, examining two urban events in a Swiss canton. We show how intense encounters with urban matter are staged in an attempt to modulate affects, guide attention, and produce alignment with a specific political project, asking urban dwellers either to embody a project still in the making or to cultivate expectations regarding an already-written future