48 research outputs found

    Directions for the Development of Agro-Engineering Education in Russia After the Pandemic

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    There is a decrease in general intellectual development level and mastery of a certain range of logical operations when learning. The decrease is compensated with the help of increased motivation and efficiency. When managing students’ cognitive processes and learning motives, it is important to consider the formation stages of logical and theoretical thinking. The authors found that insufficient professional orientation and low level of academic motivation hold a second position among the student dropout reasons, after the lack of desire to study and work in the chosen direction. If we consider the state of a graduate student at an agricultural university from the point of preparedness for the production process, then the professional education and competencies that the future specialist has mastered largely determine their competitiveness on the labor market. Since the current education system has never experienced the problems that the pandemic caused, it is necessary to reconsider the further development of the education system on an innovative base using not only distance (remote) education but also digital technologies


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    The global climate problem of climate warming has led to the active development of renewable energy almost all over the world. Many European countries and international corporations are already striving for carbon neutrality.This article analyzes the current trends in the development of the renewable energy sources industry in the world and in Russia, assesses the applicability of renewable energy sources in the oil and gas industry and the impact of the coronavirus crisis on the perspectives for renewable energy. The analysis of the indicators of the volumes of commissioning of generating capacities for 2020 is given, the obstacles encountered in the development of the industry due to the unstable global situation are considered.The article also discusses investment in renewable energy by oil and gas companies and their transformation under the influence of the renewable energy sector, as well as the participation of Russian companies in this transformation and their long-term prospects in relation to renewable energy


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    The global climate problem of climate warming has led to the active development of renewable energy almost all over the world. Many European countries and international corporations are already striving for carbon neutrality.This article analyzes the current trends in the development of the renewable energy sources industry in the world and in Russia, assesses the applicability of renewable energy sources in the oil and gas industry and the impact of the coronavirus crisis on the perspectives for renewable energy. The analysis of the indicators of the volumes of commissioning of generating capacities for 2020 is given, the obstacles encountered in the development of the industry due to the unstable global situation are considered.The article also discusses investment in renewable energy by oil and gas companies and their transformation under the influence of the renewable energy sector, as well as the participation of Russian companies in this transformation and their long-term prospects in relation to renewable energy.Глобальная проблема изменения климата привела к активному развитию возобновляемой энергетики практически по всему миру. Множество европейских стран и международных корпораций уже сегодня стремятся к углеродной нейтральности.В настоящей статье проанализированы сложившиеся тенденции развития отрасли возобновляемых источников энергии в мире и в России, оценены применимость ВИЭ в нефтегазовой отрасли и влияние коронакризиса на перспективы возобновляемой энергетики. Приведен анализ показателей объемов ввода генерирующих мощностей за 2020 год, описаны возникшие препятствия в развитии отрасли в связи с нестабильным характером мировой ситуации.Также в статье рассмотрены особенности инвестирования в ВИЭ со стороны нефтегазовых компаний и их трансформация под влиянием сектора возобновляемых источников энергии, а также участие российских компаний в этой трансформации


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    Having analysed the domestic and foreign experience of developing the market of microgeneration based on renewable energy sources (RES) the authors conclude that a smart industrial policy can ensure an expedited transition to zero-carbon economy and stimulate economic growth. Research background – Russia’s commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Research purpose – assessing the prospects and barriers in the development of microgeneration based on RES. Methods – generalising, comparing, analysing empirical evidence of microgeneration market development in Russia and abroad, calculating the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of a solar plant and comparing it with current low voltage tariffs for small and medium-sized businesses. Results and novelty – the authors have determined the most effective industrial policy tools for developing the market of microgeneration based on RES.Базируясь на анализе отечественного и зарубежного опыта развития рынка микрогенерации на основе возобновляемых источников энергии (ВИЭ), авторы приходят к выводу, что за счет реализации продуманной промышленной политики возможно обеспечить ускоренный переход к безуглеродной экономике и стимулировать экономический рост. Предпосылки исследования – обязательства России по достижению углеродной нейтральности к 2060 году. Цель исследования – оценить перспективы и барьеры, сдерживающие развитие возобновляемой микрогенерации на основе ВИЭ.В статье были использованы обобщение, сравнение, анализ эмпирических данных развития рынка микрогенерации в России и за рубежом, сделан расчет стоимости солнечной электростанции и проведено сравнение с существующими тарифами на низком напряжении для малого и среднего бизнеса. Определены наиболее действенные инструменты промышленной политики в области развития рынка микрогенерации на основе ВИЭ


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    Having analysed the domestic and foreign experience of developing the market of microgeneration based on renewable energy sources (RES) the authors conclude that a smart industrial policy can ensure an expedited transition to zero-carbon economy and stimulate economic growth. Research background – Russia’s commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Research purpose – assessing the prospects and barriers in the development of microgeneration based on RES. Methods – generalising, comparing, analysing empirical evidence of microgeneration market development in Russia and abroad, calculating the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of a solar plant and comparing it with current low voltage tariffs for small and medium-sized businesses. Results and novelty – the authors have determined the most effective industrial policy tools for developing the market of microgeneration based on RES

    Роль пэт в лечении В-клеточных лимфопролиферативных заболеваний в рутинной клинической практике в России

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    Objective. Assessment of the role of positron emission tomography (PET) in the diagnosis and treatment of B‑cell lymphoproliferative disorders (B-LPD) in Russian real‑world clinical practice from 2014 to 2017.Materials and Methods. The EQUILIBRIUM, a post marketing multicenter study, included 1000 patients aged 21 to 91 years with a verified diagnosis of B‑cell non‑Hodgkin»s lymphoma (B-NHL) or chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) who received at least 4 cycles of rituximab‑containing therapy with Acellbia®. The main method for the assessment of the disease dissemination, the size and location of the lesions was computed tomography, which was used in 76.2 % of patients. PET was performed in 324 (32.4 %) patients: in 152 (47 %) cases during initial diagnosis, PET during treatment in 102 (31 %) patients and — in the vast majority, i. e. 310 (96 %) patients — after completion of induction chemo‑immunotherapy. Results. According to the results of interim PET, complete remission was achieved in 44 (43 %) of 102 patients, partial remission — in 53 (52 %) cases, stabilization of the disease was observed in 5 (5 %) patients, and no cases of progression among patients who underwent interim PET was detected. The main evidence of the final PET assessment efficacy was the achievement of complete remission (CR) in 235 (75.8 %) cases; partial remission (PR) was observed in only 61 (19.7 %) patients, and disease progression was reported in 14 (4.5 %) of cases. The median follow‑up was 15 months (range from 1 to 42 months). As expected, the median overall survival (OS) as well as the median event‑free survival (EFS) has not been reached for this period of time. There was a statistically significant effect of the results of interim PET on event‑free survival (p = 0.07661) without a significant effect on overall survival (p = 0.69868). The depth of response recorded during the final PET scan turned out to be a prognostically significant factor for both EFS and OS (p = 0.00000).Conclusion. Positron emission tomography is a modern and effective method for diagnosing and assessing the efficacy of therapy in B‑cell lymphoproliferative disorders, which is used for only 1 / 3 of patients in a real‑world clinical practice. Nevertheless, the role of this method in assessing the effectiveness of therapy is beyond doubt.Цель. Оценка роли позитронно-эмиссионной томографии (ПЭТ) в диагностике и лечении В-клеточных лимфопролиферативных заболеваний (В-ЛПЗ) в российской клинической практике в период с 2014 по 2017 год.Материалы и методы. В пострегистрационное многоцентровое исследование EQUILIBRIUM было включено 1000 пациентов в возрасте от 21 до 91 года с верифицированным диагнозом В-клеточной неходжкинской лимфомы (В-НХЛ) или хронического лимфолейкоза (ХЛЛ), получивших не менее 4 циклов ритуксимаб-содержащей терапии препаратом Ацеллбия®. Основным способом оценки распространенности заболевания, размеров и локализации поражений являлась компьютерная томография, которая проведена 76,2% пациентов. Позитронно-эмиссионная томография (ПЭТ) на том или ином этапе была проведена 324 (32,4%) пациентам: в 152 (47%) случаях — при первичной диагностике, промежуточная ПЭТ — 102 (31%) пациентам и подавляющему большинству — 310 (96%) больным — после полной программы индукционной химио-иммунотерапии. Результаты. По данным результатов промежуточной ПЭТ полная ремиссия была достигнута у 44 (43%) из 102 пациентов, частичная ремиссия — в 53 (52%) случаях, стабилизация отмечена у 5 (5%) больных; прогрессирование среди пациентов, которым выполнялась промежуточная ПЭТ, не выявлено. Основным проявлением эффективности на этапе финальной ПЭТ-оценки среди 310 больных было достижение полной ремиссии (ПР) — в 235 (75,8%) случаях; частичная ремиссия (ЧР) зарегистрирована всего у 61 (19,7%) больного, также зарегистрировано 14 (4,5%) случаев прогрессирования заболевания. Медиана наблюдения за пациентами составила 15 месяцев (диапазон от 1 до 42 мес.). Медиана общей выживаемости (ОВ), также как и медиана бессобытийной выживаемости (БСВ), как и ожидалось, за этот период времени достигнута не была. Отмечено статистически достоверное влияние результатов промежуточной ПЭТ на БСВ (р = 0,07661) без существенного воздействия на ОВ (р = 0,69868). Глубина ответа, зафиксированная при финальной ПЭТ, оказалась прогностически значимым фактором как для БСВ, так и для ОВ (р = 0,00000).Заключение. Современным методом диагностики и оценки эффекта при В-клеточных лимфопролиферативных заболеваниях является позитронно-эмиссионная томография, которая в рутинной клинической практике выполняется лишь у 1 / 3 пациентов. Тем не менее, роль этого метода в оценке эффективности терапии не вызывает сомнений

    Structural and Morphological Features of Anisotropic Chitosan Hydrogels Obtained by Ion-Induced Neutralization in a Triethanolamine Medium

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    For the first time, anisotropic hydrogel material with a highly oriented structure was obtained by the chemical reaction of polymer-analogous transformation of chitosan glycolate—chitosan base using triethanolamine (TEA) as a neutralizing reagent. Tangential bands or concentric rings, depending on the reaction conditions, represent the structural anisotropy of the hydrogel. The formation kinetics and the ratio of the positions of these periodic structures are described by the Liesegang regularities. Detailed information about the bands is given (formation time, coordinate, width, height, and formation rate). The supramolecular ordering anisotropy of the resulting material was evaluated both by the number of Liesegang bands (up to 16) and by the average values of the TEA diffusion coefficient ((15–153) × 10−10 and (4–33) × 10−10 m2/s), corresponding to the initial and final phase of the experiment, respectively. The minimum chitosan concentration required to form a spatial gel network and, accordingly, a layered anisotropic structure was estimated as 1.5 g/dL. Morphological features of the structural anisotropic ordering of chitosan Liesegang structures are visualized by scanning electron microscopy. The hemocompatibility of the material obtained was tested, and its high sorption–desorption properties were evaluated using the example of loading–release of cholecalciferol (loading degree ~35–45%, 100% desorption within 25–28 h), which was observed for a hydrophobic substance inside a chitosan-based material for the first time. © 2023 by the authors.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 22-23-00320The study was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation № 22-23-00320, https://rscf.ru/project/22-23-00320/, accessed on 3 November 2023

    Features of the gastric periodic activity in conditions of NO-ergic system disbalance

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    Nitric oxide is the main inhibitory mediator of the gastrointestinal smooth muscles’ relaxation which stimulates duodenal mucus and bicarbonate secretion. More recent studies have demonstrated that NO also protected the gastrointestinal tract by inhibiting gastric acid secretion. In this study we investigated gastric secretory and motor activity considering the NO imbalance condition. The experiments were carried out on male white laboratory rats (200–230 g). The control group was treated with 0.9% NaCl solution. The injections of NO donator (1.5 mg/kg of 0.1% (Sigma-Aldrich) sodium nitroprusside solution) were made in the second and the third groups during 6 and 12 days. The fourth and the fifth group were treated with NO synthesis inhibitor (40 mg/kg of 1% solution (Sigma-Aldrich) Nω-nitro-L-arginine) during 6 and 12 days respectively. Recording of gastric myoelectric activity (GMA) and gastric juice collection were carried out under anesthesia (ketamine, 110 mg/kg). Next, its volume, pH, glycoprotein and pepsin were measured. Within 6-days stimulation of NO excess decreased gastric juice volume by 47% and increased pH compared to control samples. Pepsin level increased by 62% and glycoprotein level decreased by 68% compared to the checkpoint. After 6 days of L-NNA injections we observed the increase of gastric juice secretion volume (78%) and pH level, however, pepsin concentration remained unchanged. Glycoprotein level increased by 21% compared to control samples. After 12 day NO synthesis inhibitor injections gastric secretion volume increased by 85%. Gastric juice pH level was 200% higher than the control value and exceeded gastric juice pH level (62%) in the third group. In addition, pepsin level tended to decrease when NO deficiency simulation was prolonged. Glycoprotein level decreased by 41% compared to control samples and by 51% compared to the third group. Pepsin level decreased after 12 day NO-inhibitor injections as gastric juice pH level increased. After 12 day Na-nitroprusside treatment, gastric myoelectric index decreased by 42% compared to the checkpoint. The type of contractions is typical to the I phase of the basic electrical rhythm (BER). Also, retrograde entrainment of duodenal rhythm took place. After 6 day L-NNA injections, GMA was the same as the period between II and III phase of BER. Late second and early third phases predominated, while the I phase wasn’t detected during the recording. In case of long-lasting disorder of NO-system, motor index value significantly differed from the control group samples and depended on the duration of NO-synthase blocking. On the 6th day of L-NNA treatment, the level of motor index increased 1.5 times. GMA phases could be identified only on the basis of motor index values. Stomach’s own rhythms disappeared and duodenogastric reflux resulted in domination of duodenal rhythms. After 12 day L-NNA injections, duration of the II and III phases increased while the I phase of gastric BER disappeared; gastric motor index decreased by 27%. After considering the results of the current investigation, it can be stated that NO system imbalance leads to desynchronization of gastric active phases and, perhaps, reassigns the influence of different compensatory-adaptive mechanisms. The longer is the L-NNA treatment, the more gastric functions are imbalanced and the stronger is the process of destruction


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    Objective. Comparison of Axoglatiran® FS (F-Sintez,  Russia) and Copaxone®-Teva (Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.,  Israel) efficiency and safety in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Materials and methods. In the study 150 patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis were randomized into 2 groups: patients in the 1st group (n = 100) received treatment with Axoglatiran® FS, patients in the 2nd group (n = 50) received treatment with Copaxone®-Teva. Vital signs of every patient in the study were monitored accompanied by physical examinations, neurological examinations with EDSS (Expanded Disability Status Scale) and MSFC (Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite) evaluations, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and lab tests. Results. Mean age (M ± SD) of the patients in the 1st group was 32.8 ± 8.7 years (20–54  years), percentages of men and women were 34 and 66 % respectively, mean age of multiple sclerosis onset was 27.93 ± 7.72 years (11–48 years). Median (Me), lower and upper quartiles estimates [LQ; UQ] on the EDSS scale were 2 [1.5; 3.0] steps (1.0–4.5  steps). In the 2nd group mean age of the patients was 35.2 ± 9.5 years (18–57  years), percentages of men and women were 24 and 76 % respectively, mean age of multiple sclerosis onset was 26.5 ± 6.9 years (18–47  years), EDSS estimates were 2.25 [1.5; 3.5] steps (1–5  steps). In the 1st group 88 (88 %) patients completed the study, in the 2nd  group 44 (88 %) patients completed the study. Among them in 73 (82.95 %) patients in the 1st group and 34 (77.27 %) patients in the 2nd  group the disease didn’t exacerbate (p > 0.05). In both groups no progression according to the EDSS and MSFC scale was observed (p > 0.05). Magnetic resonance imaging data showed that dynamics of the total number of T2 lesions, contrast-enhancing T1 lesions, atrophy degree estimated using internuclear index were comparable in both groups (p > 0.05). Safety profiles of Axoglatiran® FS and Copaxone®Teva were evaluated as satisfactory in both groups: local reactions were the most common adverse event (57.7 and 63.0 % in the 1st  and 2nd groups respectively).Conclusion. Efficiency, safety and tolerability of Axoglatiran® FS is comparable with the reference medicine Copaxone®-Teva in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. This result allows to recommend the use of Axoglatiran® FS in clinical practice.Цель исследования. Сравнение эффективности и безопасности применения препарата Аксоглатиран®  ФС (ЗАО «Ф-Синтез», Россия) и препарата Копаксон®-Тева (Тева Фармацевтические Предприятия Лтд., Израиль) у пациентов с рецидивирующим ремиттирующим рассеянным склерозом.Материалы и методы. Всего в исследование были включены 150 больных рецидивирующим ремиттирующим рассеянным склерозом, рандомизированных в 2 группы: пациенты 1-й группы (n = 100) получали лечение препаратом Аксоглатиран® ФС, пациенты 2-й группы (n = 50) – препаратом Копаксон®-Тева. Всем больным осуществляли анализ жизненно важных показателей, физикальный осмотр, неврологический осмотр с оценкой по EDSS (ExpandedDisabilityStatusScale, расширенная шкала оценки степени инвалидизации), MSFC (MultipleSclerosisFunctionalComposite, комплексная функциональная шкала), магнитно-резонансную томографию головного мозга, лабораторные анализы.Результаты. Средний возраст (M ± SD) пациентов 1-й группы составил 32,8 ± 8,7 года (20–54 года), доля мужчин и женщин – 34 и 66 % соответственно, средний возраст дебюта рассеянного склероза – 27,93 ± 7,72 года (11–48 лет). Оценка медианы (Me), нижнего и верхнего квартилей [LQ; UQ] по шкале EDSS – 2 [1,5; 3,0] балла (1,0–4,5 балла). Во 2-й группе средний возраст пациентов – 35,2 ± 9,5 года (18–57 лет), доля мужчин и женщин – 24 и 76 % соответственно, средний возраст дебюта рассеянного склероза – 26,5 ± 6,9 года (18–47  лет), оценка по EDSS – 2,25 [1,5; 3,5] балла (1–5  баллов). В 1-й группе исследование в полном объеме завершили 88 (88 %) пациентов, во 2-й – 44 (88 %). Из них 73 (82,95 %) больных 1-й группы и 34 (77,27 %) пациента 2-й группы не имели обострений (p > 0,05). В обеих группах прогрессирования по оценкам EDSS и MSFC не отмечено (p > 0,05). По данным магнитно-резонансной томографии динамика общего количества Т2-очагов, контрастируемых Т1-очагов, объема Т2-очагов, критерия атрофии по межъядерному показателю в обеих группах была сопоставимой (p > 0,05). Профиль безопасности применения препаратов Аксоглатиран® ФС и Копаксон®-Тева был оценен как удовлетворительный в обеих группах: чаще наблюдались местные реакции (57,7 и 63,0 % в 1-й и 2-й группах соответственно).Выводы. Эффективность, безопасность и переносимость исследуемого препарата Аксоглатиран® ФС сопоставимы с референтным препаратом Копаксон®-Тева у пациентов с рецидивирующим ремиттирующим рассеянным склерозом, что позволяет рекомендовать его для внедрения в клиническую практику