59,486 research outputs found

    Preliminary results of unsteady blade surface pressure measurements for the SR-3 propeller

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    Unsteady blade surface pressures were measured on an advanced, highly swept propeller known as SR-3. These measurements were obtained because the unsteady aerodynamics of these highly loaded transonic blades is important to noise generation and aeroelastic response. Specifically, the response to periodic angle-of-attack change was measured for both two- and eight-bladed configurations over a range of flight Mach numbers from 0.4 to 0.85. The periodic angle-of-attack change was obtained by placing the propeller axis at angles up to 4 deg to the flow. Most of the results are presented in terms of the unsteady pressure coefficient variation with Mach number. Both cascade and Mach number effects were largest on the suction surface near the leading edge. The results of a three-dimensional Euler code applied in a quasi-steady fashion were compared to measured data at the reduced frequency of 0.1 and showed relatively poor agreement. Pressure waveforms are shown that suggest shock phenomena may play an important part in the unsteady pressure response at some blade locations

    PIA update: Correlation analyses of mass spectra

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    The PIA instrument aboard the Giotto spacecraft (a time of flight spectrometer) has been presented elsewhere. The mass spectra used in this analysis were decoded and mass numbers assigned according to the presence of carbon and silver, using the global values for these elements in their spectral absence. The results presented here were obtained using a frequency of occurrence based on analysis which correlated how often mass numbers appear in the mass spectra and which mass numbers tend to occur together in the same spectra; no amplitude information is utilized. The data are presented as plots of mass vs coincident mass for different subsets of the PIA data set, with both axes having units of atomic mass. Frequency contours are plotted at approximately five percent contour intervals, relative to the maximum AMU occurrence in that plot. The plots presented are symmetrical about the matrix diagonal, i.e., every mass is coincident with itself in a given spectra

    Advanced dosimetry systems for the space transport and space station

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    Advanced dosimetry system concepts are described that will provide automated and instantaneous measurement of dose and particle spectra. Systems are proposed for measuring dose rate from cosmic radiation background to greater than 3600 rads/hr. Charged particle spectrometers, both internal and external to the spacecraft, are described for determining mixed field energy spectra and particle fluxes for both real time onboard and ground-based computer evaluation of the radiation hazard. Automated passive dosimetry systems consisting of thermoluminescent dosimeters and activation techniques are proposed for recording the dose levels for twelve or more crew members. This system will allow automatic onboard readout and data storage of the accumulated dose and can be transmitted to ground after readout or data records recovered with each crew rotation

    Sovereign Wealth Funds: Form and Function in the 21st Century

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    As representatives of nation-states in global financial markets, sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) share a common form and many functions. Arguably their form and functions owe as much to a shared (global) moment of institutional formation as they owe their form and functions to the hegemony of Anglo-American finance over the late 20th and early 21st centuries. We distinguish between the immediate future for SWFs in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, and two possible long-term scenarios; one of which sees SWFs becoming financial goliaths dominating global markets, while the other sees SWFs morphing into nation-state development institutions that intermediate between financial markets and the long-term commitments of the nation-state sponsors. If the former scenario dominates, global financial integration will accelerate with attendant costs and benefits. If the latter scenario dominates, SWFs are likely to differentiate and evolve, returning, perhaps, to their national traditions and their respective places in a world of contested power and influence. Here, we clarify the assumptions underpinning the conception and formation of sovereign wealth funds over the past twenty years or so in the face of the ‘new’ realities of global finance.Sovereign Wealth Funds, Crisis, Market Performance, Long-term Investment

    Nature of the spin liquid state of the Hubbard model on honeycomb lattice

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    Recent numerical work (Nature 464, 847 (2010)) indicates the existence of a spin liquid phase (SL) that intervenes between the antiferromagnetic and semimetallic phases of the half filled Hubbard model on a honeycomb lattice. To better understand the nature of this exotic phase, we study the quantum J1J2J_1-J_2 spin model on the honeycomb lattice, which provides an effective description of the Mott insulating region of the Hubbard model. Employing the variational Monte Carlo approach, we analyze the phase diagram of the model, finding a phase transition between antiferromagnet and an unusual Z2Z_2 SL state at J2/J10.08J_2/J_1\approx 0.08, which we identify as the SL phase of the Hubbard model. At higher J2/J10.3J_2/J_1\gtrsim 0.3 we find a transition to a dimerized state with spontaneously broken rotational symmetry.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Internal friction and modulus in rocks at depth

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    Experimental results relevant to the seismic wave attenuation observed for the lunar crust are presented along with some results bearing on the mechanism by which the presence of volatiles increases the attenuation

    Measured and predicted noise of the Avco-Lycoming YF-102 turbofan noise

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    Acoustic testing of the AVCO-Lycoming YF-102 turbofan engine was done on a static test stand in support of the quiet short-haul research aircraft acoustic design. Overall noise levels were dominated by the fan noise emanating from the exhaust duct, except at high power settings when combination tones were generated in the fan inlet. Component noise levels, calculated by noise prediction methods were in reasonable agreement with the measured results. Far-field microphones placed at ground level were found superior to those at engine centerline height, even at high frequencies