2,230 research outputs found

    Physical States of the Quantum Conformal Factor

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    The conformal factor of the spacetime metric becomes dynamical due to the trace anomaly of matter fields. Its dynamics is described by an effective action which we quantize by canonical methods on the Einstein universe R×S3R\times S^3. We find an infinite tower of discrete states which satisfy the constraints of quantum diffeomorphism invariance. These physical states are in one-to-one correspondence with operators constructed by integrating integer powers of the Ricci scalar.Comment: PlainTeX File, 34 page

    Running Gauge Couplings and Thresholds in the Type II Superstring

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    A distinctive feature of string unification is the possibility of unification by a non-simply-laced group. This occurs most naturally in four dimensional type~II string models where the gauge symmetry is realized by Kac-Moody algebras at different levels. We investigate the running coupling constants and the one-loop thresholds for such general models. As a specific case, we examine a SU(3)×U(1)×U(1)\rm SU(3)\times U(1)\times U(1) model and find that the threshold corrections lead to a small 6%6\% increase in the unification scale.Comment: 12 pages, IFP-432-UN

    The Search for a realistic flipped SU(5) string model

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    We present an extensive search for a general class of flipped SU(5)SU(5) models built within the free fermionic formulation of the heterotic string. We describe a set of algorithms which constitute the basis for a computer program capable of generating systematically the massless spectrum and the superpotential of all possible models within the class we consider. Our search through the huge parameter space to be explored is simplified considerably by the constraint of N=1N=1 spacetime supersymmetry and the need for extra Q,QˉQ,\bar Q representations beyond the standard ones in order to possibly achieve string gauge coupling unification at scales of {\cal O}(10^{18}\GeV). Our results are remarkably simple and evidence the large degree of redundancy in this kind of constructions. We find one model with gauge group SU(5)\times U(1)_\ty\times SO(10)_h\times SU(4)_h\times U(1)^5 and fairly acceptable phenomenological properties. We study the DD- and FF-flatness constraints and the symmetry breaking pattern in this model and conclude that string gauge coupling unification is quite possible.Comment: 44 page

    Identifying new physics contributions in the Higgs sector at linear e+e- colliders

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    Loop driven decay modes of the Higgs are sensitive to new physics contributions because of new particles in the loops. To highlight this we look at the dilepton-dijet signal in the dominant Higgs production channel at a linear e+e- collider. We show that by taking a simple ratio between cross-sections of two different final states such contributions can be very easily identified.Comment: Latex 4 pages, 2 eps figures (style files included). Talk given at the linear collider workshop LCWS06, Bangalore, March 200

    Supersymmetry and Finite Radiative Electroweak Breaking from an Extra Dimension

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    A five dimensional N=1 supersymmetric theory compactified on the orbifold S1/Z2S^1/\mathbb{Z}_2 is constructed. Gauge fields and SU(2)LSU(2)_L singlets propagate in the bulk (UU-states) while SU(2)LSU(2)_L doublets are localized at an orbifold fixed point brane (TT-states). Zero bulk modes and localized states constitute the MSSM and massive modes are arranged into N=2 supermultiplets. Superpotential interactions on the brane are of the type UTTUTT. Supersymmetry is broken in the bulk by a Scherk-Schwarz mechanism using the U(1)RU(1)_R global RR-symmetry. A radiative finite electroweak breaking is triggered by the top-quark/squark multiplet T\mathbb{T} propagating in the bulk. The compactification radius RR is fixed by the minimization conditions and constrained to be 1/R \simlt 10-15 TeV. It is also constrained by precision electroweak measurements to be 1/R \simgt 4 TeV. The pattern of supersymmetric mass spectrum is well defined. In particular, the lightest supersymmetric particle is the sneutrino and the next to lightest supersymmetric particle the charged slepton, with a squared-mass difference MZ2\sim M_Z^2. The theory couplings, gauge and Yukawa, remain perturbative up to scales EE given, at one-loop, by ER \simlt 30-40. Finally, LEP searches on the MSSM Higgs sector imply an absolute lower bound on the SM-like Higgs mass, around 145 GeV in the one-loop approximation.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, Latex2e, axodraw.sty. Some changes concerning LEP Higgs searche

    Making Ends Meet: String Unification and Low-Energy Data

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    A long-standing problem in string phenomenology has been the fact that the string unification scale disagrees with the GUT scale obtained by extrapolating low-energy data within the framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). In this paper we examine several effects that may modify the minimal string predictions and thereby bring string-scale unification into agreement with low-energy data. These include heavy string threshold corrections, non-standard hypercharge normalizations, light SUSY thresholds, intermediate gauge structure, and thresholds arising from extra matter beyond the MSSM. We explicitly evaluate these contributions within a variety of realistic free-fermionic string models, including the flipped SU(5), SO(6) x SO(4), and various SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) models, and find that most of these sources do not substantially alter the minimal string predictions. Indeed, we find that the only way to reconcile string unification with low-energy data is through certain types of extra matter. Remarkably, however, many of the realistic string models contain precisely this required matter in their low-energy spectra.Comment: 10 pages, standard LaTeX, 1 figure (Encapsulated PostScript), version published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 (1995) 264

    Induced gravity on intersecting brane-worlds Part I: Maximally symmetric solutions

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    We explore models of intersecting brane-worlds with induced gravity terms on codimension one branes and on their intersection. Maximally symmetric solutions for the branes and the intersection are found. We find new self-accelerating solutions. In a 6d spacetime, the solutions realize the see-saw modification of gravity where the UV scale of the modification to 4d gravity is determined by 6d Planck scale given by M6103M_6 \sim 10^{-3}eV and the IR scale of the modification is determined by M62/M4H01042M_6^2/M_4 \sim H_0 \sim 10^{-42} GeV where H0H_0 is present-day Hubble scale. We find that it is increasingly difficult to construct phenomenologically viable models in higher-dimensional spacetime due to the necessity to have the lower value for the fundamental Planck scale to realize the late time acceleration. It is found that the system also admits self-tuning solutions where the tension at the intersection does not change the geometry of the intersection. The induced gravity terms can avoid the necessity to compactify the extra dimensions. Finally, we discuss the possibility to have ordinary matter at the intersection, without introducing any regularisation, using the induced gravity terms.Comment: 16 pages, some mistakes in the identification of the higher codimensional singular structure corrected. Main results unchange

    Gauge and Matter Condensates in Realistic String Models

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    We examine the inter-relationship of the superpotential containing hidden and observable matter fields and the ensuing condensates in free fermionic string models. These gauge and matter condensates of the strongly interacting hidden gauge groups play a crucial role in the determination of the physical parameters of the observable sector. Supplementing the above information with the requirement of modular invariance, we find that a generic model with only trilinear superpotential allows for a degenerate (and sometimes pathological) set of vacua. This degeneracy may be lifted by higher order terms in the superpotential. We also point out some other subtle points that may arise in calculations of this nature. We exemplify our observations by computing explicitly the modular invariant gaugino and matter condensates in the flipped SU(5) string model with hidden gauge group SO(10)×SU(4)SO(10)\times SU(4).Comment: 11 pages (7 if reduced

    Compact Hyperbolic Extra Dimensions: Branes, Kaluza-Klein Modes and Cosmology

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    We reconsider theories with low gravitational (or string) scale M_* where Newton's constant is generated via new large-volume spatial dimensions, while Standard Model states are localized to a 3-brane. Utilizing compact hyperbolic manifolds (CHM's) we show that the spectrum of Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes is radically altered. This allows an early universe cosmology with normal evolution up to substantial temperatures, and completely negates the constraints on M_* arising from astrophysics. Furthermore, an exponential hierarchy between the usual Planck scale and the true fundamental scale of physics can emerge with only order unity coefficients. The linear size of the internal space remains small. The proposal has striking testable signatures.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    A new scenario for string unification

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    We present a new scenario for gauge coupling unification in flipped SU(5) string models, which identifies the M32M_{32} scale of SU(3) and SU(2) unification with the empirical MLEP101516M_{\rm LEP}\sim10^{15-16}~GeV scale, and the M51M_{51} scale of SU(5) and U(1) unification with the theoretical Mstring5×1017M_{\rm string}\sim5\times10^{17}~GeV string unification scale. The vacuum shift necessary for the cancellation of the anomalous UA(1)\rm U_A(1) and an SU(4) hidden sector with fractionally-charged particles, play a crucial role in the dynamical determination of all intermediate mass scales in this scenario.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures (uuencoded