261 research outputs found

    Simulation of the vehicle test based on the design of elements of artificial intelligence

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    The paper examines the structure of the expert system for analysis and optimization design of the vehicle. The structure of the expert system consist a user interface, mathematical model, the inference module and a knowledge base. The user interface is designed for both input conditions and output characteristics and to evaluate the performance of the system, which allows further optimize the system. Inference module is built on the principle of multi-agent systems (MAS). It includes, the coordinator agent and agents specializing in vehicle systems. The source of algorithms for agents inference module is rule base, the base use case, the database and the neural networks that are part of the knowledge base. A mathematical model, which is part of the expert system is used for self-performance system. © IDOSI Publications, 2013


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    The theoretical and practical questions of teaching of culture are examined in the article. Interrelation of elite and mass culture, place of art of advance-guard, is in world civilization. The article describes the peculiarity of the interaction of multilevel layers of artistic culture in a certain segment of the modern history of the first decades of the twentieth century

    Tailoring the gradient ultrafine-grained structure in low-carbon steel during drawing with shear

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    Conventional drawing and drawing with shear were conducted on the rods of low-carbon steel. Deformation by simple drawing forms basically a homogenous structure and leads to a uniform change in microhardness along the billet volume. A comparative analysis of the models of these processes showed that shear drawing of steel at room temperature reduces energy characteristics in half, normal forces on the die – by 1,8, and enhances the strain intensity from 0,5 to 1,6. During drawing with shear, strain-induced cementite dissolution occurs and a gradient structure is formed, which increases the microhardness of the surface layer up to values close to 7 000 MPa

    Modelling of conditions of development of network structures

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    The present stage of development of the economy is characterized by fast changes in the external environment, an increase in processes of globalization, growing competition, uncertainty and chance in the field of administrative decision making. Under such conditions, traditional forms of organization are replaced with network forms as the most effective and adaptive ones. The development of inter-firm relations, an increase in the number and variety of forms of network organizations cause the necessity of searching and assessing factors influencing this process. One of the most attractive forms of network interaction is the cluster. Regional and interregional clusters are considered as priority interindustry complexes which define the development of the economy at the national and regional level. Their formation is connected with the processes of integration of production and other organizations within one uniform territory for creating an effective industrial structure of the economy. Manufacturing enterprises and other organizations, combined in a cluster, hold a steady position amid market volatility thanks to a flexible cluster structure, synergetic effect, saving on transaction expenses, to an effective exchange of knowledge and information. In the article, the mechanisms of formation of cluster structures are considered; conditions of their effective functioning are analyzed. Special attention is paid to external factors of the successful development and formation of frame conditions of the development of clusters. On the basis of international statistics on the development of cluster structures in different countries of the world and using tools of statistical research, dependence between the development of cluster structures and a number of external conditions promoting it is shown. In this work, the importance of such factors as the development of an institutional environment, infrastructure, financial market, education, technological readiness for economy clustering is noted. On the basis of the obtained results recommendations about the development of clusters are made.Современный этап развития экономики характеризуется быстрыми изменениями во внешней среде, нарастанием процессов глобализации, повышением уровня конкуренции, неопределенности и случайности в области принятия управленческих решений. В таких условиях традиционные формы организации замещаются сетевыми формами, как наиболее эффективными и адаптивными. Развитие межфирменных отношений, увеличение числа и разнообразия форм сетевых организаций вызывают необходимость поиска и оценки факторов, влияющих на этот процесс. Одной из наиболее привлекательных форм сетевого взаимодействия на сегодняшний момент является кластер. Региональные и межрегиональные кластеры рассматриваются как приоритетные межотраслевые комплексы, которые определяют развитие экономики на национальном и региональном уровне. Их формирование связывают с процессами интеграции производственных и иных организаций в рамках единой территории для получения эффективной промышленной структуры экономики. Объединенные в кластер производственные предприятия и другие организации занимают устойчивое положение в условиях волатильной рыночной конъюнктуры за счет гибкой кластерной структуры, синергетического эффекта, экономии на трансакционных издержках, эффективному обмену знаниями и информацией. В статье рассматриваются механизмы формирования кластерных структур, анализируются условия их эффективного функционирования. Особое внимание уделяется внешним факторам успешного развития, формированию рамочных условий развития кластеров. На основе данных международной статистики по развитию кластерных структур в разных странах мира и используя инструментарий статистических исследований, показана зависимость между развитием кластерных структур и способствующих этому ряда внешних условий. В работе отмечается важность таких факторов, как развитие институциональной среды, инфраструктуры, финансового рынка, образования, технологическая готовность для кластеризации экономики. На основе полученных результатов даются рекомендации по развитию кластеров.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда, грант № 15-02-000158

    Approaches to monitoring of competences and qualifications

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    The relevance of the analyzed issue is caused by the need to assess the state of competences and qualifications in the labor market in the region. The purpose of the article is the substantiation of approaches to the integrated monitoring training status, conditions of formation and use of labor, the results of which will complement the statistics. The leading approach to the study of this issue is the development of a new monitoring methodology to identify the qualitative characteristics of the labor force in the quantitative parameters. Results: the authors have developed conceptual approaches and structural elements of quality monitoring of labor at regional level. The identified shortcomings of existing competences and qualifications of monitoring techniques necessitated the search for other approaches to the assessment of the real state of the qualitative characteristics of the labor force in the labor market, as collected data can significantly affect the results of the personnel forecast and formation of labor potential management strategies. The study was proposed to focus on improving the quality of personnel management departments of large and medium-sized organizations in the region to solve the problem of the interaction between the education system and employers. The data of the article may be useful for research organizations and regional governance structures in the development of medium- and long-term development programs of labor potential. © 2016 Simonova et al

    Inflammatory markers in cystic fibrosis patients with lung Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.

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    Chronic endobronchial inflammation and bacterial infection are the main causes of morbidity and mortality in cystic fibrosis (CF), an autosomal recessive genetic disorder associated with improper function of chloride channels. Inflammation in CF lung is greatly amplified after Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. In this study the relationship between P. aeruginosa status and inflammatory markers has been investigated. Seventeen CF children in acute lung exacerbation were examined. CF patients without P. aeruginosa infection were characterized by elevated activity of sputum elastase, reduced response of peripheral blood lymphocytes to PHA and significant resistance to the antiproliferative action of glucocorticoids. These parameters were normalized after antibiotic treatment. The patients with prolonged P. aeruginosa infection demonstrated extremely high levels of elastase activity and elevated amounts of sputum IL-8 and TNF-alpha. Although antibiotic treatment resulted in clinical improvement, it failed to suppress excessive immune response in the lung. The data indicate that CF patients with prolonged P. aeruginosa need the modified treatment, which should include immunomodulating drugs and protease inhibitors as well as antibacterial therapy


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    Purpose: The study of operation diagnostic characteristics of a newly constructed helicobacter test-system which is designed to determine the total antibodies in the blood serum in volumetric agglomeration reaction.Materials and methods: Blood sera of 224 gastroenterological patients were studied with the help of diagnostic system constructed. Commercial immune-enzyme blood assay systems were used to be the referent method.Results: Diagnostic operation characteristics of a latex antigen helicobacter test-system were determined with the help of referent serological diagnostic methods. At the cut-off point 1:160 the sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic effectiveness are 94,9%, 79,3% и 88,2%, respectively.Summary: The cut-off point 1:160 is shown to be used as a diagnostic threshold

    Sudesna mjerenja γγ-raspada stanja 166Ho nastalih reakcijom (n,γ)

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    Levels of 166Ho were studied using thermal and average resonance neutron capture and with the (d,p) and (d,3He) reactions. We have devoted a large effort to the measurements of the γγ-coincidence spectra in the broad energy region 50 - 6243 keV. Based on these data and those of earlier studies, the levels are grouped into 23 rotational bands. Among them are 6 new ones. The results are in good agreement with the semiempirical and quasiparticle-phonon model, where Coriolis and residual interactions are taken into account. Details of model interpretation have been presented in a previously published paper.Proučavali smo stanja 166Ho nastala termičkim i prosječnim rezonantnim uhvatom neutrona, te (d,p) i (d,3He) reakcijama. Uložili smo velik trud u mjerenjima sudesnih γγ-spektara u širokom energijskom području od 50 do 6243 keV. Na osnovi tih i ranijih podataka, stanja su grupirana u 23 rotacijske vrpce. Među njima je i 6 novih. Ishodi su u suglasju s poluempiričkim i kvazičestično-fononskim modelom, uzimajući u obzir Coriolisovo međudjelovanje i rezidualne interakcije. Podrobnosti modelskog tumačenja objavljene u u ranijem članku