2,309 research outputs found

    Results of the Australian geodetic VLBI experiment

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    The 250-2500 km baseline vectors between radio telescopes located at Tidbinbilla (DSS43) near Canberra, Parkes, Fleurs (X3) near Sydney, Hobart and Alice Springs were determined from radio interferometric observations of extragalactic sources. The observations were made during two 24-hour sessions on 26 April and 3 May 1982, and one 12-hour night-time session on 28 April 1982. The 275 km Tidbinbilla - Parkes baseline was measured with an accuracy of plus or minus 6 cm. The remaining baselines were measured with accuracies ranging from 15 cm to 6 m. The higher accuracies were achieved for the better instrumented sites of Tidbinbilla, Parkes and Fleurs. The data reduction technique and results of the experiment are discussed

    Measurement of constant radius swept features in cultural heritage

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    none3The dimensional characterization of archaeological fragment is a very complex operation and could prove to be useful for identifying the presence of standard attributes in the ceramics found from a specific archaeological site, or for making comparisons and analysis of similarities or for studying ancient technologies used for manufacture of objects. The dimensional analysis of the fragments is now carried out manually with traditional measuring devices. Typically, the results obtained are inaccurate and non-repeatable measurements. This paper focuses on the dimensional characterization of a specific geometric class of features: the constant radius swept features (called here CRS features). Several archaeological features, such as rims, bases, decorative motifs, processing marks and grooves are referable from a geometric point of view to the class of CRS features. These are detail features, which may be very interesting for the investigation of some aspects related to the historical-archaeological classification of the find. CRS features are often found on worn, damaged (e.g. chipped) or fragmented objects; they are frequently characterized, from a geometric point of view, by free form surfaces and by a limited cross sectional extension. In some cases, CRS features can be of axially symmetrical geometry: this occurs quite frequently in the case of archaeological pottery. For all these reasons, it is often difficult to apply traditional manual methods for the quantitative dimensional characterization of CRS features. This paper describes an original methodology for the measurement of CRS features acquired by scanning technologies. The algorithmic implementation of this methodology, consisting of a suitable processing of the feature nodes, allows to carry out automatically the dimensional characterization of the feature.Di Angelo L., Di Stefano P., Morabito A.E.Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Morabito, A. E

    Recognition of intrinsic quality properties for automatic geometric inspection

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    none3In the last few years the need for methodologies capable of performing an automated geometric inspection has increased. These methodologies often use 3D high-resolution optical digitisers to acquire points from the surface of the object to be inspected. It is expected that, in the near future, geometric inspection will be requiring more and more the use of these instruments. At present geometric inspection is not profiting from all the opportunities attainable by 3D high-resolution optical scanners or from the numerous tools which can be used for processing the point cloud acquired from the inspected product. For some years now, these authors have been working on a new methodology for automatic tolerance inspection working from a 3D model acquired by optical digitisers. In this paper all the information recognisable in a scanned object is organised into a new data structure, called Recognised Geometric Model (RGM). The final aim is to define a representation of the inspected object for the automatic evaluation of the non-idealities pertaining to the form, orientation and location of the non-ideal features of the acquired object. The key concept of the proposed approach is the capability to recognise some intrinsic nominal properties of the acquired model. These properties are assumed as references to evaluate the non-idealities of the inspected object. With this approach the references of geometric inspection are searched for in the inspected object independently of a tolerance specification and of the availability of a 3D nominal representation. The high-level geometric information within RGM depends on the rules used for its identification. The capability to recognise specific categories of nominal references offers the possibility of introducing new tolerances to be specified. The proposed approach has been implemented in original software by means of which a specific test case has been analysed.openP. Di Stefano; L. Di Angelo; A.E. MorabitoP., Di Stefano; L., Di Angelo; Morabito, Ann

    Plasticised regenerated silk/gold nanorods hybrids as sealant and bio-piezoelectric materials

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    Manual and mechanical suturing are currently the gold standard for bowel anastomosis. If tissue approximation fails, anastomotic leaks occur. Anastomotic leaks may have catastrophic consequences. The development of a fully absorbable, biocompatible sealant material based on a bio-ink silk fibroin can reduce the chance of anastomotic leaks. We have produced a Ca-modified plasticised regenerated silk (RS) with gold nanorods sealant. This sealant was applied to anastomosed porcine intestine. Water absorption from wet tissue substrate applied compressive strains on hybrid RS films. This compression results in a sealant effect on anastomosis. The increased toughness of the hybrid plasticised RS resulted in the designing of a bio-film with superior elongation at break (i.e., ≈200%) and bursting pressure. We have also reported structure-dependent piezoelectricity of the RS film that shows a piezoelectric effect out of the plane. We hope that in the future, bowel anastomosis can be simplified by providing a multifunctional bio-film that makes feasible the mechanical tissue joint without the need for specific tools and could be used in piezoelectric sealant heads

    Coarse Grained Density Functional Theories for Metallic Alloys: Generalized Coherent Potential Approximations and Charge Excess Functional Theory

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    The class of the Generalized Coherent Potential Approximations (GCPA) to the Density Functional Theory (DFT) is introduced within the Multiple Scattering Theory formalism for dealing with, ordered or disordered, metallic alloys. All GCPA theories are based on a common ansatz for the kinetic part of the Hohenberg-Kohn functional and each theory of the class is specified by an external model concerning the potential reconstruction. The GCPA density functional consists of marginally coupled local contributions, does not depend on the details of the charge density and can be exactly rewritten as a function of the appropriate charge multipole moments associated with each lattice site. A general procedure based on the integration of the 'qV' laws is described that allows for the explicit construction the same function. The coarse grained nature of the GCPA density functional implies great computational advantages and is connected with the O(N) scalability of GCPA algorithms. Moreover, it is shown that a convenient truncated series expansion of the GCPA functional leads to the Charge Excess Functional (CEF) theory [E. Bruno, L. Zingales and Y. Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 91}, 166401 (2003)] which here is offered in a generalized version that includes multipolar interactions. CEF and the GCPA numerical results are compared with status of art LAPW full-potential density functional calculations for 62, bcc- and fcc-based, ordered CuZn alloys, in all the range of concentrations. These extensive tests show that the discrepancies between GCPA and CEF are always within the numerical accuracy of the calculations, both for the site charges and the total energies. Furthermore, GCPA and CEF very carefully reproduce the LAPW site charges and the total energy trends.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure
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