115 research outputs found

    Differential expression of molecular rust resistance components have distinctive profiles in Coffea arabica - Hemileia vastatrix interactions.

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    Countering the economic hurdle caused by coffee leaf rust disease is most appealing at this time as it has posed a major threat to coffee production around the world. Establishing differential expression profiles at different times following pathogen invasion in both innate and acquired immunities unlocks the molecular components of resistance and susceptibility. Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was used to identify genes differentially over-expressed and repressed during incompatible and compatible interactions between Coffea arabica and Hemileia vastatrix. From 433 clones of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) sequenced, 352 were annotated and categorized of which the proportion of genes expressed during compatible interaction were relatively smaller. The result showed upregulation and downregulation of various genes at 12 and 24 h after pathogen inoculation in both interactions. The use of four different databases in searching for gene homology resulted in different number of similar sequences. BLASTx against EMBL-EBI (European Molecular Biology Laboratory-European Bioinformatics Institute) database being with the maximum (100%) hits for all the annotated sequences. RT-qPCR analysis of seven resistance-signaling genes showed similar expression patterns for most of the genes in both interactions, indicating these genes are involved in basal (nonspecific) defense during which immune reactions are similar. Using SSH, we identified different types of resistance related genes that could be used for further studies towards resistant cultivar development. The potential role of some of the resistance related proteins found were also discussed

    Marcadores microssatélites para o cafeeiro.

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    O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de testar e adaptar marcadores microssatélites para serem rotineiramente utilizados nos trabalhos de genética e melhoramento do cafeeiro. Para isso, foram ajustadas as condições de amplificação de 24 primers microssatélites de café, disponibilizados na literatura. Estes primers, desenvolvidos para Coffea arabica, foram também testados em outras espécies de cafeeiro de importância para o melhoramento visando verificar sua utilidade como primer heterólogo. A adaptação das condições de reação e de amplificação permitiu o uso de 18 primers, sendo que a maioria deles amplificou as três espécies analisadas. O nível de polimorfismo desses microssatélites foi investigado pela amplificação de 60 genótipos, incluindo C. arabica, C. canephora, C. eugenioides e Híbrido de Timor (HT). Observou-se um alto polimorfismo e uma variação de 2 a 9 alelos por marcador. Metade dos primers testados apresentou polimorfismo em C. canephora e 33,3% deles foram polimórficos entre os HT. Foi possível discriminar todos os acessos de C. canephora analisados. Os HT, em geral, apresentaram padrão de bandas semelhante ao dos C. arabica, sendo que seis primers apresentaram polimorfismo, possibilitando a discriminação de 13 acessos, não diferenciados em estudos anteriores com marcadores RAPD. Os resultados demonstraram o potencial dos microssatélites para diferenciar indivíduos geneticamente próximos. Em trabalhos futuros, pretende-se desenvolver novos microssatélites a partir das ESTs do Genoma/Café. Esses novos marcadores, juntamente com os primers adaptados neste trabalho, constituirão em uma importante ferramenta para os estudos genéticos do café no Brasil

    Plantio direto, adubação verde e suplementação com esterco de aves na produção orgânica de berinjela.

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    Sob manejo orgânico, foram avaliados, em Seropédica, RJ, os sistemas de plantio direto da berinjela(Solanum melongena) nas palhadas de Crotalaria juncea (crotalária), Pennisetum glaucum (milheto, cv. BRS 1501)e vegetação espontânea (pousio), em comparação com o plantio convencional (aração e gradagem ou enxada rotativa). Simultaneamente, foram avaliados três tipos de cultivo: berinjela em monocultura, em consórcio com crotalária e em consórcio com caupi (Vigna unguiculata, cv. Mauá). Não houve diferença entre os sistemas de plantio direto e convencional quanto à produção comercial da berinjela. A palhada da crotalária foi mais eficiente que a do milheto e do pousio para cobertura morta do solo e conseqüentemente o controle de plantas espontâneas foi maior. O cultivo simultâneo com as leguminosas não acarretou redução da produtividade da berinjela.Em um segundo estudo, foram comparados plantio direto (palhadas de crotalária e da vegetação espontânea) e plantio convencional, combinados com doses crescentes de cama de aviário (0, 100, 200 e 400 kg ha-1 de N)aplicada em cobertura. Em termos de aporte de biomassa, a crotalária foi novamente superior à vegetação espontânea.A berinjela respondeu à adubação orgânica, com produtividade máxima de 50,6 t ha-1 , correspondendo à maior dose empregada, contra 36,9 t ha-1 referentes ao controle

    Extending the ecological distribution of Desmonostoc genus: proposal of Desmonostoc salinum sp. nov., a novel Cyanobacteria from a saline–alkaline lake

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    Cyanobacteria is an ancient phylum of oxygenic photosynthetic microorganisms found in almost all environments of Earth. In recent years, the taxonomic placement of some cyanobacterial strains, including those belonging to the genus Nostoc sensu lato, have been reevaluated by means of a polyphasic approach. Thus, 16S rRNA gene phylogeny and 16S–23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS) secondary structures coupled with morphological, ecological and physiological data are considered powerful tools for a better taxonomic and systematics resolution, leading to the description of novel genera and species. Additionally, underexplored and harsh environments, such as saline–alkaline lakes, have received special attention given they can be a source of novel cyanobacterial taxa. Here, a filamentous heterocytous strain, Nostocaceae CCM-UFV059, isolated from Laguna Amarga, Chile, was characterized applying the polyphasic approach; its fatty acid profile and physiological responses to salt (NaCl) were also determined. Morphologically, this strain was related to morphotypes of the Nostoc sensu lato group, being phylogenetically placed into the typical cluster of the genus Desmonostoc. CCM-UFV059 showed identity of the 16S rRNA gene as well as 16S–23S secondary structures that did not match those from known described species of the genus Desmonostoc, as well as distinct ecological and physiological traits. Taken together, these data allowed the description of the first strain of a member of the genus Desmonostoc from a saline–alkaline lake, named Desmonostoc salinum sp. nov., under the provisions of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants. This finding extends the ecological coverage of the genus Desmonostoc, contributing to a better understanding of cyanobacterial diversity and systematics

    Episiotomy healing assessment: Redness, Oedema, Ecchymosis, Discharge, Approximation (REEDA) scale reliability

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    OBJECTIVE: to analyse the Redness, Oedema, Ecchymosis, Discharge, Approximation (REEDA) scale reliability when evaluating perineal healing after a normal delivery with a right mediolateral episiotomy.METHOD: observational study based on data from a clinical trial conducted with 54 randomly selected women, who had their perineal healing assessed at four time points, from 6 hours to 10 days after delivery, by nurses trained in the use of this scale. The kappa coefficient was used in the reliability analysis of the REEDA scale.RESULTS: the results indicate good agreement in the evaluation of the discharge item (0.75< Kappa ≥0.88), marginal and good agreement in the first three assessments of oedema (0.16< Kappa ≥0.46), marginal agreement in the evaluation of ecchymosis (0.25< Kappa ≥0.42) and good agreement regarding redness (0.46< Kappa ≥0.66). For the item coaptation, the agreement decreased from excellent in the first assessment to good in the last assessment. In the fourth evaluation, the assessment of all items displayed excellent or good agreement among the evaluators.CONCLUSION: the difference in the scores among the evaluators when applying the scale indicates that this tool must be improved to allow an accurate assessment of the episiotomy healing process