323 research outputs found

    Large-Scale Gravitational Instability and Star Formation in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Large-scale star formation in disk galaxies is hypothesized to be driven by global gravitational instability. The observed gas surface density is commonly used to compute the strength of gravitational instability, but according to this criterion star formation often appears to occur in gravitationally stable regions. One possible reason is that the stellar contribution to the instability has been neglected. We have examined the gravitational instability of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) considering the gas alone, and considering the combination of collisional gas and collisionless stars. We compare the gravitationally unstable regions with the on-going star formation revealed by Spitzer observations of young stellar objects. Although only 62% of the massive young stellar object candidates are in regions where the gas alone is unstable, some 85% lie in regions unstable due to the combination of gas and stars. The combined stability analysis better describes where star formation occurs. In agreement with other observations and numerical models, a small fraction of the star formation occurs in regions with gravitational stability parameter Q > 1. We further measure the dependence of the star formation timescale on the strength of gravitational instability, and quantitatively compare it to the exponential dependence expected from numerical simulations.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 10 pages, 5 figure

    Ultrasonic dissimilar joining of aluminum alloy and polymer with the composite material of ABS polymer doping carbonized rice husk

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    The metal housing is typically jointed with plastic fittings by conventional gluing method or embedding injection molding to produce this type of devices. We propose to improve this new technique with more practical approach. In plastic-aluminum substrate dissimilar joining, the 5052 aluminum plate coarsening process was performed to increase the porosity of the permeable dissimilar phase. The ABS polymer plus carbonized rice husk powder was later induced or deposited on the microstructure to improve the bonding effect. The plastic -aluminum substrate dissimilar joining is completed by the final step of ultrasonic welding. The finished substrate will be tested on the properties of tensile strength to ensure its quality. According to the simulation analysis and measuring results, the maximum temperature between the interface of ABS polymer and 5052 aluminum alloy is about 400~450 °C during ultrasonic welding, which can make the surface of ABS polymer to be melted. Furthermore, after drilling micro-hole array and covering ABS plus carbonized rice husk powder, the 5052 aluminum alloy shows better joining effect with ABS polymer sheet by ultrasonic welding. This improved approach does not require mold or injection molding machinery to produce the high quality plastic -aluminum bonding parts

    Frozen and Invariant Quantum Discord under Local Dephasing Noise

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    In this chapter, we intend to explore and review some remarkable dynamical properties of quantum discord under various different open quantum system models. Specifically, our discussion will include several concepts connected to the phenomena of time invariant and frozen quantum discord. Furthermore, we will elaborate on the relation of these two phenomena to the non-Markovian features of the open system dynamics and to the usage of dynamical decoupling protocols.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    The He II Emitting Nebula N44C in the LMC: Optical/UV Spectroscopy of the Nebula and its Ionizing Star

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    We present HST spectroscopy and imaging, along with new ground-based spectroscopy and ROSAT HRI imaging, of the He II emitting nebula N44C and its ionizing star. A GHRS spectrogram of the ionizing star yields a spectral type of about O7 for the star. The lack of P Cygni profiles for Si IV and C IV indicates that the star is not a supergiant. The nebular abundances in the ionized gas are consistent with average abundances for LMC H II regions, with the possible exception that nitrogen may be enhanced. Enrichment by a former evolved companion star is not evident. A long-slit echelle spectrogram in H-alpha + [N II] shows no evidence for high-velocity gas in N44C. This rules out high-velocity shocks as the source of the nebular He II emission. A 108 ks ROSAT HRI image of N44C shows no X-ray point source to a 3-sigma upper limit L(X) < 10^34 erg s^-1 in the 0.1-2.0 keV band. Based on new measurements of the electron density in the He II emitting region, we derive recombination timescales of approximately 20 yrs for He^+2 and approximately 4 yrs for Ne^+4. If N44C is a fossil X-ray ionized nebula, this places severe constraints on when the putative X-ray source could have turned off. The presence of strong [Ne IV] emission in the nebula is puzzling if the ionizing source has turned off. It is possible the system is related to the Be X-ray binaries, although the O star in N44C does not show Be characteristics at the present time. Monitoring of X-rays and He II emission from the nebula, as well as a radial velocity study of the ionizing star, are needed to fully understand the emission line spectrum of N44C.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figures (1 color .gif image); accepted for publication in the 10 Dec 2000 Astrophysical Journal. Complete PostScript and PDF versions can also be obtained at http://ocotillo.as.arizona.edu/~dgarnet

    Condensed Matter Theory of Dipolar Quantum Gases

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    Recent experimental breakthroughs in trapping, cooling and controlling ultracold gases of polar molecules, magnetic and Rydberg atoms have paved the way toward the investigation of highly tunable quantum systems, where anisotropic, long-range dipolar interactions play a prominent role at the many-body level. In this article we review recent theoretical studies concerning the physics of such systems. Starting from a general discussion on interaction design techniques and microscopic Hamiltonians, we provide a summary of recent work focused on many-body properties of dipolar systems, including: weakly interacting Bose gases, weakly interacting Fermi gases, multilayer systems, strongly interacting dipolar gases and dipolar gases in 1D and quasi-1D geometries. Within each of these topics, purely dipolar effects and connections with experimental realizations are emphasized.Comment: Review article; submitted 09/06/2011. 158 pages, 52 figures. This document is the unedited author's version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Chemical Reviews, copyright American Chemical Society after peer review. To access the final edited and published work, a link will be provided soo

    An Environment-Sensitive Synthetic Microbial Ecosystem

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    Microbial ecosystems have been widely used in industrial production, but the inter-relationships of organisms within them haven't been completely clarified due to complex composition and structure of natural microbial ecosystems. So it is challenging for ecologists to get deep insights on how ecosystems function and interplay with surrounding environments. But the recent progresses in synthetic biology show that construction of artificial ecosystems where relationships of species are comparatively clear could help us further uncover the meadow of those tiny societies. By using two quorum-sensing signal transduction circuits, this research designed, simulated and constructed a synthetic ecosystem where various population dynamics formed by changing environmental factors. Coherent experimental data and mathematical simulation in our study show that different antibiotics levels and initial cell densities can result in correlated population dynamics such as extinction, obligatory mutualism, facultative mutualism and commensalism. This synthetic ecosystem provides valuable information for addressing questions in ecology and may act as a chassis for construction of more complex microbial ecosystems

    Oscillations by Minimal Bacterial Suicide Circuits Reveal Hidden Facets of Host-Circuit Physiology

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    Synthetic biology seeks to enable programmed control of cellular behavior though engineered biological systems. These systems typically consist of synthetic circuits that function inside, and interact with, complex host cells possessing pre-existing metabolic and regulatory networks. Nevertheless, while designing systems, a simple well-defined interface between the synthetic gene circuit and the host is frequently assumed. We describe the generation of robust but unexpected oscillations in the densities of bacterium Escherichia coli populations by simple synthetic suicide circuits containing quorum components and a lysis gene. Contrary to design expectations, oscillations required neither the quorum sensing genes (luxR and luxI) nor known regulatory elements in the PluxI promoter. Instead, oscillations were likely due to density-dependent plasmid amplification that established a population-level negative feedback. A mathematical model based on this mechanism captures the key characteristics of oscillations, and model predictions regarding perturbations to plasmid amplification were experimentally validated. Our results underscore the importance of plasmid copy number and potential impact of “hidden interactions” on the behavior of engineered gene circuits - a major challenge for standardizing biological parts. As synthetic biology grows as a discipline, increasing value may be derived from tools that enable the assessment of parts in their final context