388 research outputs found

    High-performance work systems and individual performance:A longitudinal study of the differential roles of happiness and health well-being

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    As a part of the growing strand of employee-centered HRM research, employee well-being is suggested to be a key mechanism that may help to explain the relationship between HRM and performance. To investigate how an employee’s well-being mediates the HRM-performance relationship, we distinguish between two types of well-being identified in prior work, happiness well-being and health well-being, and present arguments for differences in their effects on individual performance. Building on Job Demands-Resources (JDR) theory, we propose that happiness well-being positively mediates the relationship between perceived High-Performance Work Systems (HPWS) and individual task performance, while health well-being negatively mediates this focal relationship. Thus, happiness well-being fits the “mutual gains” perspective. In contrast, health well-being fits the “conflicting outcomes” perspective, and thus may be harmed by the HPWS to enhance the performance. We find partial support for our arguments in an analysis of longitudinal survey data of 420 participants spanning a total of four waves of data collection

    Radicalization processes and transitional phases in female and male detainees residing in Dutch terrorism wings.

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    Background: Radicalization, violent extremism, and terrorism are risks to societal security. Although research on terrorism-related behaviors is increasing, thorough empirical studies are rare. Methods: This study investigates radicalization processes and transitions in a matched sample of female and male terrorist suspects and convicts (N = 26) residing in Dutch penitentiary terrorism wings. Results:Results show that both men and women often experienced discrimination. A subgroup of women grew up in a stressful family environment and lacked emotional support from their family, whereas the other women did not experience such circumstances. The majority of the study sample was susceptible to connecting with radicalized friends or family members. Interestingly, factors that initially led to radicalization (e.g., a utopian image of the Islamic State) could later turn out to be factors associated with abandoning extremism. Conclusions: In this study, differences in radicalization processes and transitional phases between women and men emerged. Men more often had police contact prior to a terrorism-related offense. Making an effort to right old mistakes seemed important in the radicalization processes of men, whereas women had a stronger desire for emotional support and were more driven by experienced trauma and feelings of loneliness. This study provides input for gender-specific prevention and disengagement interventions

    Ferulic acid-4-O-sulfate rather than ferulic acid relaxes arteries and lowers blood pressure in mice

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    Consumption of foods rich in ferulic acid (FA) such as wholegrain cereals, or FA precursors such as chlorogenic acids in coffee, is inversely correlated with risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. As a result of digestion and phase II metabolism in the gut and liver, FA is converted predominantly into ferulic acid-4-O-sulfate (FA-sul), an abundant plasma metabolite. Although FA-sul may be the main metabolite, very little has been reported regarding its bioactivities. We have therefore compared the ex vivo vasorelaxing effect of FA and FA-sul (10−7 - 3.10−5 M) on isolated mouse arteries mounted in tissue myographs. FA-sul, but not FA, elicited a concentration-dependent vasorelaxation of saphenous and femoral arteries and aortae. The FA-sul mediated vasorelaxation was blunted by 1H- [1, 2, 4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ), a soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) inhibitor. The role of sGC was confirmed in femoral arteries isolated from sGCα1(−/−) knockout mice. Furthermore, 4-aminopyridine, a specific inhibitor of voltage-dependent potassium channels, significantly decreased FA-sul mediated effects. In anesthetized mice, intravenous injection of FA-sul decreased mean arterial pressure, whereas FA had no effect, confirming the results obtained ex vivo. FA-sul is probably one of the major metabolites accounting for the blood pressure-lowering effects associated with FA consumption

    Biochar application differentially affects soil micro-, meso-macro-fauna and plant productivity within a nature restoration grassland

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    Biochar is proposed as an option to sequester carbon (C) in soils and promote other soil-based ecosystem services. However, its impact on soil biota from micro to macroscale remains poorly understood. We investigated biochar effects on the soil biota across the soil food web, on plant community composition and on biomass production. We conducted a field experiment in a nature restoration grassland testing four treatments: two biochar types (herbaceous feedstock pyrolyzed at 400 °C or 600 °C – hereafter B400 and B600), and a positive (i.e. unpyrolysed biochar feedstock, hereafter Hay) and negative (no addition) control. Responses of plants and soil biota were evaluated one and three years after establishing the treatments. Soil pH and K concentrations increased significantly in the B600 treatment. Mite abundances were significantly higher in B400 whereas nematode abundances were highest in Hay (1st year) and lowest in B400 (3rd year). Other soil fauna groups (enchytraeids and earthworms) varied more between years than between treatments. Legume cover increased significantly in the biochar treatments but this effect was transient. Legumes, grasses and primary productivity also showed a statistically significant Treatment x Year interaction due to transitory effects that were no longer present by the 3rd year. Our results suggest that biochar produced from meadow cuttings and applied at the 10 t/ha rate cause transitory impacts on soil biota abundance and plant communities over the 3-year timeframe used for this experiment. Therefore, this type of biochar could potentially be used for soil carbon sequestration, with minimal impacts on soil biota abundance or diversity, within the groups studied here, or plant biodiversity and productivity. Further research is required to investigate the longer-term impacts of this potential soil C storage sink

    Подсистема автономного программно-аппаратного комплекса для индуктивного долгосрочного прогноза осредненных значений метеопараметров

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    The research of the inductive method of long-term (forestalling to 0,5 year) prognosis of average decade air s temperature on the basis of principle of analogies was executed and it s sufficient was shown. The research of the offered approach was also conducted: in the base of spatial models without principle of analogies; in the polynomial harmonic base; the analysis of middle quality of the inductive prognostic method for cases of the analogue principle usage and without it

    EULAR definition of arthralgia suspicious for progression to rheumatoid arthritis

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    Copyright © 2017 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd & European League Against Rheumatism. All rights reserved.Background: During the transition to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) many patients pass through a phase characterised by the presence of symptoms without clinically apparent synovitis. These symptoms are not well-characterised. This taskforce aimed to define the clinical characteristics of patients with arthralgia who are considered at risk for RA by experts based on their clinical experience. Methods: The taskforce consisted of 18 rheumatologists, 1 methodologist, 2 patients, 3 health professionals and 1 research fellow. The process had three phases. In phase I, a list of parameters considered characteristic for clinically suspect arthralgia (CSA) was derived; the most important parameters were selected by a three-phased Delphi approach. In phase II, the experts evaluated 50 existing patients on paper, classified them as CSA/no-CSA and indicated their level of confidence. A provisional set of parameters was derived. This was studied for validation in phase III, where all rheumatologists collected patients with and without CSA from their outpatient clinics. Results: The comprehensive list consisted of 55 parameters, of which 16 were considered most important. A multivariable model based on the data from phase II identified seven relevant parameters: symptom duration <1 year, symptoms of metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints, morning stiffness duration ≥60 min, most severe symptoms in early morning, first-degree relative with RA, difficulty with making a fist and positive squeeze test of MCP joints. In phase III, the combination of these parameters was accurate in identifying patients with arthralgia who were considered at risk of developing RA (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve 0.92, 95% CI 0.87 to 0.96). Test characteristics for different cut-off points were determined. Conclusions: A set of clinical characteristics for patients with arthralgia who are at risk of progression to RA was established.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Risk adjustment and risk selection on the sickness fund insurance market in five European countries

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    From the mid-1990s citizens in Belgium, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands and Switzerland have a guaranteed periodic choice among risk-bearing sickness funds, who are responsible for purchasing their care or providing them with medical care. The rationale of this arrangement is to stimulate the sickness funds to improve efficiency in health care production and to respond to consumers’ preferences. To achieve solidarity, all five countries have implemented a system of risk-adjusted premium subsidies (or risk equalization across risk groups), along with strict regulation of the consumers’ direct premium contribution to their sickness fund. In this article we present a conceptual framework for understanding risk adjustment and comparing the systems in the five countries. We conclude that in the case of imperfect risk adjustment—as is the case in all five countries in the year 2001—the sickness funds have financial incentives for risk selection, which may threaten solidarity, efficiency, quality of care and consumer satisfaction. We expect that without substantial improvements in the risk adjustment formulae, risk selection will increase in all five countries. The issue is particularly serious in Germany and Switzerland. We strongly recommend therefore that policy makers in the five countries give top priority to the improvement of the system of risk adjustment. That would enhance solidarity, cost-control, efficiency and client satisfaction in a system of competing, risk-bearing sickness funds