170 research outputs found

    Coiled Coils Direct Assembly of a Cold-Activated TRP Channel

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    SummaryTransient receptor potential (TRP) channels mediate numerous sensory transduction processes and are thought to function as tetramers. TRP channel physiology is well studied; however, comparatively little is understood regarding TRP channel assembly. Here, we identify an autonomously folded assembly domain from the cold- and menthol-gated channel TRPM8. We show that the TRPM8 cytoplasmic C-terminal domain contains a coiled coil that is necessary for channel assembly and sufficient for tetramer formation. Cell biological experiments indicate that coiled-coil formation is required for proper channel maturation and trafficking and that the coiled-coil domain alone can act as a dominant-negative inhibitor of functional channel expression. Our data define an authentic TRP modular assembly domain, establish a clear role for coiled coils in ion channel assembly, demonstrate that coiled-coil assembly domains are a general feature of TRPM channels, and delineate a new tool that should be of general use in dissecting TRPM channel function

    Multiple Polar Cap Arcs: Akebono (Exos D) Observations

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    Akebono (Exos D) observations demonstrate that polar cap arcs sometimes have a fine structure, that is, multiple (double or triple) arcs with spacing of a few tens of kilometers. The multiple polar cap arcs are dominantly observed in the nightside polar cap region, suggesting that low background conductance favors the appearance of the structured arcs. A relationship between the spacing and the average energy of the precipitating electrons is investigated. Results show that a higher energy leads to a wider spacing. Akebono observations also show the existence of a downward current region embedded between upward current regions (arcs). Comparison of the observations with results from a coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere Sun-aligned arc model is made, which shows good qualitative agreement between the modeling and observational results on the spacing-energy dependence and the effect of background ionospheric conductance

    Requirement for the N-Terminal Coiled-Coil Domain for Expression and Function, but not Subunit Interaction of, the ADPR-Activated TRPM2 Channel

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    Transient receptor potential melastatin 2 (TRPM2) proteins form multiple-subunit complexes, most likely homotetramers, which operate as Ca2+-permeable, nonselective cation channels activated by intracellular ADP-ribose (ADPR) and oxidative stress. Each TRPM2 channel subunit is predicted to contain two coiled-coil (CC) domains, one in the N-terminus and the other in the C-terminus. Our recent study has shown that the C-terminal CC domain plays an important, but not exclusive, role in the TRPM2 channel assembly. This study aimed to examine the potential role of the N-terminal CC domain. Domain deletion dramatically reduced protein expression and abolished ADPR-evoked currents but did not alter the subunit interaction. Deletion of both CC domains strongly attenuated the subunit interaction, confirming that the C-terminal CC domain is critical in the subunit interaction. Glutamine substitutions into individual hydrophobic residues at positions a and d in the heptad repeats to disrupt the CC formation had no effect on protein expression, subunit interaction, or ADPR-evoked currents. Mutation of Ile658 to glutamine, which did not perturb the CC formation, decreased ADPR-evoked currents without affecting protein expression, subunit interaction, or membrane trafficking. These results collectively suggest the requirement for the N-terminal CC domain for protein expression and function, but not subunit interaction, of the TRPM2 channel

    A cell culture model using rat coronary artery adventitial fibroblasts to measure collagen production

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We have developed a rat cell model for studying collagen type I production in coronary artery adventitial fibroblasts. Increased deposition of adventitial collagen type I leads to stiffening of the blood vessel, increased blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Although the source and mechanism of collagen deposition is yet unknown, the adventitia appears to play a significant role. To demonstrate the application of our cell model, cultured adventitial fibroblasts were treated with sex hormones and the effect on collagen production measured.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Hearts (10–12 weeks) were harvested and the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) was isolated and removed. Tissue explants were cultured and cells (passages 2–4) were confirmed as fibroblasts using immunohistochemistry. Optimal conditions were determined for cell tissue harvest, timing, proliferation and culture conditions. Fibroblasts were exposed to 10<sup>-7 </sup>M testosterone or 10<sup>-7 </sup>M estrogen for 24 hours and either immunostained for collagen type I or subjected to ELISA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Results showed increased collagen staining in fibroblasts treated with testosterone compared to control and decreased staining with estrogen. ELISA results showed that testosterone increased collagen I by 20% whereas estrogen decreased collagen I by 15%.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Data demonstrates the usefulness of our cell model in studying the specific role of the adventitia apart from other blood vessel tissue in rat coronary arteries. Results suggest opposite effects of testosterone and estrogen on collagen synthesis in the rat coronary artery adventitial fibroblasts.</p

    E-β-Ocimene, a Volatile Brood Pheromone Involved in Social Regulation in the Honey Bee Colony (Apis mellifera)

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    Background: In honey bee colony, the brood is able to manipulate and chemically control the workers in order to sustain their own development. A brood ester pheromone produced primarily by old larvae (4 and 5 days old larvae) was first identified as acting as a contact pheromone with specific effects on nurses in the colony. More recently a new volatile brood pheromone has been identified: E-β-ocimene, which partially inhibits ovary development in workers. [br/] Methodology and Principal Finding: Our analysis of E-β-ocimene production revealed that young brood (newly hatched to 3 days old) produce the highest quantity of E-b-ocimene relative to their body weight. By testing the potential action of this molecule as a non-specific larval signal, due to its high volatility in the colony, we demonstrated that in the presence of E-β-ocimene nest workers start to forage earlier in life, as seen in the presence of real brood. [br/] Conclusions/Significance: In this way, young larvae are able to assign precedence to the task of foraging by workers in order to increase food stores for their own development. Thus, in the complexity of honey bee chemical communication, E-β- ocimene, a pheromone of young larvae, provides the brood with the means to express their nutritional needs to the workers

    Finding the missing honey bee genes: lessons learned from a genome upgrade

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    BACKGROUND: The first generation of genome sequence assemblies and annotations have had a significant impact upon our understanding of the biology of the sequenced species, the phylogenetic relationships among species, the study of populations within and across species, and have informed the biology of humans. As only a few Metazoan genomes are approaching finished quality (human, mouse, fly and worm), there is room for improvement of most genome assemblies. The honey bee (Apis mellifera) genome, published in 2006, was noted for its bimodal GC content distribution that affected the quality of the assembly in some regions and for fewer genes in the initial gene set (OGSv1.0) compared to what would be expected based on other sequenced insect genomes. RESULTS: Here, we report an improved honey bee genome assembly (Amel_4.5) with a new gene annotation set (OGSv3.2), and show that the honey bee genome contains a number of genes similar to that of other insect genomes, contrary to what was suggested in OGSv1.0. The new genome assembly is more contiguous and complete and the new gene set includes ~5000 more protein-coding genes, 50% more than previously reported. About 1/6 of the additional genes were due to improvements to the assembly, and the remaining were inferred based on new RNAseq and protein data. CONCLUSIONS: Lessons learned from this genome upgrade have important implications for future genome sequencing projects. Furthermore, the improvements significantly enhance genomic resources for the honey bee, a key model for social behavior and essential to global ecology through pollination.Funding for the project was provided by a grant to RG from the National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health (NHGRI, NIH) U54 HG003273. Contributions from members of the CGE lab were supported by Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive grant no. 2010- 65205-20407 from the USDA National Institute of Food Agriculture. AKB was supported by a Clare Luce Booth Fellowship at Georgetown University

    Role of paracrine factors in stem and progenitor cell mediated cardiac repair and tissue fibrosis

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    A new era has begun in the treatment of ischemic disease and heart failure. With the discovery that stem cells from diverse organs and tissues, including bone marrow, adipose tissue, umbilical cord blood, and vessel wall, have the potential to improve cardiac function beyond that of conventional pharmacological therapy comes a new field of research aiming at understanding the precise mechanisms of stem cell-mediated cardiac repair. Not only will it be important to determine the most efficacious cell population for cardiac repair, but also whether overlapping, common mechanisms exist. Increasing evidence suggests that one mechanism of action by which cells provide tissue protection and repair may involve paracrine factors, including cytokines and growth factors, released from transplanted stem cells into the surrounding tissue. These paracrine factors have the potential to directly modify the healing process in the heart, including neovascularization, cardiac myocyte apoptosis, inflammation, fibrosis, contractility, bioenergetics, and endogenous repair

    Behavioral and Chemical Ecology of Marine Organisms with Respect to Tetrodotoxin

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    The behavioral and chemical ecology of marine organisms that possess tetrodotoxin (TTX) has not been comprehensively reviewed in one work to date. The evidence for TTX as an antipredator defense, as venom, as a sex pheromone, and as an attractant for TTX-sequestering organisms is discussed. Little is known about the adaptive value of TTX in microbial producers; thus, I focus on what is known about metazoans that are purported to accumulate TTX through diet or symbioses. Much of what has been proposed is inferred based on the anatomical distribution of TTX. Direct empirical tests of these hypotheses are absent in most cases

    Down-Regulation of Honey Bee IRS Gene Biases Behavior toward Food Rich in Protein

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    Food choice and eating behavior affect health and longevity. Large-scale research efforts aim to understand the molecular and social/behavioral mechanisms of energy homeostasis, body weight, and food intake. Honey bees (Apis mellifera) could provide a model for these studies since individuals vary in food-related behavior and social factors can be controlled. Here, we examine a potential role of peripheral insulin receptor substrate (IRS) expression in honey bee foraging behavior. IRS is central to cellular nutrient sensing through transduction of insulin/insulin-like signals (IIS). By reducing peripheral IRS gene expression and IRS protein amount with the use of RNA interference (RNAi), we demonstrate that IRS influences foraging choice in two standard strains selected for different food-hoarding behavior. Compared with controls, IRS knockdowns bias their foraging effort toward protein (pollen) rather than toward carbohydrate (nectar) sources. Through control experiments, we establish that IRS does not influence the bees' sucrose sensory response, a modality that is generally associated with food-related behavior and specifically correlated with the foraging preference of honey bees. These results reveal a new affector pathway of honey bee social foraging, and suggest that IRS expressed in peripheral tissue can modulate an insect's foraging choice between protein and carbohydrate sources