14 research outputs found

    Raman transitions between hyperfine clock states in a magnetic trap

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    We present our experimental investigation of an optical Raman transition between the magnetic clock states of 87^{87}Rb in an atom chip magnetic trap. The transfer of atomic population is induced by a pair of diode lasers which couple the two clock states off-resonantly to an intermediate state manifold. This transition is subject to destructive interference of two excitation paths, which leads to a reduction of the effective two-photon Rabi-frequency. Furthermore, we find that the transition frequency is highly sensitive to the intensity ratio of the diode lasers. Our results are well described in terms of light shifts in the multi-level structure of 87^{87}Rb. The differential light shifts vanish at an optimal intensity ratio, which we observe as a narrowing of the transition linewidth. We also observe the temporal dynamics of the population transfer and find good agreement with a model based on the system's master equation and a Gaussian laser beam profile. Finally, we identify several sources of decoherence in our system, and discuss possible improvements.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Magnetic-film atom chip with 10 μ\mum period lattices of microtraps for quantum information science with Rydberg atoms

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    We describe the fabrication and construction of a setup for creating lattices of magnetic microtraps for ultracold atoms on an atom chip. The lattice is defined by lithographic patterning of a permanent magnetic film. Patterned magnetic-film atom chips enable a large variety of trapping geometries over a wide range of length scales. We demonstrate an atom chip with a lattice constant of 10 μ\mum, suitable for experiments in quantum information science employing the interaction between atoms in highly-excited Rydberg energy levels. The active trapping region contains lattice regions with square and hexagonal symmetry, with the two regions joined at an interface. A structure of macroscopic wires, cut out of a silver foil, was mounted under the atom chip in order to load ultracold 87^{87}Rb atoms into the microtraps. We demonstrate loading of atoms into the square and hexagonal lattice sections simultaneously and show resolved imaging of individual lattice sites. Magnetic-film lattices on atom chips provide a versatile platform for experiments with ultracold atoms, in particular for quantum information science and quantum simulation.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Holographic power-law traps for the efficient production of Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We use a phase-only spatial light modulator to generate light distributions in which the intensity decays as a power law from a central maximum with order ranging from 2 (parabolic) to 0.5. We suggest that a sequence of these can be used as a time-dependent optical dipole trap for all-optical production of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in two stages: efficient evaporative cooling in a trap with adjustable strength and depth, followed by an adiabatic transformation of the trap order to cross the BEC transition in a reversible way. Realistic experimental parameters are used to verify the capability of this approach in producing larger BECs than by evaporative cooling alone

    Influence of pressure on the magnetic ordering of CeNiSnH and CeNiSnH<sub>1.8</sub> hydrides

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    The magnetic properties of the antiferromagnet CeNiSnH and of the ferromagnet CeNiSnH1.8 on hydrostatic pressure (0≤P≤10.8 bar) have been determined using a miniature piston–cylinder CuBe pressure cell. With increasing P, the Néel temperature of CeNiSnH increases weakly from 4.77 to 5.01 K whereas the Curie temperature of CeNiSnH1.8 decreases rapidly from 7.16 to 5.30 K. Similar pressure dependence is also observed in the critical field of the metamagnetic transition of CeNiSnH and in the coercive field of CeNiSnH1.8. Electronic structure calculations for these hydrides within the density functional theory show agreement with the experimental findings. Detailed examination of the chemical bonding features point to the conclusion that the antibonding Ce–Ni states below the Fermi level for CeNiSnH1.8 could be responsible for the decrease of its Curie temperature under applied pressure

    Adsorbate dynamics on a silica-coated gold surface measured by Rydberg Stark spectroscopy

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    Trapping a Rydberg atom close to a surface is an important step towards the realisation of many proposals for quantum information processing or hybrid quantum systems. One of the challenges in these experiments is posed by the electric field emanating from contaminations on the surface. Here we report on measurements of an electric field created by 87Rb atoms adsorbed on a 25 nm thick layer of SiO2, covering a 90 nm layer of Au. The electric field is measured using a two-photon transition to the and states. The electric field value that we measure is higher than typical values measured above metal surfaces, but is consistent with a recent measurement above a SiO2 surface. In addition, we measure the temporal behaviour of the field and observe that we can reduce it in a single experimental cycle, using ultraviolet light or by mildly locally heating the surface with one of the excitation lasers, whereas the buildup of the field takes thousands of cycles. We explain these results by a change in the adatom distribution on the surface. These results indicate that, while the stray electric field can be reduced, achieving field-free conditions above a silica-coated gold chip remains challenging