1,159 research outputs found

    Management advisory services

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    Never Two Ladies Lov\u27d as They Do: Queer Theory and As You Like It\u27s Celia

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    Though most performances of William Shakespeare\u27s As you like it focus on the comedy of Ganymede/Rosalind\u27s interactions with Orlando, director Des McAnuff\u27s 2012 Stratford Shakespeare Festival production instead manifests homoerotic tension between Celia and Rosalind. Shakespeare\u27s textual allusions provide ample evidence to support this homoerotic reading which McAnuff actualizes between Cara Rickett\u27s Celia and Andrea Runge\u27s Rosalind through blocking and speech inflection. My analysis encompasses a detailed investigation of this particular production as well as a study of homoerotic desire between women, faciliating a critique of the methods of queer theory by engaging and refining its generalized critical principles

    Coping strategies for adolescent birth-mothers who return to school following adoption

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    In this article we report on a study on the effects of adoption on the school performance of birth-mothers (adolescent mothers who choose to have their babies adopted) who return to school following adoption. The study focused on the experience of five white adolescent birthmothers. Factors impacting on school performance were identified in a literature study and correlated with information received from the birth-mothers using phenomenological interviews. The study aimed at providing an in-depth understanding of the factors that impacted negatively on the birth-mothers' school performance in order to ultimately develop guidelines for helping birth-mothers cope better when returning to school.South African Journal of Education Vol. 26 (4) 2006: pp. 491-49

    A centile chart for birth weight for an urban population of the Western Cape

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    Evidence from large epidemiological studies has supported concern that being born light for gestational age (LiGA) may be detrimental. The incidence of LiGA babies is an important indicator of the health of women of reproductive age in deprived communities. In the assessment of LiGA in the Western Cape, centile charts constructed for populations in other parts of the world are generally used. These charts, however, may not be appropriate. Patients residing in the area served by the Tygerberg Hospital obstetric service, who booked early with singleton pregnancies, had their gestational age confinmed by early ultrasound and delivered between 1 March 1989 and 28 February 1990 were included in the study. The sample consisted of 3 643 patients. The mean birth weight was 2 995 g (SD 573 g) and the range 760 - 5 080 g. The distribution of birth weight at each week of gestation from 28 to 42 weeks was not nonmal. The 4-parameter Johnson family of densities was used to model the distribution of birth weight at each gestational age. A comparison of the distribution of birth weight in the study relative to the perinatal growth chart for international reference constructed by Dunn was also made. In addition to considering an overall chart, the sample was subdivided according to a number of characteristics (e.g. gender, firstborn and latter-born babies, smoking habit, hypertensive disorders and induction of labour) in order to explore their impact on the distribution of birth weight. Having explored the potential impact of all these factors, it was concluded that a single chart including all patients could be constructed

    A centile chart for birth weight for an urban population of the Western Cape

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    Evidence from large epidemiological studies has supported concern that being born light for gestational age (LiGA) may be detrimental. The incidence of LiGA babies is an important indicator of the health of women of reproductive age in deprived communities. In the assessment of LiGA in the Western Cape, centile charts constructed for populations in other parts of the world are generally used. These charts, however, may not be appropriate. Patients residing in the area served by the Tygerberg Hospital obstetric service, who booked early with singleton pregnancies, had their gestational age confirmed by early ultrasound and delivered between 1 March 1989 and 28 February 1990 were included in the study. The sample consisted of 3 643 patients. The mean birth weight was 2 995 g (SD 573 g) and the range 760 - 5 080 g. The distribution of birth weight at each week of gestation from 28 to 42 weeks was not normal. The 4-parameter Johnson family of densities was used to model the distribution of birth weight at each gestational age. A comparison of the distribution of birth weight in the study relative to the perinatal growth chart for international reference constructed by Dunn was also made. In addition to considering an overall chart, the sample was subdivided according to a number of characteristics (e.g. gender, firstborn and latter-born babies, smoking habit, hypertensive disorders and induction of labour) in order to explore their impact on the distribution of birth weight. Having explored the potential impact of all these factors, it was concluded that a single chart including all patients could be constructed

    The effect of phantom parent groups on genetic trend estimation

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    In an animal model evaluation of breeding values it is assumed that the base animals are all at the same genetic level. However, in the South African Holstein population, animals of different genetic levels were imported from foreign countries, thus causing a deviation from this assumption. The effect of this deviation is considered using first lactation records from 393 458 Holstein cows. Genetic trend estimation is studied through a time trend analysis of within-Bull-yearly-Daughter Yield Deviations, or DYD's. Bias in the estimation of trend was reduced when phantom parent groups were taken into account. The 109 385 base animals were replaced by 64 phantom parent groups. Phantom parent groups were constructed by combining year of birth, country of birth and selection intensity of the phantom parents. In recent years, foreign sires have been more affected by the exclusion of phantom parents groups in the model, than local sires, although ranking coefficients for the 15 771 sires in the analysis were in excess of 90%. Ranking coefficients for cows were also high. South African Journal of Animal Science Vol.32(2) 2002: 130-13

    A critical review of South African child and youth resilience studies, 2009-2017

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    Abstract: In contexts of high levels of structural disadvantage, such as South Africa, resilience among children and youth becomes increasingly important to buffer children and youth from the negative effects of adversity. This article reports on a systematic review of research conducted in South Africa over the period 2009 to 2017 on the resilience of children and youth (ages 0 to 24) from the perspectives of young people themselves. It serves as a follow-up and refinement of an earlier publication in 2010. A total of 61 journal articles are reviewed. Four categories of social-ecological resilience-enablers emerge from these study, viz. personal, relational, structural and spiritual/cultural. Most of the resilience-enablers identified in these studies are in the personal and relational domains. Various reasons for this finding are discussed, and emerging recommendations for service professionals (particularly social worker and educational psychologists) and youth resilience researchers are advanced

    Kyk na Nel Erasmus se "Jazz Baby/Spent Autumn" as die lewe van vorme

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    Henri Focillon beskryf die dinamiek van kunswerke in terme van onderskeie vormdimensies. Sy benadering word as 'n orientasie beskou waarvolgens Nel Erasmus se werk "Jazz Baby/Spent Autumn" geinterpreteer kan word.Henri Focillon describes the dynamics of works of art in terms of distinctive dimensions of form. His approach is viewed as an orientation for interpreting Nel Erasmus'[s] work "Jazz Baby/Spent Autumn".Article digitised using: Suprascan 1000 RGB scanner, scanned at 400 dpi; 24-bit colour; 100% Image derivating - Software used: Adobe Photoshop CS3 - Image levels, crop, deskew Abbyy Fine Reader No.9 - Image manipulation + OCR Adobe Acrobat 9 (PDF