47 research outputs found

    A Novel Interhemispheric Interaction: Modulation of Neuronal Cooperativity in the Visual Areas

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    Background: The cortical representation of the visual field is split along the vertical midline, with the left and the right hemi-fields projecting to separate hemispheres. Connections between the visual areas of the two hemispheres are abundant near the representation of the visual midline. It was suggested that they re-establish the functional continuity of the visual field by controlling the dynamics of the responses in the two hemispheres. Methods/Principal Findings: To understand if and how the interactions between the two hemispheres participate in processing visual stimuli, the synchronization of responses to identical or different moving gratings in the two hemi-fields were studied in anesthetized ferrets. The responses were recorded by multiple electrodes in the primary visual areas and the synchronization of local field potentials across the electrodes were analyzed with a recent method derived from dynamical system theory. Inactivating the visual areas of one hemisphere modulated the synchronization of the stimulus-driven activity in the other hemisphere. The modulation was stimulus-specific and was consistent with the fine morphology of callosal axons in particular with the spatio-temporal pattern of activity that axonal geometry can generate. Conclusions/Significance: These findings describe a new kind of interaction between the cerebral hemispheres and highlight the role of axonal geometry in modulating aspects of cortical dynamics responsible for stimulus detection and/or categorization

    Constant and variable aspects of axonal phenotype in cerebral cortex

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    Visual stimulus-dependent changes in interhemispheric EEG coherence in ferrets.

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    In recent years, the analysis of the coherence between signals recorded from the scalp [electroencephalographic (EEG) coherence] has been used to assess the functional properties of cortico-cortical connections, both in animal models and in humans. However, the experimental validation of this technique is still scarce. Therefore we applied it to the study of the callosal connections between the visual areas of the two hemispheres, because this particular set of cortico-cortical connections can be activated in a selective way by visual stimuli. Indeed, in primary and in low-order secondary visual areas, callosal axons interconnect selectively regions, which represent a narrow portion of the visual field straddling the vertical meridian and, within these regions, neurons that prefer the same stimulus orientation. Thus only isooriented stimuli located near the vertical meridian are expected to change interhemispheric coherence by activating callosal connections. Finally, if such changes are found and are indeed mediated by callosal connections, they should disappear after transection of the corpus callosum. We perfomed experiments on seven paralyzed and anesthetized ferrets, recording their cortical activity with epidural electrodes on areas 17/18, 19, and lateral suprasylvian, during different forms of visual stimulation. As expected, we found that bilateral iso-oriented stimuli near the vertical meridian, or extending across it, caused a significant increase in interhemispheric coherence in the EEG beta-gamma band. Stimuli with different orientations, stimuli located far from the vertical meridian, as well as unilateral stimuli failed to affect interhemispheric EEG coherence. The stimulus-induced increase in coherence disappeared after surgical transection of the corpus callosum. The results suggest that the activation of cortico-cortical connections can indeed be revealed as a change in EEG coherence. The latter can therefore be validly used to investigate the functionality of cortico-cortical connections