2,756 research outputs found

    Analysis of a space--time hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the advection--diffusion problem on time-dependent domains

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    This paper presents the first analysis of a space--time hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the advection--diffusion problem on time-dependent domains. The analysis is based on non-standard local trace and inverse inequalities that are anisotropic in the spatial and time steps. We prove well-posedness of the discrete problem and provide a priori error estimates in a mesh-dependent norm. Convergence theory is validated by a numerical example solving the advection--diffusion problem on a time-dependent domain for approximations of various polynomial degree

    Hardware-software codesign in a high-level synthesis environment

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    Interfacing hardware-oriented high-level synthesis to software development is a computationally hard problem for which no general solution exists. Under special conditions, the hardware-software codesign (system-level synthesis) problem may be analyzed with traditional tools and efficient heuristics. This dissertation introduces a new alternative to the currently used heuristic methods. The new approach combines the results of top-down hardware development with existing basic hardware units (bottom-up libraries) and compiler generation tools. The optimization goal is to maximize operating frequency or minimize cost with reasonable tradeoffs in other properties. The dissertation research provides a unified approach to hardware-software codesign. The improvements over previously existing design methodologies are presented in the frame-work of an academic CAD environment (PIPE). This CAD environment implements a sufficient subset of functions of commercial microelectronics CAD packages. The results may be generalized for other general-purpose algorithms or environments. Reference benchmarks are used to validate the new approach. Most of the well-known benchmarks are based on discrete-time numerical simulations, digital filtering applications, and cryptography (an emerging field in benchmarking). As there is a need for high-performance applications, an additional requirement for this dissertation is to investigate pipelined hardware-software systems\u27 performance and design methods. The results demonstrate that the quality of existing heuristics does not change in the enhanced, hardware-software environment

    An exactly mass conserving space-time embedded-hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method for the Navier-Stokes equations on moving domains

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    This paper presents a space-time embedded-hybridized discontinuous Galerkin (EHDG) method for the Navier--Stokes equations on moving domains. This method uses a different hybridization compared to the space-time hybridized discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method we presented previously in (Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 89: 519--532, 2019). In the space-time EHDG method the velocity trace unknown is continuous while the pressure trace unknown is discontinuous across facets. In the space-time HDG method, all trace unknowns are discontinuous across facets. Alternatively, we present also a space-time embedded discontinuous Galerkin (EDG) method in which all trace unknowns are continuous across facets. The advantage of continuous trace unknowns is that the formulation has fewer global degrees-of-freedom for a given mesh than when using discontinuous trace unknowns. Nevertheless, the discrete velocity field obtained by the space-time EHDG and EDG methods, like the space-time HDG method, is exactly divergence-free, even on moving domains. However, only the space-time EHDG and HDG methods result in divergence-conforming velocity fields. An immediate consequence of this is that the space-time EHDG and HDG discretizations of the conservative form of the Navier--Stokes equations are energy stable. The space-time EDG method, on the other hand, requires a skew-symmetric formulation of the momentum advection term to be energy-stable. Numerical examples will demonstrate the differences in solution obtained by the space-time EHDG, EDG, and HDG methods

    A locally conservative and energy-stable finite element for the Navier--Stokes problem on time-dependent domains

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    We present a finite element method for the incompressible Navier--Stokes problem that is locally conservative, energy-stable and pressure-robust on time-dependent domains. To achieve this, the space--time formulation of the Navier--Stokes problem is considered. The space--time domain is partitioned into space--time slabs which in turn are partitioned into space--time simplices. A combined discontinuous Galerkin method across space--time slabs, and space--time hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method within a space--time slab, results in an approximate velocity field that is H(div)H({\rm div})-conforming and exactly divergence-free, even on time-dependent domains. Numerical examples demonstrate the convergence properties and performance of the method

    Mitochondrial ROS Signaling in Organismal Homeostasis

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    Generation, transformation, and utilization of organic molecules in support of cellular differentiation, growth, and maintenance are basic tenets that define life. In eukaryotes, mitochondrial oxygen consumption plays a central role in these processes. During the process of oxidative phosphorylation, mitochondria utilize oxygen to generate ATP from organic fuel molecules but in the process also produce reactive oxygen species (ROS). While ROS have long been appreciated for their damage-promoting, detrimental effects, there is now a greater understanding of their roles as signaling molecules. Here, we review mitochondrial ROS-mediated signaling pathways with an emphasis on how they are involved in various basal and adaptive physiological responses that control organismal homeostasis

    Construction of Activity-based Anorexia Mouse Models

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    Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a psychiatric disorder mainly characterized by extreme hypophagia, severe body weight loss, hyperactivity, and hypothermia. Currently, AN has the highest mortality rate among psychiatric illnesses. Despite decades of research, there is no effective cure for AN nor is there a clear understanding of its etiology. Since a complex interaction between genetic, environmental, social, and cultural factors underlines this disorder, the development of a suitable animal model has been difficult so far. Here, we present our protocol that couples a loss-of-function mouse model to the activity-based anorexia model (ABA), which involves self-imposed starvation in response to exposure to food restriction and exercise. We provide insights into a neural circuit that drives survival in AN and, in contrast to previous protocols, propose a model that mimics the conditions that mainly promote AN in humans, such as increased incidence during adolescence, onset preceded by negative energy balance, and increased compulsive exercise. This protocol will be useful for future studies that aim to identify neuronal populations or brain circuits that promote the onset or long-term maintenance of this devastating eating disorder

    Using the Change Manager Model for the Hippocampal System to Predict Connectivity and Neurophysiological Parameters in the Perirhinal Cortex

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    Theoretical arguments demonstrate that practical considerations, including the needs to limit physiological resources and to learn without interference with prior learning, severely constrain the anatomical architecture of the brain. These arguments identify the hippocampal system as the change manager for the cortex, with the role of selecting the most appropriate locations for cortical receptive field changes at each point in time and driving those changes. This role results in the hippocampal system recording the identities of groups of cortical receptive fields that changed at the same time. These types of records can also be used to reactivate the receptive fields active during individual unique past events, providing mechanisms for episodic memory retrieval. Our theoretical arguments identify the perirhinal cortex as one important focal point both for driving changes and for recording and retrieving episodic memories. The retrieval of episodic memories must not drive unnecessary receptive field changes, and this consideration places strong constraints on neuron properties and connectivity within and between the perirhinal cortex and regular cortex. Hence the model predicts a number of such properties and connectivity. Experimental test of these falsifiable predictions would clarify how change is managed in the cortex and how episodic memories are retrieved

    Resonance Raman Investigation of the Radical Cation of 1,3,5-Hexatriene

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    The resonance Raman spectrum of the 1,3,5-hexatriene radical cation generated by v-irradiation in a Freon glass is reported. The spectrum is excited at 395 nm in resonance with the second absorption band. Identical spectra are obtained from ionized (E)- and (Z)-1,3,5-hexatriene. The presence of more than one rotamer has to be assumed to account for all the observed resonance Raman bands. The bands are assigned to a mixture of the two rotamers, calculated at lowest energy, the ttt an tct rotamers, on the basis of ab initio ROHF/6-31G calculated harmonic frequencies. The spectrum indicates that the ttt and tct rotamers are formed in a ratio in the range 0.4./0.6-0.6/0.4. Two possible mechanisms are proposed to explain the presence of these two rotamers

    Statin Use Is Prospectively Associated With New-Onset Diabetes After Transplantation in Renal Transplant Recipients

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    OBJECTIVE New-onset diabetes after transplantation (NODAT) is frequent and worsens graft and patient outcomes in renal transplant recipients (RTRs). In the general population, statins are diabetogenic. This study investigated whether statins also increase NODAT risk in RTRs. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS From a prospective longitudinal study of 606 RTRs (functioning allograft >1year,single academic center, follow-up: median 9.6 [range, 6.6–10.2] years), 95 patients using statins were age-and sex-matched to RTRs not on statins (all diabetes-free at inclusion). RESULTS NODAT incidence was 7.2% (73.3% of these on statins). In Kaplan-Meier (log-rank test, P 5 0.017) and Cox regression analyses (HR 3.86 [95% CI 1.21–12.27]; P 5 0.022), statins were prospectively associated with incident NODAT, even independent of several relevant confounders including immunosuppressive medication and biomarkers of glucose homeostasis. CONCLUSIONS This study demonstrates that statin use is prospectively associated with the development of NODAT in RTRs independent of other recognized risk factors
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