1,831 research outputs found

    Internal coating of air-cooled gas turbine blades

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    Four modified aluminide coatings were developed for IN-792 + Hf alloy using a powder pack method applicable to internal surfaces of air-cooled blades. The coating compositions are Ni-19Al-1Cb, Ni-19Al-3Cb, Ni-17Al-20Cr, and Ni-12Al-20Cr. Cyclic burner rig hot corrosion (900 C) and oxidation (1050 C) tests indicated that Ni-Al-Cb coatings provided better overall resistance than Ni-Al-Cr coatings. Tensile properties of Ni-19Al-1Cb and Ni-12Al-20Cr coated test bars were fully retained at room temperature and 649 C. Stress rupture results exhibited wide scatter around uncoated IN-792 baseline, especially at high stress levels. High cycle fatigue lives of Ni-19Al-1Cb and Ni-12Al-20Cr coated bars (as well as RT-22B coated IN-792) suffered approximately 30 percent decrease at 649 C. Since all test bars were fully heat treated after coating, the effects of coating/processing on IN-792 alloy were not recoverable. Internally coated Ni-19Al-1Cb, Ni-19Al-3Cb, and Ni-12Al-20Cr blades were included in 500-hour endurance engine test and the results were similar to those obtained in burner rig oxidation testing

    Fiducial Stellar Population Sequences for the u'g'r'i'z' System

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    We describe an extensive observational project that has obtained high-quality and homogeneous photometry for a number of different Galactic star clusters (including M 92, M 13, M 3, M 71, and NGC 6791) spanning a wide range in metallicity (-2.3<[Fe/H]<+0.4), as observed in the u'g'r'i'z' passbands with the MegaCam wide-field imager on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. By employing these purest of stellar populations, fiducial sequences have been defined from color-magnitude diagrams that extend from the tip of the red-giant branch down to approximately 4 magnitudes below the turnoff: these sequences have been accurately calibrated to the standard u'g'r'i'z' system via a set of secondary photometric standards located within these same clusters. Consequently, they can serve as a valuable set of empirical fiducials for the interpretation of stellar populations data in the u'g'r'i'z' system.Comment: 16 pages, 7 tables, 13 figures; accepted for publication in A

    The Relationship between Creativity, Neurosis, and Mood Disorders

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    Tribal Sovereignty: Santa Clara Pueblo v. Martinez: Tribal Sovereignty 146 Years Later

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    Internally coated air-cooled gas turbine blading

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    Ten candidate modified nickel-aluminide coatings were developed using the slip pack process. These coatings contain additives such as silicon, chromium and columbium in a nickel-aluminum coating matrix with directionally solidified MAR-M200 + Hf as the substrate alloy. Following a series of screening tests which included strain tolerance, dynamic oxidation and hot corrosion testing, the Ni-19A1-1Cb (nominal composition) coating was selected for application to the internal passages of four first-stage turbine blades. Process development results indicate that a dry pack process is suitable for internal coating application resulting in 18 percent or less reduction in air flow. Coating uniformity, based on coated air-cooled blades, was within + or - 20 percent. Test results show that the presence of additives (silicon, chromium or columbium) appeared to improve significantly the ductility of the NiA1 matrix. However, the environmental resistance of these modified nickel-aluminides were generally inferior to the simple aluminides

    The origin of the LMC stellar bar: clues from the SFH of the bar and inner disk

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    We discuss the origin of the LMC stellar bar by comparing the star formation histories (SFH) obtained from deep color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) in the bar and in a number of fields in different directions within the inner disk. The CMDs, reaching the oldest main sequence turnoffs in these very crowded fields, have been obtained with VIMOS on the VLT in service mode, under very good seeing conditions. We show that the SFHs of all fields share the same patterns, with consistent variations of the star formation rate as a function of time in all of them. We therefore conclude that no specific event of star formation can be identified with the formation of the LMC bar, which instead likely formed from a redistribution of disk material that occurred when the LMC disk became bar unstable, and shared a common SFH with the inner disk thereafter. The strong similarity between the SFH of the center and edge of the bar rules out significant spatial variations of the SFH across the bar, which are predicted by scenarios of classic bar formation through buckling mechanisms.Comment: MNRAS Letters, accepte

    Luminosity and mass function of galactic open clusters: I. NGC 4815

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    We present deep V and I photometry for the open cluster NGC 4815 and four surrounding Galactic fields down to a limiting magnitude V25V\sim25. These data are used to study cluster spatial extension by means of star counts, and to derive the luminosity (LF) and mass function (MF). The radius turns out to be 3.6±0.3arcmin3.6\pm0.3 arcmin at V=19.0 level, whereas the mass amounts at 880±230m880\pm230 m_{\odot} down to V=20.8. From the color-magnitude diagram, we obtain the LFs in the V and I bands, using both the standard histogram and an adaptive kernel. After correction for incompleteness and field star contamination, the LFs have been transformed into the present day mass functions (PDMF). The PDMFs from the V and I photometry can be represented as a power-law with a slope α=3.1±0.3\alpha = 3.1\pm0.3 and α=2.9±0.3\alpha = 2.9\pm0.3 (the \cite{salp55} MF in this notation has a slope α=2.35\alpha = 2.35) respectively, in the mass range 2.5mm0.82.5 \leq \frac{m}{m_{\odot}} \leq 0.8. Below this mass, the MF cannot be considered as representative of the cluster IMF, as it is the result of the combined effect of strong irregularities in the stellar background, probable internal dynamical evolution of the cluster and/or interaction of the cluster with the dense Galactic field. Unresolved binaries and mass segregation can only flatten the apparent derived IMF, so we expect that the real IMF must be steeper than the quoted slope by an unknown amount.Comment: 12 pages, 10 eps figures, in press in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Star Formation Region NGC 6530: distance, ages and Initial Mass Function

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    We present astrometry and BVIBVI photometry, down to V22V\simeq22, of the very young open cluster NGC6530, obtained from observations taken with the Wide Field Imager camera at the MPG/ESO 2.2 m Telescope. Both the VV vs. BVB-V and the VV vs. VIV-I color-magnitude diagrams (CMD) show the upper main sequence dominated by very bright cluster stars, while, due to the high obscuration of the giant molecular cloud surrounding the cluster, the blue envelopes of the diagrams at V14V\gtrsim 14 are limited to the main sequence stars at the distance of NGC6530. This particular structure of the NGC6530 CMD allows us to conclude that its distance is about d1250d \simeq 1250 pc, significantly lower than the previous determination of d=1800 pc. We have positionally matched our optical catalog with the list of X-ray sources found in a Chandra-ACIS observation, finding a total of 828 common stars, 90% of which are pre-main sequence stars in NGC6530. Using evolutionary tracks of Siess et al. (2000)}, mass and age values are inferred for these stars. The median age of the cluster is about 2.3 Myr; in the mass range (0.6--4.0)M M_\odot, the Initial Mass Function (IMF) shows a power law index x=1.22±0.17x=1.22\pm0.17, consistent with both the Salpeter index (1.35), and with the index derived for other young clusters ; towards smaller masses the IMF shows a peak and then it starts to decrease.Comment: 32 pages, 13 ps figures, in press in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Spatially resolved LMC star formation history: I. Outside in evolution of the outer LMC disk

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    We study the evolution of three fields in the outer LMC disk Rgc=3.5-6.2 Kpc. Their star formation history indicates a stellar populations gradient such that younger stellar populations are more centrally concentrated. We identify two main star forming epochs, separated by a period of lower activity between ~7 and ~4 Gyr ago. Their relative importance varies from a similar amount of stars formed in the two epochs in the innermost field, to only 40% of the stars formed in the more recent epoch in the outermost field. The young star forming epoch continues to the present time in the innermost field, but lasted only till ~0.8 and 1.3 Gyr ago at Rgc=5.5 degrees and 7.1 degrees, respectively. This gradient is correlated with the measured HI column density and implies an outside-in quenching of the star formation, possibly related to a variation of the size of the HI disk. This could either result from gas depletion due to star formation or ram-pressure stripping, or from to the compression of the gas disk as ram-pressure from the Milky Way halo acted on the LMC interstellar medium. The latter two situations may have occurred when the LMC first approached the Milky Way.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables. MNRAS, in pres