2,517 research outputs found

    A Framework for Quantifying the Degeneracies of Exoplanet Interior Compositions

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    Several transiting super-Earths are expected to be discovered in the coming few years. While tools to model the interior structure of transiting planets exist, inferences about the composition are fraught with ambiguities. We present a framework to quantify how much we can robustly infer about super-Earth and Neptune-size exoplanet interiors from radius and mass measurements. We introduce quaternary diagrams to illustrate the range of possible interior compositions for planets with four layers (iron core, silicate mantles, water layers, and H/He envelopes). We apply our model to CoRoT-7b, GJ 436b, and HAT-P-11b. Interpretation of planets with H/He envelopes is limited by the model uncertainty in the interior temperature, while for CoRoT-7b observational uncertainties dominate. We further find that our planet interior model sharpens the observational constraints on CoRoT-7b's mass and radius, assuming the planet does not contain significant amounts of water or gas. We show that the strength of the limits that can be placed on a super-Earth's composition depends on the planet's density; for similar observational uncertainties, high-density super-Mercuries allow the tightest composition constraints. Finally, we describe how techniques from Bayesian statistics can be used to take into account in a formal way the combined contributions of both theoretical and observational uncertainties to ambiguities in a planet's interior composition. On the whole, with only a mass and radius measurement an exact interior composition cannot be inferred for an exoplanet because the problem is highly underconstrained. Detailed quantitative ranges of plausible compositions, however, can be found.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, published in Ap

    Helium Atmospheres on Warm Neptune- and Sub-Neptune-Sized Exoplanets and Applications to GJ 436 b

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    Warm Neptune- and sub-Neptune-sized exoplanets in orbits smaller than Mercury's are thought to have experienced extensive atmospheric evolution. Here we propose that a potential outcome of this atmospheric evolution is the formation of helium-dominated atmospheres. The hydrodynamic escape rates of Neptune- and sub-Neptune-sized exoplanets are comparable to the diffusion-limited escape rate of hydrogen, and therefore the escape is heavily affected by diffusive separation between hydrogen and helium. A helium atmosphere can thus be formed -- from a primordial hydrogen-helium atmosphere -- via atmospheric hydrodynamic escape from the planet. The helium atmosphere has very different abundances of major carbon and oxygen species from those of a hydrogen atmosphere, leading to distinctive transmission and thermal emission spectral features. In particular, the hypothesis of a helium-dominated atmosphere can explain the thermal emission spectrum of GJ 436 b, a warm Neptune-sized exoplanet, while also consistent with the transmission spectrum. This model atmosphere contains trace amounts of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, with the predominance of CO over CH4 as the main form of carbon. With our atmospheric evolution model, we find that if the mass of the initial atmosphere envelope is 1E-3 planetary mass, hydrodynamic escape can reduce the hydrogen abundance in the atmosphere by several orders of magnitude in ~10 billion years. Observations of exoplanet transits may thus detect signatures of helium atmospheres and probe the evolutionary history of small exoplanets.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    Infrared Observations During the Secondary Eclipse of HD 209458 b II. Strong Limits on the Infrared Spectrum Near 2.2 Microns

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    We report observations of the transiting extrasolar planet, HD 209458 b, designed to detect the secondary eclipse. We employ the method of `occultation spectroscopy', which searches in combined light (star and planet) for the disappearance and reappearance of weak infrared spectral features due to the planet as it passes behind the star and reappears. Our observations cover two predicted secondary eclipse events, and we obtained 1036 individual spectra of the HD 209458 system using the SpeX instrument at the NASA IRTF in September 2001. Our spectra extend from 1.9 to 4.2 microns with a spectral resolution of 1500. We have searched for a continuum peak near 2.2 microns (caused by CO and water absorption bands), as predicted by some models of the planetary atmosphere to be approximately 6E-4 of the stellar flux, but no such peak is detected at a level of about 3E-4 of the stellar flux. Our results represent the strongest limits on the infrared spectrum of the planet to date and carry significant implications for understanding the planetary atmosphere. In particular, some models that assume the stellar irradiation is re-radiated entirely on the sub-stellar hemisphere predict a flux peak inconsistent with our observations. Several physical mechanisms can improve agreement with our observations, including the re-distribution of heat by global circulation, a nearly isothermal atmosphere, and/or the presence of a high cloud.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal 17 pages, 6 figure

    Theoretical Spectra of Terrestrial Exoplanet Surfaces

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    We investigate spectra of airless rocky exoplanets with a theoretical framework that self-consistently treats reflection and thermal emission. We find that a silicate surface on an exoplanet is spectroscopically detectable via prominent Si-O features in the thermal emission bands of 7 - 13 \mu m and 15 - 25 \mu m. The variation of brightness temperature due to the silicate features can be up to 20 K for an airless Earth analog, and the silicate features are wide enough to be distinguished from atmospheric features with relatively high-resolution spectra. The surface characterization thus provides a method to unambiguously identify a rocky exoplanet. Furthermore, identification of specific rocky surface types is possible with the planet's reflectance spectrum in near-infrared broad bands. A key parameter to observe is the difference between K band and J band geometric albedos (A_g (K)-A_g (J)): A_g (K)-A_g (J) > 0.2 indicates that more than half of the planet's surface has abundant mafic minerals, such as olivine and pyroxene, in other words primary crust from a magma ocean or high-temperature lavas; A_g (K)-A_g (J) < -0.09 indicates that more than half of the planet's surface is covered or partially covered by water ice or hydrated silicates, implying extant or past water on its surface. Also, surface water ice can be specifically distinguished by an H-band geometric albedo lower than the J-band geometric albedo. The surface features can be distinguished from possible atmospheric features with molecule identification of atmospheric species by transmission spectroscopy. We therefore propose that mid-infrared spectroscopy of exoplanets may detect rocky surfaces, and near-infrared spectrophotometry may identify ultramafic surfaces, hydrated surfaces and water ice.Comment: Accepted for publication on the Ap

    The Male Psychology Conference, University College London, June 2014

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    The Male Psychology conference is taking place at University College, London, on June 20th 2014. This article describes the context of the conference, for example, the reasons why it is necessary and the types of challenges facing men and boys today. Conference presentations will span the topics of: suicide and male help-seeking behaviour, improving therapy for men, steroid use, empathy, emotional intelligence, and the perennial topic of masculinity. Abstracts of the presentations are in the appendix of this article. The conference will have keynote speeches from highly respected speakers on the subjects of government policy on men’s psychological needs (David Wilkins), sexual misconduct (Professor Andrew Samuels), and getting beyond notions like ‘manning up’ (Glen Poole). There will also be poetry readings straight from the heart of Rob Mackerill, and posters on subjects ranging from male asylum seekers to The Sopranos. It is hoped that this conference – the first Male Psychology conference – will improve awareness of the importance of this area to psychologists and others. Full details of the conference can be found here http://www.malepsychology.org.uk/index.html

    Changing Face of the Extrasolar Giant Planet, HD 209458b

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    High-resolution atmospheric flow simulations of the tidally-locked extrasolar giant planet, HD 209458b, show large-scale spatio-temporal variability. This is in contrast to the simple, permanent day/night (i.e., hot/cold) picture. The planet's global circulation is characterized by a polar vortex in motion around each pole and a banded structure corresponding to ~3 broad zonal (east-west) jets. For very strong jets, the circulation-induced temperature difference between moving hot and cold regions can reach up to ~1000 K, suggesting that atmospheric variability could be observed in the planet's spectral and photometric signatures.Comment: 6 pages, 1 ps figure, 2 low-res color figures (JPEG). Figure 3 updated. Contact authors for hi-res versions of color figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    On the Insignificance of Photochemical Hydrocarbon Aerosols in the Atmospheres of Close-in Extrasolar Giant Planets

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    The close-in extrasolar giant planets (CEGPs) reside in irradiated environments much more intense than that of the giant planets in our solar system. The high UV irradiance strongly influences their photochemistry and the general current view believed that this high UV flux will greatly enhance photochemical production of hydrocarbon aerosols. In this letter, we investigate hydrocarbon aerosol formation in the atmospheres of CEGPs. We find that the abundances of hydrocarbons in the atmospheres of CEGPs are significantly less than that of Jupiter except for models in which the CH4_4 abundance is unreasonably high (as high as CO) for the hot (effective temperatures ≳1000\gtrsim 1000 K) atmospheres. Moreover, the hydrocarbons will be condensed out to form aerosols only when the temperature-pressure profiles of the species intersect with the saturation profiles--a case almost certainly not realized in the hot CEGPs atmospheres. Hence our models show that photochemical hydrocarbon aerosols are insignificant in the atmospheres of CEGPs. In contrast, Jupiter and Saturn have a much higher abundance of hydrocarbon aerosols in their atmospheres which are responsible for strong absorption shortward of 600 nm. Thus the insignificance of photochemical hydrocarbon aerosols in the atmospheres of CEGPs rules out one class of models with low albedos and featureless spectra shortward of 600 nm.Comment: ApJL accepte
