381 research outputs found

    The Continuing Leverage of Releasing Authorities: Findings from a National Survey

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    The Robina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice launched a national survey of releasing authorities in March 2015 to each state, and the U.S. Parole Commission. The importance of the survey was underscored by an endorsement from the Association of Paroling Authorities International (APAI). We are pleased to present the results from this important survey here. This is the first comprehensive survey of parole boards completed in nearly 10 years. Its findings provide a rich database for better understanding the policy and practice of paroling authorities. The last survey to be conducted of paroling authorities was in 2007/2008.The current report offers an expansion and update of previous surveys. The results summarized throughout the report offer a timely resource for paroling authorities, correctional policy-makers and practitioners, legislators, and those with a public policy interest in sentencing and criminal justice operations. It is our hope that the document and its findings provide key justice system and other stakeholders with an incisive snapshot of the work of paroling authorities across the country in a manner that contributes to a larger conversation about sound and effective parole release and revocation practices.The completion of this comprehensive survey and the reporting of its findings offers a timely and invaluable resource for releasing authorities. It provides them and other key justice system stakeholders with a comparative understanding of their colleagues' work across the nation, and contributes to a larger conversation pertaining to effective parole release and revocation practices

    Small business finance in two Chicago minority neighborhoods

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    The authors use survey data to measure the use of formal and informal sources of financing by owners of small businesses in two ethnic neighborhoods. The authors find substantial differences across ethnic groups in the amount of start-up funding obtained and in the use of trade credit.Small business ; Chicago (Ill.)

    Profiles in Parole Release and Revocation Hawaii

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    Hawaii has an indeterminate sentencing system in which the sentencing court sets only the maximum, but not the minimum sentence to be served. The sentencing court chooses from only five possible maximum prison sentences when imposing a sentence (life without parole, life, 20 years, 10 years, or 5 years). While some paroling discretion has been curbed by mandatory minimum sentencing laws, in many cases the parole board still plays a large role in incarceration length. There is no sentencing commission or sentencing guidelines; and while there are no parole release guidelines, guidelines do play a role in setting the date of parole eligibility

    Investigating the feasibility and utility of bedside balance technology acutely after pediatric concussion : A pilot study

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    Objective: To examine postural instability in children acutely after concussion, using the Wii Balance Board (WBB). We hypothesized that children with traumatic brain injury would have significantly worse balance relative to children without brain injury. Design: Prospective case–control pilot study. Setting: Emergency department of a tertiary urban pediatric hospital. Participants: Cases were a convenience sample 11-16 years old who presented within 6 hours of sustaining concussion. Two controls, matched on gender, height, and age, were enrolled for each case that completed study procedures. Controls were children who presented for a minor complaint that was unlikely to affect balance. Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: The participant's postural sway expressed as the displacement in centimeters of the center of pressure during a timed balance task. Balance testing was performed using 4 stances (single or double limb, eyes open or closed). Results: Three of the 17 (17.6%) cases were too dizzy to complete testing. One stance, double limbs eyes open, was significantly higher in cases versus controls (85.6 vs 64.3 cm, P = 0.04). Conclusions: A simple test on the WBB consisting of a 2-legged standing balance task with eyes open discriminated children with concussion from non-head-injured controls. The low cost and feasibility of this device make it a potentially viable tool for assessing postural stability in children with concussion for both longitudinal research studies and clinical care. Clinical Relevance: These pilot data suggest that the WBB is an inexpensive tool that can be used on the sideline or in the outpatient setting to objectively identify and quantify postural instability

    Investigating the feasibility and utility of bedside balance technology acutely after pediatric concussion : A pilot study

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    Objective: To examine postural instability in children acutely after concussion, using the Wii Balance Board (WBB). We hypothesized that children with traumatic brain injury would have significantly worse balance relative to children without brain injury. Design: Prospective case–control pilot study. Setting: Emergency department of a tertiary urban pediatric hospital. Participants: Cases were a convenience sample 11-16 years old who presented within 6 hours of sustaining concussion. Two controls, matched on gender, height, and age, were enrolled for each case that completed study procedures. Controls were children who presented for a minor complaint that was unlikely to affect balance. Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: The participant's postural sway expressed as the displacement in centimeters of the center of pressure during a timed balance task. Balance testing was performed using 4 stances (single or double limb, eyes open or closed). Results: Three of the 17 (17.6%) cases were too dizzy to complete testing. One stance, double limbs eyes open, was significantly higher in cases versus controls (85.6 vs 64.3 cm, P = 0.04). Conclusions: A simple test on the WBB consisting of a 2-legged standing balance task with eyes open discriminated children with concussion from non-head-injured controls. The low cost and feasibility of this device make it a potentially viable tool for assessing postural stability in children with concussion for both longitudinal research studies and clinical care. Clinical Relevance: These pilot data suggest that the WBB is an inexpensive tool that can be used on the sideline or in the outpatient setting to objectively identify and quantify postural instability

    Profiles in Parole Release and Revocation Iowa

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    Iowa does not have a sentencing commission or sentencing guidelines. It is an indeterminate sentencing state that has, over time, adopted mandatory minimum penalties for certain crimes. Its Board of Parole was established in 1907, and has operated continuously since

    Biomedical journals and databases in Russia and Russian language in the former Soviet Union and beyond

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    In the 20th century, Russian biomedical science experienced a decline from the blossom of the early years to a drastic state. Through the first decades of the USSR, it was transformed to suit the ideological requirements of a totalitarian state and biased directives of communist leaders. Later, depressing economic conditions and isolation from the international research community further impeded its development. Contemporary Russia has inherited a system of medical education quite different from the west as well as counterproductive regulations for the allocation of research funding. The methodology of medical and epidemiological research in Russia is largely outdated. Epidemiology continues to focus on infectious disease and results of the best studies tend to be published in international periodicals. MEDLINE continues to be the best database to search for Russian biomedical publications, despite only a small proportion being indexed. The database of the Moscow Central Medical Library is the largest national database of medical periodicals, but does not provide abstracts and full subject heading codes, and it does not cover even the entire collection of the Library. New databases and catalogs (e.g. Panteleimon) that have appeared recently are incomplete and do not enable effective searching

    The Genetic Signature of Sex-Biased Migration in Patrilocal Chimpanzees and Humans

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    A large body of theoretical work suggests that analyses of variation at the maternally inherited mitochondrial (mt)DNA and the paternally inherited non-recombining portion of the Y chromosome (NRY) are a potentially powerful way to reveal the differing migratory histories of men and women across human societies. However, the few empirical studies comparing mtDNA and NRY variation and known patterns of sex-biased migration have produced conflicting results. Here we review some methodological reasons for these inconsistencies, and take them into account to provide an unbiased characterization of mtDNA and NRY variation in chimpanzees, one of the few mammalian taxa where males routinely remain in and females typically disperse from their natal groups. We show that patterns of mtDNA and NRY variation are more strongly contrasting in patrilocal chimpanzees compared with patrilocal human societies. The chimpanzee data we present here thus provide a valuable comparative benchmark of the patterns of mtDNA and NRY variation to be expected in a society with extremely female-biased dispersal

    From Social Network (Centralized vs. Decentralized) to Collective Decision-Making (Unshared vs. Shared Consensus)

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    Relationships we have with our friends, family, or colleagues influence our personal decisions, as well as decisions we make together with others. As in human beings, despotism and egalitarian societies seem to also exist in animals. While studies have shown that social networks constrain many phenomena from amoebae to primates, we still do not know how consensus emerges from the properties of social networks in many biological systems. We created artificial social networks that represent the continuum from centralized to decentralized organization and used an agent-based model to make predictions about the patterns of consensus and collective movements we observed according to the social network. These theoretical results showed that different social networks and especially contrasted ones – star network vs. equal network - led to totally different patterns. Our model showed that, by moving from a centralized network to a decentralized one, the central individual seemed to lose its leadership in the collective movement's decisions. We, therefore, showed a link between the type of social network and the resulting consensus. By comparing our theoretical data with data on five groups of primates, we confirmed that this relationship between social network and consensus also appears to exist in animal societies
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