51 research outputs found
A framework to move forward on the path to eco-innovation in the construction industry: implications to improve firms´ sustainable orientation
This paper examines key aspects in the innovative behavior of the
construction firms that determine their environmental orientation while innovating.
Structural equation modeling was used and data of 222 firms retrieved from the
Spanish Technological Innovation Panel (PITEC) for 2010 to analyse the drivers of
environmental orientation of the construction firms during the innovation process.
The results show that the environmental orientation is positively affected by the
product and process orientation of construction firms during the innovation process.
Furthermore, the positive relation between the importance of market information
sources and environmental orientation, mediated by process and product orientation,
is discussed. Finally, a model that explains these relations is proposed and validated.
Results have important managerial implications for those companies worried about
their eco-innovative focus as the types of actions and relations within firms most
suitable for improving their eco-innovative orientation are highlighted.The authors would like to thank the Spanish Economy and Competitiveness Ministry for its support through the research project (EC02011-27369) and also the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (SP20140647).Segarra Oña, MDV.; Peiró Signes, A.; Cervelló Royo, RE. (2015). A framework to move forward on the path to eco-innovation in the construction industry: implications to improve firms´ sustainable orientation. Science and Engineering Ethics. 21(6):1469-1484. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-014-9620-2S14691484216Amara, N., & Landry, R. (2005). Sources of information as determinants of novelty of innovation in manufacturing firms: evidence from the 1999 statistics Canada innovation survey. Technovation, 25(3), 245–259.Anderson, J. C., & Gerbing, D. W. (1988). Structural equation modeling in practice: A review and recommended two- step approach. Psychological Bulletin, 103(3), 411–423.Ang, G. K. I. (2004). 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Sustainable Entrepreneurship: The Role of Perceived Barriers and Risk
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Impact of newborn screening for very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency on genetic, enzymatic, and clinical outcomes
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Variable workup calls for guideline development for type 2A hereditary haemochromatosis
Background: Type 2A hereditary haemochromatosis (type 2A HH) is a rare iron-loading disorder caused by mutations in the HFE2 gene, which encodes the HJV protein. We present characteristics, treatment and follow-up of subjects diagnosed with type 2A HH in the Netherlands to increase awareness of the disease and its treatment, and to define knowledge gaps. Methods: We collected clinical, biochemical and genetic data from seven patients (two female; five probands) from six families genetically diagnosed with type 2A HH at the Expertise Center for Iron Disorders, Radboud University Medical Centre between 2006 and 2016. Results: The five probands presented with heterogeneous complaints between the ages of 19 and 39. One of two patients with delayed clinical diagnosis developed hypogonadism and Y. enterocolitica sepsis. Diagnostic workup and follow-up varied. When assessed, elevated transferrin saturation (79-98%), ferritin (1400-6200 µg/l) and severely elevated liver iron levels were found, and in all subjects, phlebotomies were initiated. One subject was switched to erythrocytapheresis. Target ferritin levels varied. Despite long-term iron depletion, two subjects developed clinical complications. Sanger sequencing revealed two pathogenic HFE2 variants (homozygous or compound heterozygous) for the five families of Dutch descent and one new pathogenic variant in the family of non-Dutch descent. Conclusion: Three genetic variants caused type 2A HH in six families. Clinical diagnosis was delayed in two subjects. We observed variance in presentation, workup, follow-up and treatment. We found new complications in long-term iron-depleted patients. We recommend research and guidelines for optimal workup, follow-up and treatment of type 2A HH
Iron handling by the human kidney: glomerular filtration and tubular reabsorption both contribute to urinary iron excretion
In physiological conditions, circulating iron can be filtered by the glomerulus and is almost completely reabsorbed by the tubular epithelium to prevent urinary iron wasting. Increased urinary iron concentrations have been associated with renal injury. However, it is not clear whether increased urinary iron concentrations in patients are the result of increased glomerular iron filtration and/or insufficient tubular iron reabsorption and if these processes contribute to renal injury. We measured plasma and urine iron parameters and urinary tubular injury markers in healthy human subjects ( n = 20), patients with systemic iron overload ( n = 20), and patients with renal tubular dysfunction ( n = 18). Urinary iron excretion parameters were increased in both patients with systemic iron overload and tubular dysfunction, whereas plasma iron parameters were only increased in patients with systemic iron overload. In patients with systemic iron overload, increased urinary iron levels were associated with elevated circulating iron, as indicated by transferrin saturation (TSAT), and increased body iron, as suggested by plasma ferritin concentrations. In patients with tubular dysfunction, enhanced urinary iron and transferrin excretion were associated with distal tubular injury as indicated by increased urinary glutathione S-transferase pi 1-1 (GSTP1-1) excretion. In systemic iron overload, elevated urinary iron and transferrin levels were associated with increased injury to proximal tubules, indicated by increased urinary kidney injury marker 1 (KIM-1) excretion. Our explorative study demonstrates that both glomerular filtration of elevated plasma iron levels and insufficient tubular iron reabsorption could increase urinary iron excretion and cause renal injury
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