65 research outputs found

    Coherent Neutrino Interactions in a Dense Medium

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    Motivated by the effect of matter on neutrino oscillations (the MSW effect) we study in more detail the propagation of neutrinos in a dense medium. The dispersion relation for massive neutrinos in a medium is known to have a minimum at nonzero momentum p \sim (G_F\rho)/\sqrt{2}. We study in detail the origin and consequences of this dispersion relation for both Dirac and Majorana neutrinos both in a toy model with only neutral currents and a single neutrino flavour and in a realistic "Standard Model" with two neutrino flavours. We find that for a range of neutrino momenta near the minimum of the dispersion relation, Dirac neutrinos are trapped by their coherent interactions with the medium. This effect does not lead to the trapping of Majorana neutrinos.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, Latex; minor changes, one reference added; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    An ansatz for spacetimes of zero gravitational mass : global monopoles and textures

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    We propose a geometric ansatz, a restriction on Euclidean / Minkowski distance in the embedding space being propotional to distance in the embedded space, to generate spacetimes with vanishing gravitational mass (Rikuiuk=0,uiui=1R_{ik} u^i u^k = 0, u_i u^i = 1 ). It turns out that these spacetimes can represent global monopoles and textures. Thus the ansatz is a prescription to generate zero mass spacetimes that could describe topological defects, global monopoles and textures.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX versio

    Momentum-dependent contributions to the gravitational coupling of neutrinos in a medium

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    When neutrinos travel through a normal matter medium, the electron neutrinos couple differently to gravity compared to the other neutrinos, due to the presence of electrons in the medium and the absence of the other charged leptons. We calculate the momentum-dependent part of the matter-induced gravitational couplings of the neutrinos under such conditions, which arise at order g2/MW4g^2/M^4_W, and determine their contribution to the neutrino dispersion relation in the presence of a gravitational potential ϕext\phi^{\mathrm{ext}}. These new contributions vanish for the muon and tau neutrinos. For electron neutrinos with momentum KK, they are of the order of the usual Wolfenstein term times the factor (K2/MW2)ϕext(K^2/M^2_W)\phi^{\mathrm{ext}}, for high energy neutrinos. In environments where the gravitational potential is substantial, such as those in the vicinity of Active Galactic Nuclei, they could be the dominant term in the neutrino dispersion relation. They must also be taken into account in the analysis of possible violations of the Equivalence Principle in the neutrino sector, in experimental settings involving high energy neutrinos traveling through a matter background.Comment: Minor corrections in the references; one reference adde

    Neutrino-Neutrino Scattering and Matter-Enhanced Neutrino Flavor Transformation in Supernovae

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    We examine matter-enhanced neutrino flavor transformation (ντ(μ)νe\nu_{\tau(\mu)}\rightleftharpoons\nu_e) in the region above the neutrino sphere in Type II supernovae. Our treatment explicitly includes contributions to the neutrino-propagation Hamiltonian from neutrino-neutrino forward scattering. A proper inclusion of these contributions shows that they have a completely negligible effect on the range of νe\nu_e-ντ(μ)\nu_{\tau(\mu)} vacuum mass-squared difference, δm2\delta m^2, and vacuum mixing angle, θ\theta, or equivalently sin22θ\sin^22\theta, required for enhanced supernova shock re-heating. When neutrino background effects are included, we find that rr-process nucleosynthesis from neutrino-heated supernova ejecta remains a sensitive probe of the mixing between a light νe\nu_e and a ντ(μ)\nu_{\tau(\mu)} with a cosmologically significant mass. Neutrino-neutrino scattering contributions are found to have a generally small effect on the (δm2, sin22θ)(\delta m^2,\ \sin^22\theta) parameter region probed by rr-process nucleosynthesis. We point out that the nonlinear effects of the neutrino background extend the range of sensitivity of rr-process nucleosynthesis to smaller values of δm2\delta m^2.Comment: 38 pages, tex, DOE/ER/40561-150-INT94-00-6

    Electron-, Mu-, and Tau-Number Conservation in a Supernova Core

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    We study if the neutrino mixing parameters suggested by the atmospheric neutrino anomaly imply chemical equilibrium between mu- and tau-flavored leptons in a supernova (SN) core. The initial flavor-conversion rate would indeed be fast if the nu_mu-nu_tau-mixing angle were not suppressed by second-order refractive effects. The neutrino diffusion coefficients are different for nu_mu, anti-nu_mu, nu_tau and anti-nu_tau so that neutrino transport will create a net mu and tau lepton number density. This will typically lead to a situation where the usual first-order refractive effects dominate, further suppressing the rate of flavor conversion. Altogether, neutrino refraction has the nontrivial consequence of guaranteeing the separate conservation of e, mu, and tau lepton number in a SN core on the infall and cooling time scales, even when neutrino mixing angles are large.Comment: Slightly expanded version with improved presentation, no changes of substanc

    Further studies on relic neutrino asymmetry generation II: a rigorous treatment of repopulation in the adiabatic limit

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    We derive an approximate relic neutrino asymmetry evolution equation that systematically incorporates repopulation processes from the full quantum kinetic equations (QKEs). It is shown that in the collision dominant epoch, the said equation reduces precisely to the expression obtained previously from the static/adiabatic approximation. The present treatment thus provides a rigorous justification for the seemingly incongruous assumptions of a negligible repopulation function and instantaneous repopulation sometimes employed in earlier works.Comment: RevTeX, 11 pages, no figure

    Exact Solutions for Matter-Enhanced Neutrino Oscillations

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    The analogy between supersymmetric quantum mechanics and matter-enhanced neutrino oscillations is exploited to obtain exact solutions for a class of electron density profiles. This integrability condition is analogous to the shape-invariance in supersymmetric quantum mechanics. This method seems to be the most direct way to obtain the exact survival probabilities for a number of density profiles of interest, such as linear and exponential density profiles. The resulting neutrino amplitudes can also be utilized as comparison amplitudes for the uniform semiclassical treatment of neutrino propagation in arbitrary electron density profiles.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review D. Latex file, 8 pages. This paper is also available at http://nucth.physics.wisc.edu/preprints

    O(4) texture with a cosmological constant

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    We investigate O(4) textures in a background with a positive cosmological constant. We find static solutions which co-move with the expanding background. There exists a solution in which the scalar field is regular at the horizon. This solution has a noninteger winding number smaller than one. There also exist solutions in which scalar-field derivatives are singular at the horizon. Such solutions can complete one winding within the horizon. If the winding number is larger than some critical value, static solutions including the regular one are unstable under perturbations.Comment: 25 pages, revtex, 6 eps figure

    A New Dark Matter Candidate: Non-thermal Sterile Neutrinos

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    We propose a new and unique dark matter candidate: 100\sim 100 eV to 10\sim 10 keV sterile neutrinos produced via lepton number-driven resonant MSW (Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein) conversion of active neutrinos. The requisite lepton number asymmetries in any of the active neutrino flavors range from 103^{-3} to 101^{-1} of the photon number - well within primordial nucleosynthesis bounds. The unique feature here is that the adiabaticity condition of the resonance strongly favors the production of lower energy sterile neutrinos. The resulting non-thermal (cold) energy spectrum can cause these sterile neutrinos to revert to non-relativistic kinematics at an early epoch, so that free-streaming lengths at or below the dwarf galaxy scale are possible. Therefore, the main problem associated with light neutrino dark matter candidates can be circumvented in our model.Comment: Latex 11 pages + 1 figur

    Maximum lepton asymmetry from active-sterile neutrino oscillations in the Early Universe

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    A large lepton asymmetry could be generated in the Early Universe by oscillations of active to sterile neutrinos with a small mixing angle sin 2 \theta < 10^-2. The final order of magnitude of the lepton asymmetry \eta is mainly determined by its growth in the last stage of evolution when the MSW resonance dominates the kinetic equations. In this paper we present a simple way of calculating the maximum possible lepton asymmetry which can be created. Our results are in good agreement to previous calculations. Furthermore, we find that the growth of asymmetry does not obey any particular power law. We find that the maximum possible asymmetry at the freeze-out of the n/p ratio at T \sim 1 MeV strongly depends on the mass-squared difference \delta m^2: the asymmetry is negligible for \delta m^2 \ll 1 eV^2 and reaches asymptotically large values for \delta m^2 \ge 50 eV^2.Comment: 14 pp, 4 figure