21 research outputs found

    Functional characterization of two p-coumaroyl ester 3 '-hydroxylase genes from coffee tree : evidence of a candidate for chlorogenic acid biosynthesis

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    Chlorogenic acid (5-CQA) is one of the major soluble phenolic compounds that is accumulated in coffee green beans. With other hydroxycinnamoyl quinic acids (HQAs), this compound is accumulated in particular in green beans of the cultivated species Coffea canephora. Recent work has indicated that the biosynthesis of 5-CQA can be catalyzed by a cytochrome P450 enzyme, CYP98A3 from Arabidopsis. Two full-length cDNA clones (CYP98A35 and CYP98A36) that encode putative p-coumaroylester 3'-hydroxylases (C3'H) were isolated from C. canephora cDNA libraries. Recombinant protein expression in yeast showed that both metabolized p-coumaroyl shikimate at similar rates, but that only one hydroxylates the chlorogenic acid precursor p-coumaroyl quinate. CYP98A35 appears to be the first C3'H capable of metabolising p-coumaroyl quinate and p-coumaroyl shikimate with the same efficiency. We studied the expression patterns of both genes on 4-month old C. canephora plants and found higher transcript levels in young and in highly vascularized organs for both genes. Gene expression and HQA content seemed to be correlated in these organs. Histolocalization and immunolocalization studies revealed similar tissue localization for caffeoyl quinic acids and p-coumaroylester 3'-hydroxylases. The results indicated that HQA biosynthesis and accumulation occurred mainly in the shoot tip and in the phloem of the vascular bundles. The lack of correlation between gene expression and HQA content observed in some organs is discussed in terms of transport and accumulation mechanisms

    Dynamics of flavonol accumulation in leaf tissues under different UV-B regimes in Centella asiatica (Apiaceae)

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    A cumulative effect of UV-B doses on epidermal flavonol accumulation was observed during the first week of a time course study in Centella asiatica (Apiaceae). However, once flavonol levels had peaked, additional accumulation was possible only if higher daily UV-B irradiances were applied. We aimed to understand the dynamics of flavonol accumulation in leaf tissues using non-destructive spectroscopy and HPLC-mass spectrometry. When leaves that had grown without UV-B were given brief daily exposures to low-irradiance UV-B, they accumulated flavonols, predominantly kaempferol-3-O-β-D-glucuronopyranoside and quercetin-3-O-β-D-glucuronopyranoside, in their exposed epidermis, reaching a plateau after 7 days. More prolonged UV-B exposures or higher doses eventually augmented flavonol concentrations even in non-exposed tissues. If UV-B irradiance was subsequently reduced, leaves appeared to lose their ability to accumulate further flavonols in their epidermis even if the duration of daily exposure was increased. A higher irradiance level was then necessary to further increase flavonol accumulation. When subsequently acclimated to higher UV-B irradiances, mature leaves accumulated less flavonols than did developing ones. Our study suggests that levels of epidermal flavonols in leaves are governed primarily by UV-B irradiance rather than by duration of exposure.</p