5,359 research outputs found

    Managing performance in quality management: A two level study of employee-perceptions and workplace-performance

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    Purpose: This paper addresses potential effects of the control element in Quality Management. First, behavioural theories on how elements of performance management can affect organisational performance are examined. Secondly, theoretical models on how perceptions of work conditions may impact wellbeing and performance are considered. Direct and indirect pathways from performance management to productivity/quality are inferred. Methodology: Matched employee-workplace data from an economy-wide survey in Britain and two-level structural equation models are used to test the hypothesised associations. Findings: The use of practices in workplaces is inconsistent with a unified performance management approach. Distinct outcomes are expected from separate components in performance management and some may be contingent on workplace size. For example, within Quality-planning, strategy dissemination is positively associated with workplace-productivity; targets are negatively associated with perceptions of job demands and positively correlated with job satisfaction, which in turn can increase workplace-productivity. With respect to Information & Analysis: keeping and analysing records, or monitoring employee-performance via appraisals that assess training needs, are positively associated with workplace-productivity and quality. Originality: This paper illustrates how control in Quality Management can be effective. Although the merits of performance management are subject to ongoing debate, arguments in the literature have tended to focus on performance appraisal. Analyses of economy-wide data linking performance management practices, within Quality Management, to employee perceptions of work conditions, wellbeing and aggregate performance are rare

    Neutron Stars with Hyperons subject to Strong Magnetic Field

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    Neutron stars are one of the most exotic objects in the universe and a unique laboratory to study the nuclear matter above the nuclear saturation density. In this work, we study the equation of state of the nuclear matter within a relativistic model subjected to a strong magnetic field. We then apply this EoS to study and describe some of the physical characteristics of neutron star, especially the mass-radius relation and chemical compositions. To study the influence of a the magnetic field and the hyperons in the stellar interior, we consider altogether four solutions: two different values of magnetic field to obtain a weak and a strong influence, and two configurations: a family of neutron stars formed only by protons, electrons and neutrons and a family formed by protons, electrons, neutrons, muons and hyperons. The limit and the validity of the results found are discussed with some care. In all cases the particles that constitute the neutron star are in β\beta equilibrium and zero total net charge. Our work indicates that the effect of a strong magnetic field has to be taken into account in the description of magnetars, mainly if we believe that there are hyperons in their interior, in which case, the influence of the magnetic field can increase the mass by more than 10%. We have also seen that although a magnetar can reach 2.48MM_{\odot}, a natural explanation of why we do not know pulsars with masses above 2.0MM_{\odot} arises. We also discuss how the magnetic field affects the strangeness fraction in some standard neutron star masses and, to conclude our paper, we revisit the direct URCA process related to the cooling of the neutron stars and show how it is affected by the hyperons and the magnetic field.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Spatial patterns and biodiversity in off-lattice simulations of a cyclic three-species Lotka-Volterra model

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    Stochastic simulations of cyclic three-species spatial predator-prey models are usually performed in square lattices with nearest neighbor interactions starting from random initial conditions. In this Letter we describe the results of off-lattice Lotka-Volterra stochastic simulations, showing that the emergence of spiral patterns does occur for sufficiently high values of the (conserved) total density of individuals. We also investigate the dynamics in our simulations, finding an empirical relation characterizing the dependence of the characteristic peak frequency and amplitude on the total density. Finally, we study the impact of the total density on the extinction probability, showing how a low population density may jeopardize biodiversity.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures; new version, with new title and figure

    Primary and secondary thickening in the stem of Cordyline fruticosa (Agavaceae)

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    The growth in thickness of monocotyledon stems can be either primary, or primary and secondary. Most of the authors consider this thickening as a result of the PTM (Primary Thickening Meristem) and the STM (Secondary Thickening Meristem) activity. There are differences in the interpretation of which meristem would be responsible for primary thickening. In Cordyline fruticosa the procambium forms two types of vascular bundles: collateral leaf traces (with proto and metaxylem and proto and metaphloem), and concentric cauline bundles (with metaxylem and metaphloem). The procambium also forms the pericycle, the outermost layer of the vascular cylinder consisting of smaller and less intensely colored cells that are divided irregularly to form new vascular bundles. The pericycle continues the procambial activity, but only produces concentric cauline bundles. It was possible to conclude that the pericycle is responsible for the primary thickening of this species. Further away from the apex, the pericyclic cells undergo periclinal divisions and produce a meristematic layer: the secondary thickening meristem. The analysis of serial sections shows that the pericycle and STM are continuous in this species, and it is clear that the STM originates in the pericycle.The endodermis is acknowledged only as the innermost layer of the cortex.O crescimento em espessura do caule de monocotiledônea pode ser primário, ou primário e secundário. A maioria dos autores consideram o espessamento resultante do MEP (Meristema de Espessamento Primário) e do MES (Meristema de Espessamento Secundário). Há divergências de qual seria o meristema responsável pelo espessamento primário. Em Cordyline fruticosa o procâmbio forma feixes vasculares de dois tipos: traços foliares colaterais (com proto e metaxilema e proto e metafloema), e feixes caulinares concêntricos (com metaxilema e metafloema). O procâmbio também forma o periciclo, a camada mais externa do cilindro vascular, constituída por células menores e menos coradas que se dividem irregularmente, formando novos feixes vasculares. O periciclo dá continuidade à atividade procambial, originando somente feixes concêntricos. Concluiu-se ser o periciclo responsável pelo espessamento primário desta espécie. Mais distante do ápice as células pericíclicas passam a sofrer divisões periclinais originando o Meristema de Espessamento Secundário. A análise dos cortes seriados mostra que o periciclo e o MES são contínuos nesta espécie, ficando claro que o periciclo origina oMES. A endoderme é reconhecida, apenas, como a camada mais interna do córtex.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Biodisponibilidade de ferro em amostra de músculo bovino in natura e processada termicamente.

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    A carne bovina é de grande importância na alimentação, sendo consumida por quase 50% da população brasileira. Encontrado na carne vermelha e em certas frutas e legumes, o ferro é um mineral essencial. O ferro participa do processo de produção da hemoglobina, que transporta o oxigênio pelo corpo através do sangue. Níveis baixos de ferro no organismo podem causar anemia ferropriva nos seres humanos. Os processos de conservação de carne, tais como a refrigeração e os processamentos térmicos, podem alterar a composição química da mesma. Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a biodisponibilidade de Fe em amostras de carnes bovinas in natura e processadas termicamente, utilizando o método gastrointestinal in vitro