247 research outputs found

    Magnetic anisotropy determination and magnetic hyperthermia properties of small Fe nanoparticles in the superparamagnetic regime

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    We report on the magnetic and hyperthermia properties of iron nanoparticles synthesized by organometallic chemistry. They are 5.5 nm in diameter and display a saturation magnetization close to the bulk one. Magnetic properties are dominated by the contribution of aggregates of nanoparticles with respect to individual isolated nanoparticles. Alternative susceptibility measurements are been performed on a low interacting system obtained after eliminating the aggregates by centrifugation. A quantitative analysis using the Gittleman s model allow a determination of the effective anisotropy Keff = 1.3 * 10^5 J.m^{-3}, more than two times the magnetocristalline value of bulk iron. Hyperthermia measurements are performed on agglomerates of nanoparticles at a magnetic field up to 66 mT and at frequencies in the range 5-300 kHz. Maximum measured SAR is 280 W/g at 300 kHz and 66 mT. Specific absorption rate (SAR) displays a square dependence with the magnetic field below 30 mT but deviates from this power law at higher value. SAR is linear with the applied frequency for mu_0H=19 mT. The deviations from the linear response theory are discussed. A refined estimation of the optimal size of iron nanoparticles for hyperthermia applications is provided using the determined effective anisotropy value

    Reprogramming human T cell function and specificity with non-viral genome targeting.

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    Decades of work have aimed to genetically reprogram T cells for therapeutic purposes1,2 using recombinant viral vectors, which do not target transgenes to specific genomic sites3,4. The need for viral vectors has slowed down research and clinical use as their manufacturing and testing is lengthy and expensive. Genome editing brought the promise of specific and efficient insertion of large transgenes into target cells using homology-directed repair5,6. Here we developed a CRISPR-Cas9 genome-targeting system that does not require viral vectors, allowing rapid and efficient insertion of large DNA sequences (greater than one kilobase) at specific sites in the genomes of primary human T cells, while preserving cell viability and function. This permits individual or multiplexed modification of endogenous genes. First, we applied this strategy to correct a pathogenic IL2RA mutation in cells from patients with monogenic autoimmune disease, and demonstrate improved signalling function. Second, we replaced the endogenous T cell receptor (TCR) locus with a new TCR that redirected T cells to a cancer antigen. The resulting TCR-engineered T cells specifically recognized tumour antigens and mounted productive anti-tumour cell responses in vitro and in vivo. Together, these studies provide preclinical evidence that non-viral genome targeting can enable rapid and flexible experimental manipulation and therapeutic engineering of primary human immune cells

    Large specific absorption rates in the magnetic hyperthermia properties of metallic iron nanocubes

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    We report on the magnetic hyperthermia properties of chemically synthesized ferromagnetic 11 and 16 nm Fe(0) nanoparticles of cubic shape displaying the saturation magnetization of bulk iron. The specific absorption rate measured on 16 nm nanocubes is 1690+-160 W/g at 300 kHz and 66 mT. This corresponds to specific losses-per-cycle of 5.6 mJ/g, largely exceeding the ones reported in other systems. A way to quantify the degree of optimization of any system with respect to hyperthermia applications is proposed. Applied here, this method shows that our nanoparticles are not fully optimized, probably due to the strong influence of magnetic interactions on their magnetic response. Once protected from oxidation and further optimized, such nano-objects could constitute efficient magnetic cores for biomedical applications requiring very large heating power

    Geology and geochronology of the Two-Thirty prospect, Northparkes district, NSW

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    The Northparkes district, central New South Wales, hosts several economic Cu–Au deposits associated with discrete, thin, porphyry intrusive complexes emplaced in the Late Ordovician during formation of the Macquarie Arc. The recently discovered Two-Thirty Cu–Au–(Mo) prospect is a mineralised magmatic–hydrothermal breccia complex that is hosted by the moderately east-dipping Goonumbla Volcanic Complex on the western limb of the Milpose Syncline ∼15 km south of the Northparkes porphyry district. Generation of the magmatic–hydrothermal breccia complex is interpreted to be related to the 448.0 ± 4.4 Ma emplacement of the Two-Thirty porphyry. However, Re–Os dating of molybdenite from the breccia complex indicates a potential for a ca 440 Ma mineralising event that has similar timing to economic porphyry mineralisation in the Northparkes district. The discovery of the Two-Thirty prospect has important implications for exploration in the Northparkes district and the broader Macquarie Arc. Two-Thirty is only the second known occurrence of magmatic-hydrothermal breccia-hosted mineralisation discovered within the Macquarie Arc, with the other being Cadia Quarry. Mineralisation at Two-Thirty is potentially older than the Northparkes and Cadia deposits, and younger than the epithermal and calc-alkaline deposits at Cowal, Marsden and Ridgeway.KEY POINTS: The Two-Thirty is a polyphase magmatic–hydrothermal breccia complex that hosts Cu–Au (Mo). The Two-Thirty is the first significant breccia-hosted mineralisation found in the Northparkes district. U–Pb zircon crystallisation ages of the causative intrusion at Two-Thirty pre-date mineralisation at Northparkes. Re–Os dates of molybdenite from the Two-Thirty breccia complex are coeval with syn-mineralisation at Northparkes, supporting the model of periodic release of melts and fluids from underlying magma chambers during the formation of porphyry mineralisation in the Northparkes district.This research is funded by Australian Research Council sponsors of the Lachlan ARC Linkage Project ‘LP160100483’ CMOC-Northparkes, Rio Tinto, Evolution Mining, IMEx Consulting, Heron Resources, Sandfire Resources NL, New South Resources, AngloGold Ashanti, Alkane Resources, Geoscience Australia, The University of Tasmania, Australian National University, University of Melbourne, CCFS, Curtin University, the New South Wales, Tasmanian and Victorian state governments

    Generation of Silicic Melts in the Early Izu-Bonin Arc Recorded by Detrital Zircons in Proximal Arc Volcaniclastic Rocks From the Philippine Sea

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    A 1.2 km thick Paleogene volcaniclastic section at International Ocean Discovery Program Site 351-U1438 preserves the deep-marine, proximal record of Izu-Bonin oceanic arc initiation, and volcano evolution along the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR). Pb/U ages and trace element compositions of zircons recovered from volcaniclastic sandstones preserve a remarkable temporal record of juvenile island arc evolution. Pb/U ages ranging from 43 to 27 Ma are compatible with provenance in one or more active arc edifices of the northern KPR. The abundances of selected trace elements with high concentrations provide insight into the genesis of U1438 detrital zircon host melts, and represent useful indicators of both short and long-term variations in melt compositions in arc settings. The Site U1438 zircons span the compositional range between zircons from mid-ocean ridge gabbros and zircons from relatively enriched continental arcs, as predicted for melts in a primitive oceanic arc setting derived from a highly depleted mantle source. Melt zircon saturation temperatures and Ti-in-zircon thermometry suggest a provenance in relatively cool and silicic melts that evolved toward more Th and U-rich compositions with time. Th, U, and light rare earth element enrichments beginning about 35 Ma are consistent with detrital zircons recording development of regional arc asymmetry and selective trace element-enriched rear arc silicic melts as the juvenile Izu-Bonin arc evolved.Support for this research was provided by the IODP, the United States Implementing Organization, and the U.S. National Science Foundation through grant NSF OCE-1558830 to AP

    Particle interactions in liquid magnetic colloids by zero field cooled measurements: effects on heating efficiency

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    The influence of magnetic interactions in assemblies formed by either aggregated or disaggregated uniform gamma-Fe_2O_3 particles are investigated as a function of particle size, concentration, and applied field. Hyperthermia and magnetization measurements are performed in the liquid phase of colloids consisting of 8 and 13 nm uniform gamma-Fe_2O_3 particles dispersed in water and hexane. Although hexane allows the disagglomerated obtaining particle system; aggregation is observed in the case of water colloids. The zero field cooled (ZFC) curves show a discontinuity in the magnetization values associated with the melting points of water and hexane. Additionally, for 13 nm gamma-Fe_2O_3 dispersed in hexane, a second magnetization jump is observed that depends on particle concentration and shifts toward lower temperature by increasing applied field. This second jump is related to the strength of the magnetic interactions as it is only present in disagglomerated particle systems with the largest size, i.e., is not observed for 8 nm superparamagnetic particles, and surface effects can be discarded. The specific absorption rate (SAR) decreases with increasing concentration only for the hexane colloid, whereas for aqueous colloids, the SAR is almost independent of particle concentration. Our results suggest that, as a consequence of the magnetic interactions, the dipolar field acting on large particles increases with concentration, leading to a decrease of the SAR

    Ras activation of Erk restores impaired tonic BCR signaling and rescues immature B cell differentiation

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    B cell receptors (BCRs) generate tonic signals critical for B cell survival and early B cell development. To determine whether these signals also mediate the development of transitional and mature B cells, we examined B cell development using a mouse strain in which nonautoreactive immunoglobulin heavy and light chain–targeted B cells express low surface BCR levels. We found that reduced BCR expression translated into diminished tonic BCR signals that strongly impaired the development of transitional and mature B cells. Constitutive expression of Bcl-2 did not rescue the differentiation of BCR-low B cells, suggesting that this defect was not related to decreased cell survival. In contrast, activation of the Ras pathway rescued the differentiation of BCR-low immature B cells both in vitro and in vivo, whereas extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk) inhibition impaired the differentiation of normal immature B cells. These results strongly suggest that tonic BCR signaling mediates the differentiation of immature into transitional and mature B cells via activation of Erk, likely through a pathway requiring Ras

    Constitutively active Lyn kinase causes a cutaneous small vessel vasculitis and liver fibrosis syndrome

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    Neutrophilic inflammation is a hallmark of many monogenic autoinflammatory diseases; pathomechanisms that regulate extravasation of damaging immune cells into surrounding tissues are poorly understood. Here we identified three unrelated boys with perinatal-onset of neutrophilic cutaneous small vessel vasculitis and systemic inflammation. Two patients developed liver fibrosis in their first year of life. Next-generation sequencing identified two de novo truncating variants in the Src-family tyrosine kinase, LYN, p.Y508*, p.Q507* and a de novo missense variant, p.Y508F, that result in constitutive activation of Lyn kinase. Functional studies revealed increased expression of ICAM-1 on induced patient-derived endothelial cells (iECs) and of β2-integrins on patient neutrophils that increase neutrophil adhesion and vascular transendothelial migration (TEM). Treatment with TNF inhibition improved systemic inflammation; and liver fibrosis resolved on treatment with the Src kinase inhibitor dasatinib. Our findings reveal a critical role for Lyn kinase in modulating inflammatory signals, regulating microvascular permeability and neutrophil recruitment, and in promoting hepatic fibrosis