1,931 research outputs found

    Past and future gauge in numerical relativity

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    Numerical relativity describes a discrete initial value problem for general relativity. A choice of gauge involves slicing space-time into space-like hypersurfaces. This introduces past and future gauge relative to the hypersurface of present time. Here, we propose solving the discretized Einstein equations with a choice of gauge in the future and a dynamical gauge in the past. The method is illustrated on a polarized Gowdy wave.Comment: To appear in Class Quantum Grav, Let

    Uniqueness in MHD in divergence form: right nullvectors and well-posedness

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    Magnetohydrodynamics in divergence form describes a hyperbolic system of covariant and constraint-free equations. It comprises a linear combination of an algebraic constraint and Faraday's equations. Here, we study the problem of well-posedness, and identify a preferred linear combination in this divergence formulation. The limit of weak magnetic fields shows the slow magnetosonic and Alfven waves to bifurcate from the contact discontinuity (entropy waves), while the fast magnetosonic wave is a regular perturbation of the hydrodynamical sound speed. These results are further reported as a starting point for characteristic based shock capturing schemes for simulations with ultra-relativistic shocks in magnetized relativistic fluids.Comment: To appear in J Math Phy

    The Efficiency of the Assay for Haemopietic Colony Forming Cells

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    The quantitative efficiency of the spleen colony assay in mice is discussed in the light of recent findings on the kinetics of colony forming cells. Arguments are presented showing that the f factor, the 2 hr CFU recovery fraction in the spleen, markedly over‐estimates the assay efficiency which is the ratio of the numbers of colony forming units and colony forming cells. Copyrigh

    Intra-Arterial Infusion with Methotrexate in the Rat

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    The superiority of intra-arterial infusion with methotrexate (MTX) over its systemic use in the treatment of head and neck tumours is still being questioned. A model in the rat, suitable for intra-arterial administration of MTX could be constructed. In this model 3 schedules have been investigated: (1) 7 days continuous intra-arterial infusion with MTX; (2) the same schedule combined with leucovorin (CF) 6-hourly intraperitoneally (i.p.) after Sullivan et al. (1959); (3) intermittent administration of MTX 2 × 24 h intra-arterial infusion on Day 1 and 4, while on Day 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 the catheter is kept open by the continuous intra-arterial infusion of saline. For all the three schedules intra-arterial MTX proved to be superior to its systemic use

    Proposed gravitational wave background from black hole-torus systems

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    Cosmological gamma-ray bursts may be powered by rotating black holes with contemporaneous emission of gravitational radiation from a surrounding torus. We calculate the resulting stochastic background radiation assuming strong cosmological evolution and a uniform black hole mass distribution of M= (4--14)M_odot. The predicted spectral flux density corresponds to a peak spectral closure density of (1--2) times 10^{-7}, and has comparable contributions at 450 Hz times kappa and over 300--450 Hz times kappa from nearby and distant sources, respectively, where kappa refers to an uncertainty factor of order unity in the radius of the torus. For two optimized advanced LIGO-type detectors the proposed gravitational wave background could be detectable within a year of integration.Comment: To appear in Ap

    Entropic force in black hole binaries and its Newtonian limits

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    We give an exact solution for the static force between two black holes at the turning points in their binary motion. The results are derived by Gibbs' principle and the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy applied to the apparent horizon surfaces in time-symmetric initial data. New power laws are derived for the entropy jump in mergers, while Newton's law is shown to derive from a new adiabatic variational principle for the Hilbert action in the presence of apparent horizon surfaces. In this approach, entropy is strictly monotonic such that gravity is attractive for all separations including mergers, and the Bekenstein entropy bound is satisfied also at arbitrarily large separations, where gravity reduces to Newton's law. The latter is generalized to point particles in the Newtonian limit by application of Gibbs' principle to world-lines crossing light cones.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    On the detectability of gravitational waves background produced by gamma ray bursts

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    In this paper we discuss a new strategy for the detection of gravitational radiation likely emitted by cosmological gamma ray burst. Robust and conservative estimates lead to the conclusion that the uncorrelated superimposition of bursts of gravitational waves can be detected by interferometric detectors like VIRGO or LIGO. The expected signal is predicted to carry two very distinctive signatures: the cosmological dipole anisotropy and a characteristic time scale in the auto correlation spectrum, which might be exploited, perhaps with ad hoc modifications and/or upgrading of the planned experiments, to confirm the non-instrumental origin of the signal.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, LATEX2e, Accepted for pubblications as a Letter to the Editor in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physic
