13,430 research outputs found

    Transport and Noise Characteristics of Submicron High-Temperature Superconductor Grain-Boundary Junctions

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    We have investigated the transport and noise properties of submicron YBCO bicrystal grain-boundary junctions prepared using electron beam lithography. The junctions show an increased conductance for low voltages reminiscent of Josephson junctions having a barrier with high transmissivity. The voltage noise spectra are dominated by a few Lorentzian components. At low temperatures clear two-level random telegraph switching (RTS) signals are observable in the voltage vs time traces. We have investigated the temperature and voltage dependence of individual fluctuators both from statistical analysis of voltage vs time traces and from fits to noise spectra. A transition from tunneling to thermally activated behavior of individual fluctuators was clearly observed. The experimental results support the model of charge carrier traps in the barrier region.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Appl. Phys. Let

    From ab initio quantum chemistry to molecular dynamics: The delicate case of hydrogen bonding in ammonia

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    The ammonia dimer (NH3)2 has been investigated using high--level ab initio quantum chemistry methods and density functional theory (DFT). The structure and energetics of important isomers is obtained to unprecedented accuracy without resorting to experiment. The global minimum of eclipsed C_s symmetry is characterized by a significantly bent hydrogen bond which deviates from linearity by about 20 degrees. In addition, the so-called cyclic C_{2h} structure is extremely close in energy on an overall flat potential energy surface. It is demonstrated that none of the currently available (GGA, meta--GGA, and hybrid) density functionals satisfactorily describe the structure and relative energies of this nonlinear hydrogen bond. We present a novel density functional, HCTH/407+, designed to describe this sort of hydrogen bond quantitatively on the level of the dimer, contrary to e.g. the widely used BLYP functional. This improved functional is employed in Car-Parrinello ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of liquid ammonia to judge its performance in describing the associated liquid. Both the HCTH/407+ and BLYP functionals describe the properties of the liquid well as judged by analysis of radial distribution functions, hydrogen bonding structure and dynamics, translational diffusion, and orientational relaxation processes. It is demonstrated that the solvation shell of the ammonia molecule in the liquid phase is dominated by steric packing effects and not so much by directional hydrogen bonding interactions. In addition, the propensity of ammonia molecules to form bifurcated and multifurcated hydrogen bonds in the liquid phase is found to be negligibly small.Comment: Journal of Chemical Physics, in press (305335JCP

    Quantum Fluctuations Driven Orientational Disordering: A Finite-Size Scaling Study

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    The orientational ordering transition is investigated in the quantum generalization of the anisotropic-planar-rotor model in the low temperature regime. The phase diagram of the model is first analyzed within the mean-field approximation. This predicts at T=0T=0 a phase transition from the ordered to the disordered state when the strength of quantum fluctuations, characterized by the rotational constant Θ\Theta, exceeds a critical value ΘcMF\Theta_{\rm c}^{MF}. As a function of temperature, mean-field theory predicts a range of values of Θ\Theta where the system develops long-range order upon cooling, but enters again into a disordered state at sufficiently low temperatures (reentrance). The model is further studied by means of path integral Monte Carlo simulations in combination with finite-size scaling techniques, concentrating on the region of parameter space where reentrance is predicted to occur. The phase diagram determined from the simulations does not seem to exhibit reentrant behavior; at intermediate temperatures a pronounced increase of short-range order is observed rather than a genuine long-range order.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, RevTe

    Superconducting NdCeCuO Bicrystal Grain Boundary Josephson Junctions

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    We have studied the electric transport properties of symmetrical [001] tilt NdCeCuO bicrystal grain boundary Josephson junctions (GBJs) fabricated on SrTiO bicrystal substrates with misorientation angles of 24 and 36.8 degree. The superconducting properties of the NdCeCuO-GBJs are similar to those of GBJs fabricated from the hole doped high temperature superconductors (HTS). The critical current density Jc decreases strongly with increasing misorientation angle. The products of the critical current Ic and the normal resistance Rn (about 0.1 mV at 4.2 K) are small compared to the gap voltage and fit well to the universal scaling law (IcRn is proportional to the square root of Jc) found for GBJs fabricated from the hole doped HTS. This suggests that the symmetry of the order parameter, which most likely is different for the electron and the hole doped HTS has little influence on the characteristic properties of symmetrical [001] tilt GBJs.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Applied Physics Letter

    Andreev Bound States in High Temperature Superconductors

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    Andreev bound states (ABS) at the surface of superconductors are expected for any pair potential showing a sign change in different k-directions with their spectral weight depending on the relative orientation of the surface and the pair potential. We report on the observation of ABS in HTS employing tunneling spectroscopy on bicrystal grain boundary Josephson junctions (GBJs). The tunneling spectra were studied as a function of temperature and applied magnetic field. The tunneling spectra of GBJ formed by YBCO, BSCCO, and LSCO show a pronounced zero bias conductance peak that can be interpreted in terms of Andreev bound states at zero energy that are expected at the surface of HTS having a d-wave symmetry of the order parameter. In contrast, for the most likely s-wave HTS NCCO no zero bias conductance peak was observed. Applying a magnetic field results in a shift of spectral weight from zero to finite energy. This shift is found to depend nonlinearly on the applied magnetic field. Further consequences of the Andreev bound states are discussed and experimental evidence for anomalous Meissner currents is presented.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    The Extraordinary Infrared Spectrum of NGC 1222 (Mkn 603)

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    The infrared spectra of starburst galaxies are dominated by the low-excitation lines of [NeII] and [SIII], and the stellar populations deduced from these spectra appear to lack stars larger than about 35 Msun. The only exceptions to this result until now were low metallicity dwarf galaxies. We report our analysis of the mid-infrared spectra obtained with IRS on Spitzer of the starburst galaxy NGC 1222 (Mkn 603). NGC 1222 is a large spheroidal galaxy with a starburst nucleus that is a compact radio and infrared source, and its infrared emission is dominated by the [NeIII] line. This is the first starburst of solar or near-solar metallicity, known to us, which is dominated by the high-excitation lines and which is a likely host of high mass stars. We model the emission with several different assumptions as to the spatial distibution of the high- and low-excitation lines and find that the upper mass cutoff in this galaxy is 40-100 Msun.Comment: accepted, Astronomical Journal. 29 pp, 4 figures. In replacement version an acknowledgment to NRAO is adde

    Parameterized Inapproximability of Target Set Selection and Generalizations

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    In this paper, we consider the Target Set Selection problem: given a graph and a threshold value thr(v)thr(v) for any vertex vv of the graph, find a minimum size vertex-subset to "activate" s.t. all the vertices of the graph are activated at the end of the propagation process. A vertex vv is activated during the propagation process if at least thr(v)thr(v) of its neighbors are activated. This problem models several practical issues like faults in distributed networks or word-to-mouth recommendations in social networks. We show that for any functions ff and ρ\rho this problem cannot be approximated within a factor of ρ(k)\rho(k) in f(k)nO(1)f(k) \cdot n^{O(1)} time, unless FPT = W[P], even for restricted thresholds (namely constant and majority thresholds). We also study the cardinality constraint maximization and minimization versions of the problem for which we prove similar hardness results

    Voltage and temperature dependence of the grain boundary tunneling magnetoresistance in manganites

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    We have performed a systematic analysis of the voltage and temperature dependence of the tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) of grain boundaries (GB) in the manganites. We find a strong decrease of the TMR with increasing voltage and temperature. The decrease of the TMR with increasing voltage scales with an increase of the inelastic tunneling current due to multi-step inelastic tunneling via localized defect states in the tunneling barrier. This behavior can be described within a three-current model for magnetic tunnel junctions that extends the two-current Julliere model by adding an inelastic, spin-independent tunneling contribution. Our analysis gives strong evidence that the observed drastic decrease of the GB-TMR in manganites is caused by an imperfect tunneling barrier.Comment: to be published in Europhys. Lett., 8 pages, 4 figures (included