10 research outputs found

    Integrated nutrient management module to improve productivity and economics of short grain aromatic rice (Oryza sativa)- greengram (Vigna radiata) sequence

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    The present field study was carried out during 2017–18 and 2018–19 rainy (kharif) and winter (rabi) seasons in order to examine the impact caused by integrated nutrient management (INM) on the yield and quality of the short grain aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.)-greengram (Vigna radiata L.) combination. Two years experimental data concluded that integration of 50% recommended dose (RD) as fertilizer + 50% RD of nitrogen via farm yield manure (FYM) resulted in considerably higher economic yield (3837.1 and 3917.7 kg/ha) of short grain aromatic rice cv. Nua Acharamati which were at par with 75% RD as fertilizer + green manuring of dhaincha (3438.5 and 3539.1 kg/ha). Pooled data revealed that, residual effect of 50% RD as fertilizer + 50% RD of nitrogen (FYM) and 75% RD as fertilizer + Rhizobium + PSB in greengram recorded the highest number of pods/plant (18.2), seeds/pod (11.3), pod length (9.3 cm), test weight (32.7 g), seed yield (925.7 kg/ha) and stover yield (2240.7 kg/ha) in greengram cv. IPM-02-03. Application of 50% RD as fertilizer + 50% RD of nitrogen (FYM) to aromatic rice recorded the highest hulling recovery (75.8 and 75.5%), milling recovery (68.0 and 68.3%), head rice recovery (60.0, 59.7%) and crude protein content (8.75 and 9.11%) during both of the years experiment being at par with application of 75% RD as fertilizer + green manuring. Economics of the system revealed the highest gross return, net return and B:C ratio by application of 50% RD as chemical fertilizer + 50% RD of nitrogen (FYM) in rice followed by 75% RD as chemical fertilizer + Rhizobium + PSB in greengram


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    ABSTRACT: A field experiment was conducted during the kharif season of 2007 and 2008 at OUAT, Bhubaneswar to study the response of basmati rice varieties to system of rice intensification (SRI). The results showed that use of organic manure (FYM 15.0 t ha-1) improved growth attributes like plant height, tillering, dry matter accumulation, LAI and CGR of basmati rice varieties and produced high grain (4.42 t ha -1 ) yield comparable to those of INM (50% RDF+7.5 t FYM ha-1), but significantly greater than those of inorganic fertilization (RDF). Pusa Basmati-1 performed better than Geetanjali. Similarly, crop planted at close spacing (20cm Ă— 20 cm) recorded higher growth attributes and greater grain yield than those of wide spacing (25cm Ă— 25 cm). The growth attributes and grain yield did not vary much between the crops planted with 10 and 15-day old seedlings. Positive and significant correlations between grain yield and dry matter accumulation, LAI and CGR at different growth stages showed their strong and positive impact on grain yield of basmati rice

    Auto-ignition and numerical analysis on high-pressure combustion of premixed methane-air mixtures in highly preheated and diluted environment

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    This work investigates both autoignition and combustion characteristics in highly preheated and diluted combustion of a laminar premixed stoichiometric CH4/O2/N2 mixture in a cylindrical combustor operating at elevated pressures. The analysis was carried out for a range of operating parameters, including reactant preheat temperatures of 1100–1500 K, combustor pressures of 1-10 atm, and in a highly diluted mixture, achieved by decreasing the oxygen content in the oxidizer from 21% to 3% on volume basis. Simulations were conducted using the laminar premixed adiabatic PFR (plug flow reactor) model of Ansys Chemkin Pro. Two-dimensional pictorial representation was performed using the finite volume-based CFD code Ansys Fluent 19.2. Finite-rate chemistry with the detailed chemical mechanism GRI Mech 3.0 was used for combustion analysis. Results showed that OH and HCO mole fractions decreased with increasing combustor pressure and N2 dilution (or decreased O2 content), while the mole fractions increased with reactant temperature. It was also found that, by reducing the oxygen content in the mixture, the flame stabilized far away from the combustor inlet. In contrast, an increase in combustor pressure and reactant temperature stabilized the flame toward the combustor inlet. These flame stabilization characteristics at different locations of the combustor are explained in terms of ignition delay time, which were calculated using the closed homogenous reactor (CHR) model available in the Ansys Chemkin Pro package. The flame peak temperature decreased with increased N2 dilution and increased by increasing the reactant temperature. Moreover, the peak temperature varied marginally when the combustor pressure was increased. Finally, a regime diagram was prepared to show the various combustion modes, such as HiTAC, MILD combustion, and the no ignition region as a function of O2 content and reactant temperature for different operating pressures. The CO and NO emission were reduced with an increase in pressure in the MILD combustion region

    Yield and Economics of Brinjal (Solanum melongena) as Affected by Different Mulching Types and Its Effect on Soil Moisture Content and Weed Dynamics in Post Flood Situation of Coastal Odisha, India

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    A field experiment was conducted at the farmer’s field at Ratanpur village of Marshaghai block of Kendrapara, Odisha, India to evaluate effect of different mulching practices on weed population, moisture content in soil and yield of brinjal. The village is an adopted village by Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kendrapara, in which various activities in agriculture are going on under National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) programme to combat the flood-affected area of the locality. The experiment consists of five mulching treatments like Black polythene mulch, Black and silver polythene mulch, Transparent mulch, Organic mulch (rice straw) and No mulch. Results revealed that black with silver colour polythene mulch was recorded with significantly higher yield per plant (2.59 kg) and yield per ha (62.1 t/ha) which was at par with black colour polythene mulch. Organic mulch was found to be next best treatment with respect to yield per plant (2.40 kg) and yield per ha (53.5 t/ha). The same treatment also resulted in the higher gross return (Rs. 434700/ha), net return (Rs. 274150/ha) and B:C ratio (2.71) which was followed by black polythene mulching and organic mulching practices. Weed suppression and moisture retention was higher with black polythene mulch

    Efficacy of Drought Tolerant Rice Variety Swarna Shreya in North-eastern Ghat Zone of Odisha through Frontline Demonstration

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    A continuous 3 year demonstration using drought tolerant rice variety Swarna Shreya was carried out in participatory mode in farmers’ field during Kharif season 2019, 2020 and 2021 at Lathipadsa village of Surada block of Ganjam district under north-eastern ghat zone of odisha. Major constraints of traditional rice cultivation are the low productivity in upland areas due to lack of knowledge and partial adoption of recommended package of practices by rice growing farmers. Also because of less water sometime farmers do not take any crop. Therefore, present demonstration programme has been undertaken to popularize/introduce stress tolerant rice var. Swarna Shreya in drought prone and upland areas of Ganjam district of Odisha. An average yield of 38.33 q ha-1 was recorded under demonstration plots as compared to 32.17 q ha-1 in farmers practice plots. The yield improvement due to the improved practices was 18.69 percent over farmers' practice. Average technology gap, extension gap, technology index was 6.67 q ha-1,6.17 q ha-1, 14.81 percent under three year frontline demonstration programme were recorded. The stress tolerant rice variety Swarna Shreya gave higher net return of Indian Rupee (INR) 33500, 40655 and INR 45350 ha-1 as compared to farmers practices with INR 26100, 23520 and 24650 ha- 1 during Kharif season of 2019, 2020 and 2021, respectively. The benefit cost ratio (B:C ratio) of rice cultivation under improved practices were found to be 1.95, 2.13 and 2.08 as compared to 1.67, 1.60 and 1.58 under farmers practices

    Herbicide Options for Suitable Weed Management of Transplanted rice in North-Eastern Ghat Zone of Odisha

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    A field study aimed to assess different weed management tactics in transplanted rice was demonstrated during rainy season in four villages of Ganjam district of Odisha under farmer participatory mode for two years (2019 and 2020). From the concluded research work, it was observed that application of pretilachlor (0.75 kg/ha) within 3 DAT followed by bispyribac sodium @ 25kg/ha at 25 DAT recorded the highest WCE (73.27%), grain (4186 and 4351 kg/ha) and straw yield (5349 and 5308 kg/ha). Hand weeding performed better with respect to WCE (80.1, 81.3 % at harvest) but net return (Rs. 37073 /ha, Rs. 38119 /ha) was found to be low. While Pretilachlor (0.75 kg/ha) within 3 DAT followed by bispyribac sodium (25 kg/ha) at 25 DAT recorded the highest net return (Rs. 41798/ha, Rs. 43956 /ha) and B:C ratio (1.87, 1.89) than other treatments