58 research outputs found

    Safety assessment of the transit oil- and gas-pipelines with corrosion pits

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    The aim of the present work was to construct safety diagrams based on finite element analysis of corrosion defect in underground pipelines. The numerical simulation was performed using the real defect geometry and three simplified defect geometries. Burst tests have been carried out on several pipe sections, in order to verify the finite-element calculation results.Побудовано діаграми надійності підземних трубопроводів із корозійними дефектами, які базуються на скінченноелементному аналізі. Числові розрахунки виконувалися для дефектів із реальними геометричними розмірами, а також для трьох спрощених геометричних схем дефектів. Для перевірки результатів скінченноелементних розрахунків проводилися випробування на розрив декількох ділянок трубопроводів.Построены диаграммы надежности подземных трубопроводов с коррозионными дефектами, основанные на конечноэлементном анализе. Численные расчеты выполнялись для дефектов с реальными геометрическими размерами, а также для трех упрощенных геометрических схем дефектов. Для проверки результатов конечноэлементных расчетов проводились испытания на разрыв нескольких участков трубопровода

    Safety assessment of the transit oil- and gas-pipelines with corrosion pits

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    The aim of the present work was to construct safety diagrams based on finite element analysis of corrosion defect in underground pipelines. The numerical simulation was performed using the real defect geometry and three simplified defect geometries. Burst tests have been carried out on several pipe sections, in order to verify the finite-element calculation results.Побудовано діаграми надійності підземних трубопроводів із корозійними дефектами, які базуються на скінченноелементному аналізі. Числові розрахунки виконувалися для дефектів із реальними геометричними розмірами, а також для трьох спрощених геометричних схем дефектів. Для перевірки результатів скінченноелементних розрахунків проводилися випробування на розрив декількох ділянок трубопроводів.Построены диаграммы надежности подземных трубопроводов с коррозионными дефектами, основанные на конечноэлементном анализе. Численные расчеты выполнялись для дефектов с реальными геометрическими размерами, а также для трех упрощенных геометрических схем дефектов. Для проверки результатов конечноэлементных расчетов проводились испытания на разрыв нескольких участков трубопровода

    Analysis Of Low Temperature Impact Fracture Data Of Thermoplastic Polymers

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    Impact fracture toughness of polypropylene (PP) blends, high density polyethylene (HDPE) and rubber toughened polymethylmethacrylate (RTPMMA) has been studied by means of three-point bending falling weight impact testing at different temperatures ranging from -60 degrees C to room temperature using the cleavage fracture toughness, JC parameter [ASTM E1820-99a]. The latter Fracture Mechanics methodology was chosen due to its simplicity [Fasce et al., 2003]. Traces of the impact tests were analyzed using an inverse methodology just proposed by Pettarin et al. (2003). This methodology makes it possible to obtain from a three-point bending instrumented impact test the mechanical response of the material, discarding the dynamic effects associated with the test. The results show that the average JC values calculated with treated and untreated data are similar for a given material, while the standard deviations are larger when the calculations are made with the untreated data. It is clear that the inverse methodology used to correct the data reduces error propagation, giving place to more precise estimations, and therefore more reliable JC values

    The link between lithospheric scale deformations and deep fluid emanations: Inferences from the Southeastern Carpathians, Romania

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    Understanding the formation, migration and emanation of deep CO2, H2O and noble gases (He–Ne) in deep-seated deformation settings is crucial to understand the complex relationship between deep-originated fluids and lithospheric deformation. To gain a better insight into these phenomena, we studied the origin of H2O, CO2 and noble gases of gas-rich springs found in the Târgu Secuiesc Basin located in the southeasternmost part of the Carpathian-Pannonian region of Europe. This study area is one of the best natural examples to understand the connection between the deep sources of gas emanations and deep-seated deformation zones, providing an excellent analogue for regions worldwide with similar tectonic settings and fluid emanation properties. We studied the δ2H and δ18O stable isotopic ratios of the spring waters, and the δ13C, He and Ne stable isotopic ratio of the emanating CO2-rich gases dissolved in the mineral spring waters in Covasna town and its vicinity. Based on the δ2H, δ13C, δ18O stable isotopic ratios, the spring waters and the majority of the gases are released through two consecutive fluid infiltration events. The preservation of the metamorphic signal of the upwelling H2O is linked to the local groundwater flow and fault abundancy. Furthermore, the noble gas isotopic ratios show a high degree of atmospheric contamination in the dissolved water gasses that is most likely related to the local hydrogeology. Nevertheless, the elevated corrected helium stable isotopic ratios (Rc/Ra) of our filtered data suggest that part of the emanating gases have a potential upper mantle source component. Beneath the Southeastern Carpathians, mantle fluids can have multiple origin including the dehydration of the sinking slab hosting the Vrancea seismogenic zone, the local asthenospheric upwelling and the lithospheric mantle itself. The flux of the mantle fluids is enhanced by lithospheric scale deformation zones that also support the fluid inflow from the upper mantle into the lower crust. The upwelling CO2–H2O mantle fluids may induce the release of crustal fluids by shifting the pore fluid composition (X(CO2)) and, consequently, initiating decarbonisation and devolatilization metamorphic reactions as a result of carbonate and hydrous mineral destabilisation in the crust. Based on the p-T-X(CO2) conditions of calc-silicates and the local low geotherm, we emphasise the importance of the upwelling fluids in the release and upward migration of further H2O and CO2 in the shallower lower and upper crust. Our observations in the Southeastern Carpathians show a strong similarity to other deep-seated deformation zones worldwide (e.g., Himalayas, Alps, San Andreas Fault). We infer that migration of deep fluids may also play an important role in addition to temperature control on the generation of crustal fluids in deep-seated deformation zones

    Origin and ascent history of unusually crystal-rich alkaline basaltic magmas from the western Pannonian Basin

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    The last eruptions of the monogenetic Bakony-Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (western Pannonian Basin, Hungary) produced unusually crystal- and xenolith-rich alkaline basalts which are unique among the alkaline basalts of the Carpathian- Pannonian Region. Similar alkaline basalts are only rarely known in other volcanic fields of the world. These special basaltic magmas fed the eruptions of two closely located volcanic centres: the Bondoró-hegy and the Füzes-tó scoria cone. Their uncommon enrichment in diverse crystals produced unique rock textures and modified original magma compositions (13.1-14.2 wt.% MgO, 459-657 ppm Cr, 455-564 ppm Ni contents). Detailed mineral-scale textural and chemical analyses revealed that the Bondoró-hegy and Füzes-tó alkaline basaltic magmas have a complex ascent history, and that most of their minerals (~30 vol.% of the rocks) represent foreign crystals derived from different levels of the underlying lithosphere. The most abundant xenocrysts, olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and spinel, were incorporated from different regions and rock types of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Megacrysts of clinopyroxene and spinel could have originated from pegmatitic veins / sills which probably represent magmas crystallized near the crust-mantle boundary. Green clinopyroxene xenocrysts could have been derived from lower crustal mafic granulites. Minerals that crystallized in situ from the alkaline basaltic melts (olivine with Cr-spinel inclusions, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, Fe-Ti oxides) are only represented by microphenocrysts and overgrowths on the foreign crystals. The vast amount of peridotitic (most common) and mafic granulitic materials indicates a highly effective interaction between the ascending magmas and wall rocks at lithospheric mantle and lower crustal levels. However, fragments from the middle and upper crust are absent from the studied basalts, suggesting a change in the style (and possibly rate) of magma ascent in the crust. These xenocryst- and xenolith-rich basalts yield divers tools for estimating magma ascent rate that is important for hazard forecasting in monogenetic volcanic fields. According to the estimated ascent rates, the Bondoró-hegy and Füzes-tó alkaline basaltic magmas could have reached the surface within hours to few days, similarly to the estimates for other eruptive centres in the Pannonian Basin which were fed by "normal" (crystal- and xenolith-poor) alkaline basalts

    Safety assessment of the transit oil- and gas-pipelines with corrosion pits

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