694 research outputs found

    Thermal boundary resistance at Si/Ge interfaces determined by approach-to-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations

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    The thermal boundary resistance of Si/Ge interfaces as been determined using approach-to-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. Assuming a reciprocal linear dependence of the thermal boundary resistance, a length-independent bulk thermal boundary resistance could be extracted from the calculation resulting in a value of 3.76x109^{-9} m2^2 K/W for a sharp Si/Ge interface and thermal transport from Si to Ge. Introducing an interface with finite thickness of 0.5 nm consisting of a SiGe alloy, the bulk thermal resistance slightly decreases compared to the sharp Si/Ge interface. Further growth of the boundary leads to an increase in the bulk thermal boundary resistance. When the heat flow is inverted (Ge to Si), the thermal boundary resistance is found to be higher. From the differences in the thermal boundary resistance for different heat flow direction, the rectification factor of the Si/Ge has been determined and is found to significantly decrease when the sharp interface is moderated by introduction of a SiGe alloy in the boundary layer.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Time-independent approximations for periodically driven systems with friction

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    The classical dynamics of a particle that is driven by a rapidly oscillating potential (with frequency ω\omega) is studied. The motion is separated into a slow part and a fast part that oscillates around the slow part. The motion of the slow part is found to be described by a time-independent equation that is derived as an expansion in orders of ω1\omega^{-1} (in this paper terms to the order ω3\omega^{-3} are calculated explicitly). This time-independent equation is used to calculate the attracting fixed points and their basins of attraction. The results are found to be in excellent agreement with numerical solutions of the original time-dependent problem.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Revised version. Minor change

    Erosion waves: transverse instabilities and fingering

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    Two laboratory scale experiments of dry and under-water avalanches of non-cohesive granular materials are investigated. We trigger solitary waves and study the conditions under which the front is transversally stable. We show the existence of a linear instability followed by a coarsening dynamics and finally the onset of a fingering pattern. Due to the different operating conditions, both experiments strongly differ by the spatial and time scales involved. Nevertheless, the quantitative agreement between the stability diagram, the wavelengths selected and the avalanche morphology reveals a common scenario for an erosion/deposition process.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

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    Order from Disorder in Graphene Quantum Hall Ferromagnet

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    Valley-polarized quantum Hall states in graphene are described by a Heisenberg O(3) ferromagnet model, with the ordering type controlled by the strength and sign of valley anisotropy. A mechanism resulting from electron coupling to strain-induced gauge field, giving leading contribution to the anisotropy, is described in terms of an effective random magnetic field aligned with the ferromagnet z axis. We argue that such random field stabilizes the XY ferromagnet state, which is a coherent equal-weight mixture of the KK and KK' valley states. Other implications such as the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless ordering transition and topological defects with half-integer charge are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Stabilization of unstable steady states by variable delay feedback control

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    We report on a dramatic improvement of the performance of the classical time-delayed autosynchronization method (TDAS) to control unstable steady states, by applying a time-varying delay in the TDAS control scheme in a form of a deterministic or stochastic delay-modulation in a fixed interval around a nominal value T0T_0. The successfulness of this variable delay feedback control (VDFC) is illustrated by a numerical control simulation of the Lorenz and R\"{o}ssler systems using three different types of time-delay modulations: a sawtooth wave, a sine wave, and a uniform random distribution. We perform a comparative analysis between the VDFC method and the standard TDAS method for a sawtooth-wave modulation by analytically determining the domains of control for the generic case of an unstable fixed point of focus type.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, RevTe

    Characteristics of phonon transmission across epitaxial interfaces: a lattice dynamic study

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    Phonon transmission across epitaxial interfaces is studied within the lattice dynamic approach. The transmission shows weak dependence on frequency for the lattice wave with a fixed angle of incidence. The dependence on azimuth angle is found to be related to the symmetry of the boundary interface. The transmission varies smoothly with the change of the incident angle. A critical angle of incidence exists when the phonon is incident from the side with large group velocities to the side with low ones. No significant mode conversion is observed among different acoustic wave branches at the interface, except when the incident angle is near the critical value. Our theoretical result of the Kapitza conductance GKG_{K} across the Si-Ge (100) interface at temperature T=200T=200 K is 4.6\times10^{8} {\rm WK}^{-1}{\rmm}^{-2}. A scaling law GKT2.87G_K \propto T^{2.87} at low temperature is also reported. Based on the features of transmission obtained within lattice dynamic approach, we propose a simplified formula for thermal conductanceacross the epitaxial interface. A reasonable consistency is found between the calculated values and the experimentally measured ones.Comment: 8 figure

    Phononics: Manipulating heat flow with electronic analogs and beyond

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    The form of energy termed heat that typically derives from lattice vibrations, i.e. the phonons, is usually considered as waste energy and, moreover, deleterious to information processing. However, with this colloquium, we attempt to rebut this common view: By use of tailored models we demonstrate that phonons can be manipulated like electrons and photons can, thus enabling controlled heat transport. Moreover, we explain that phonons can be put to beneficial use to carry and process information. In a first part we present ways to control heat transport and how to process information for physical systems which are driven by a temperature bias. Particularly, we put forward the toolkit of familiar electronic analogs for exercising phononics; i.e. phononic devices which act as thermal diodes, thermal transistors, thermal logic gates and thermal memories, etc.. These concepts are then put to work to transport, control and rectify heat in physical realistic nanosystems by devising practical designs of hybrid nanostructures that permit the operation of functional phononic devices and, as well, report first experimental realizations. Next, we discuss yet richer possibilities to manipulate heat flow by use of time varying thermal bath temperatures or various other external fields. These give rise to a plenty of intriguing phononic nonequilibrium phenomena as for example the directed shuttling of heat, a geometrical phase induced heat pumping, or the phonon Hall effect, that all may find its way into operation with electronic analogs.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures, modified title and revised, accepted for publication in Rev. Mod. Phy

    Particle Motion in Rapidly Oscillating Potentials: The Role of the Potential's Initial Phase

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    Rapidly oscillating potentials with a vanishing time average have been used for a long time to trap charged particles in source-free regions. It has been argued that the motion of a particle in such a potential can be approximately described by a time independent effective potential, which does not depend upon the initial phase of the oscillating potential. However, here we show that the motion of a particle and its trapping condition significantly depend upon this initial phase for arbitrarily high frequencies of the potential's oscillation. We explain this novel phenomenon by showing that the motion of a particle is determined by the effective potential stated in the literature only if its initial conditions are transformed according to a transformation which we show to significantly depend on the potential's initial phase for arbitrarily high frequencies. We confirm our theoretical findings by numerical simulations. Further, we demonstrate that the found phenomenon offers new ways to manipulate the dynamics of particles which are trapped by rapidly oscillating potentials. Finally, we propose a simple experiment to verify the theoretical findings of this work.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, published in PR

    Time independent description of rapidly oscillating potentials

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    The classical and quantum dynamics in a high frequency field are found to be described by an effective time independent Hamiltonian. It is calculated in a systematic expansion in the inverse of the frequency (ω\omega) to order ω4\omega^{-4}. The work is an extension of the classical result for the Kapitza pendulum, which was calculated in the past to order ω2\omega^{-2}. The analysis makes use of an implementation of the method of separation of time scales and of a quantum gauge transformation in the framework of Floquet theory. The effective time independent Hamiltonian enables one to explore the dynamics in presence of rapidly oscillating fields, in the framework of theories that were developed for systems with time independent Hamiltonians. The results are relevant, in particular, for exploration of the dynamics of cold atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Revised versio