14,635 research outputs found

    Anomalous Chiral Action from the Path-Integral

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    By generalizing the Fujikawa approach, we show in the path-integral formalism: (1) how the infinitesimal variation of the fermion measure can be integrated to obtain the full anomalous chiral action; (2) how the action derived in this way can be identified as the Chern-Simons term in five dimensions, if the anomaly is consistent; (3) how the regularization can be carried out, so as to lead to the consistent anomaly and not to the covariant anomaly. Our method uses Schwinger's ``proper-time'' representation of the Green's function and the gauge invariant point-splitting technique. We find that the consistency requirement and the point-splitting technique allow both an anomalous and a non-anomalous action. In the end, the nature of the vacuum determines whether we have an anomalous theory, or, a non-anomalous theoryComment: 28 page

    Curing kinetics and effects of fibre surface treatment and curing parameters on the interfacial and tensile properties of hemp/epoxy composites

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    The curing kinetics of neat epoxy (NE) and hemp fibre/epoxy composites was studied and assessed using two dynamic models (the Kissinger and Flynn-Wall-Ozawa Models) and an isothermal model (the Autocatalytic Model) which was generally supported by the experimental data obtained from dynamic and isothermal differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) scans. The activation energies for the curing of composites exhibited lower values compared to curing of NE which is believed to be due to higher nucleophilic activity of the amine groups of the curing agent in the presence of fibres. The highest tensile strength, σ was obtained with composites produced with an epoxy to curing agent ratio of 1:1 and the highest Young's modulus, E was obtained with an epoxy to curing agent ratio of 1:1.2. Alkali treated hemp fibre/epoxy (ATFE) composites were found to have higher σ and E values compared to those for untreated hemp fibre/epoxy (UTFE) composites which was consistent with the trend for interfacial shear strength (IFSS) values. Composites σ and E were found to be higher for a processing temperature of 70°C than for 25°C for both UTFE and ATFE composites, but were found to decrease as the curing temperature was increased further to 120°C

    Influence of accelerated ageing on the physico-mechanical properties of alkali-treated industrial hemp fibre reinforced poly(lactic acid) (PLA) composites

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    30 wt% aligned untreated long hemp fibre/PLA (AUL) and aligned alkali treated long hemp fibre/PLA (AAL) composites were produced by film stacking and subjected to accelerated ageing. Accelerated ageing was carried out using UV irradiation and water spray at 50 °C for four different time intervals (250, 500, 750 and 1000 h). After accelerated ageing, tensile strength (TS), flexural strength, Young's modulus (YM), flexural modulus and mode I fracture toughness (KIc) were found to decrease and impact strength (IS) was found to increase for both AUL and AAL composites. AUL composites had greatest overall reduction in mechanical properties than that for AAL composites upon exposure to accelerated ageing environment. FTIR analysis and crystallinity contents of the accelerated aged composites support the results of the deterioration of mechanical properties upon exposure to accelerated ageing environment

    Environmental, Thermal, and Electrical Susceptibility of Black Phosphorus Field Effect Transistors

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    Atomic layers of black phosphorus (P) isolated from its layered bulk make a new two-dimensional (2D) semiconducting crystal with sizable direct bandgap, high carrier mobility, and promises for 2D electronics and optoelectronics. However, the integrity of black P crystal could be susceptible to a number of environmental variables and processes, resulting in degradation in device performance even before the device optical image suggests so. Here, we perform a systematic study of the environmental effects on black P electronic devices through continued measurements over a month under a number of controlled conditions, including ambient light, air, and humidity, and identify evolution of device performance under each condition. We further examine effects of thermal and electrical treatments on inducing morphology and, performance changes and failure modes in black P devices. The results suggest that procedures well established for nanodevices in other 2D materials may not directly apply to black P devices, and improved procedures need to be devised to attain stable device operation.Comment: in Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B (2015

    Giffen behaviour for rice consumption in rural Bangladesh

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    Rice is the staple food in Bangladesh. Thus, the price of rice is an important economic factor in Bangladesh especially for poor people. In Bangladesh, during the price hike of 2008-09, rice price increased by 40% on an average across the country. Interestingly, the consumption of rice in some rural parts of Bangladesh also increased during that period. Thus, the focus of this paper is to examine the practical evidence of this positive relationship between the consumption of rice and increasing price which is addressed as Giffen behavior (inverse of normal behavior) for rice consumption in Bangladesh. By analyzing secondary data obtained from some specific rural parts namely Patharghata (Barguna), Chaddagham (Comilla), Sadar (Jamalpur), Kaligang (Jhenaidaha), Sreemangal (Moulvibazar) and Sadar (Naogaon) of Bangladesh, we have found a new insight in this context. We find that the price elasticity of staple food for the poor people depends significantly and nonlinearly on the severity of their poverty. In order to have an effective design of welfare for the poor people, we need to understand this heterogeneity of their consumption behavior
