368 research outputs found
Burung Strata Bawah (Undestory) Di Hutan Pegunungan Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat (Tnks) Kerinci Jambi
Birds are one of the biological wealth owned by Indonesia. The structure of the lower strata of bird communities in tropical areas represent a very good system to see the difference in sensitivity between species for habitat variation in different scales. This study was conducted in January 2013 using the method of net Mist (mist nets) in the Kerinci National Park (TNKS). Birds that are found as many as 21 species to 83 people only order passerines with six families. The diversity of birds affected by many factors diantarannya abundance of epiphytes, an abundance of fruits, the openness of the forest floor and tree species composition. Generally mountainous forest area will have a relatively high number of species ang
Evolutionary dynamics of the repeatome explains contrasting differences in genome sizes and hybrid and polyploid origins of grass loliinae lineages
The repeatome is composed of diverse families of repetitive DNA that keep signatures on the historical events that shaped the evolution of their hosting species. The cold seasonal Loliinae subtribe includes worldwide distributed taxa, some of which are the most important forage and lawn species (fescues and ray-grasses). The Loliinae are prone to hybridization and polyploidization. It has been observed a striking two-fold difference in genome size between the broad-leaved (BL) and fine-leaved (FL) Loliinae diploids and a general trend of genome reduction of some high polyploids. We have used genome skimming data to uncover the composition, abundance, and potential phylogenetic signal of repetitive elements across 47 representatives of the main Loliinae lineages. Independent and comparative analyses of repetitive sequences and of 5S rDNA loci were performed for all taxa under study and for four evolutionary Loliinae groups Loliinae, Broad-leaved (BL), Fine-leaved (FL), and Schedonorus lineages]. Our data showed that the proportion of the genome covered by the repeatome in the Loliinae species was relatively high (average ~ 51.8%), ranging from high percentages in some diploids (68.7%) to low percentages in some high-polyploids (30.7%), and that changes in their genome sizes were likely caused by gains or losses in their repeat elements. Ty3-gypsy Retand and Ty1-copia Angela retrotransposons were the most frequent repeat families in the Loliinae although the relatively more conservative Angela repeats presented the highest correlation of repeat content with genome size variation and the highest phylogenetic signal of the whole repeatome. By contrast, Athila retrotransposons presented evidence of recent proliferations almost exclusively in the Lolium clade. The repeatome evolutionary networks showed an overall topological congruence with the nuclear 35S rDNA phylogeny and a geographic-based structure for some lineages. The evolution of the Loliinae repeatome suggests a plausible scenario of recurrent allopolyploidizations followed by diploidizations that generated the large genome sizes of BL diploids as well as large genomic rearrangements in highly hybridogenous lineages that caused massive repeatome and genome contractions in the Schedonorus and Aulaxyper polyploids. Our study has contributed to disentangling the impact of the repeatome dynamics on the genome diversification and evolution of the Loliinae grasses. Copyright © 2022 Moreno-Aguilar, Inda, Sánchez-RodrÃguez, Arnelas and Catalán
Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in normal and tumoral liver mouse cells
In previous studies have been reported a controversy between the reactivity of mono and polyclonal antibodies in different cells populations of the mouse. In this study we focus on the immunoreactivity of the monoclonal antibody VEGF (C- 1) in order to analyze its expression in two cell populations of regenerating mouse liver (hepatocytes and endothelial cells) after partial hepatectomy, and two transplanted hepatocarcinomas (ES2 and SS1K). C3H/S male mice were divided into two groups and kept under standard conditions for circadian periodicity analysis, one group were transplanted with the tumors into the subcutaneous tissue of the animal flank and the other group were subjected to a partial hepatectomy (70 %). The animals were killed by decapitation and exsanguination. Samples of regeneration liver, ES2 and SS1K tumors were processed for histology and immunostained with VEGF (C-1) mouse monoclonal IgG2a antibody. The results showed strongly immunopositivity reaction for VEGF either in hepatocytes or endothelial cells of mouse regenerating liver. We also demonstrated positive immunoreaction in both malignant tumors ES2 and SS1K endothelial and parenchymal cells. We conclude that the use of VEGF (C-1) mouse monoclonal IgG2a antibody can be applied successfully in experimental design leading to study processes involved in mice’s angiogenesi
Drought recorded by Ba/Ca in coastal benthic foraminifera
Increasing occurrences of extreme weather events, such as the 2018 drought over northern Europe, are a concerning issue under global climate change. High-resolution archives of natural hydroclimate proxies, such as rapidly accumulating sediments containing biogenic carbonates, offer the potential to investigate the frequency and mechanisms of such events in the past. Droughts alter the barium (Ba) concentration of near-continent seawater through the reduction in Ba input from terrestrial runoff, which in turn may be recorded as changes in the chemical composition (Ba/Ca) of foraminiferal calcium carbonates accumulating in sediments. However, so far the use of Ba/Ca as a discharge indicator has been restricted to planktonic foraminifera, despite the high relative abundance of benthic species in coastal, shallow-water sites. Moreover, benthic foraminiferal Ba/Ca has mainly been used in openocean records as a proxy for paleo-productivity. Here we report on a new geochemical data set measured from living (CTG-labeled) benthic foraminiferal species to investigate the capability of benthic Ba/Ca to record changes in river runoff over a gradient of contrasting hydroclimatic conditions. Individual foraminifera (Bulimina marginata, Non-ionellina labradorica) were analyzed by laser-ablation ICP-MS over a seasonal and spatial gradient within Gullmar Fjord, Swedish west coast, during 2018-2019. The results are compared to an extensive meteorological and hydrological data set, as well as sediment and pore-water geochemistry. Benthic foraminiferal Ba/Ca correlates significantly to riverine runoff; however, the signals contain both spatial trends with distance to Ba source and species-specific influences such as micro-habitat preferences. We deduce that shallow-infaunal foraminifera are especially suitable as proxy for terrestrial Ba input and discuss the potential influence of water-column and pore-water Ba cycling. While distance to Ba source, water depth, pore-water geochemistry, and species-specific effects need to be considered in interpreting the data, our results demonstrate confidence in the use of Ba/Ca of benthic foraminifera from near-continent records as a proxy for past riverine discharge and to identify periods of drought.Peer reviewe
Autonomy and forage grasses in goat farming of western France First results of a sociological survey
International audienceOur communication is based on the results of a multidisciplinary research (PSDR FLECHE-Fromages et Laits issus d'Élevages de Chèvres conduites avec de l'Herbe-2016-2020) which aims to study the potential of grass valorization in goat systems, with the dual objective of strengthening the economic resilience of farms and the social image of the dairy goat sector of Western France. The latter currently represent almost half of the national goat population and 58% of the milk supplied in France. The sociological aspect of the research concerns the representations, value systems, interests and constraint systems (technical, economic, etc.) that guide the practices of all the actors in the sector: farmers, upstream and downstream actors. The objective of this approach is to analyse, at all levels of the value chain, the incentives and obstacles to a possible transition to more grassy feeding systems. Based on 76 semi-directive interviews, this paper presents the first results of this survey by showing how contextual elements (socio-economic, professional, etc.) impact farmers' choices of practices. While, in principle, the whole goat sector seems to be converging towards an agro-ecological transition that ensures its sustainability, in practice, each of its actors is confronted with a system of constraints that limit actual developments. The articulation of these obstacles seems to lead to a kind of inertia, which prevents the adoption of practices that are nevertheless perceived as recommendable by most actors. Autonomie et fourrages herbagers dans les élevages caprins de l'Ouest de la France. Premiers résultats d'une enquête sociologique. Résumé. Notre communication s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une recherche pluridisciplinaire (Programme PSDR-FLECHE-Fromages et Laits issus d'Élevages de Chèvres conduites avec de l'Herbe-2016-2020) qui vise à étudier le potentiel de valorisation de l'herbe dans les systèmes caprins, dans le double objectif de renforcer la résilience économique des exploitations et l'image sociale des filières caprines laitières de l'Ouest de la France. Ces dernières représentent actuellement près de la moitié de l'effectif national de chèvres et 58% du lait livré en France. Le volet sociologique de la recherche porte sur les représentations, les systèmes de valeurs, les intérêts et les systèmes de contraintes (techniques, économiques, etc.) qui orientent les pratiques de l'ensemble des acteurs de la filière : éleveurs, acteurs de l'amont et de l'aval. L'objectif de cette démarche est d'analyser, à tous les niveaux de la filière, les incitations et les freins à une éventuelle transition vers des systèmes alimentaires plus herbagers. A partir de 76 entretiens semi-directifs, ce papier présente les premiers résultats de cette enquête en montrant, notamment, comment les éléments contextuels (socio-économiques, professionnels, etc.) impactent les choix des pratiques des exploitants agricoles. Si, en principe, l'ensemble de la filière caprine semble converger vers une transition agroécologique qui en assure la durabilité, dans la pratique, chacun de ses acteurs est confronté à un univers de contraintes qui limitent les évolutions effectives. L'articulation des freins relevant des différents maillons de la filière, semble ainsi déboucher sur une sorte d'inertie, qui empêche l'adoption de pratiques pourtant perçues comme souhaitables par la plupart des acteurs. Mots-clés. Autonomie-fourrages herbagers-caprins-sociologie
Estudio comparativo de la sÃntesis de ADN en hÃgado y riñón de ratones lactantes y adultos
In previous papers we have observed that the proliferative activity of numerous cell populations of suckling and young mice was different than the observed in adults. In the present work we analized the DNA synthesis of suckling and adult mice, by immunohistochemistry (Bromodioxiuridine) in both hepatocytes and renocytes, at two different time points. The object of the present experiment was to establish the correlation in cellular proliferation between both groups. We used C3HS suckling male mice of 21 days old and adult mice of 90 days old. The results showed that DNA synthesis of renocytes and hepatocytes in suckling mice were significantly higher than the adults, and we didn't find statistically differences between the values of both analysed time points. We can conclude that in suckling mice we could observe maximum and minimum values but we coudn't find a circadian rhythm like those established in adults.En trabajos previos hemos observado que la actividad proliferativa de numerosas poblaciones celulares del ratón lactante y joven difiere de la encontrada en el adulto. En el presente trabajo experimental, se estudia la sÃntesis de ADN del ratón lactante y adulto, mediante el método inmunohistoquÃmico de la Brdu (Bromodeoxiuridina), en las poblaciones celulares de hepatocitos y renocitos, a las OO:O0 h y 16:00 h, con el objeto de establecer la correspondencia en la proliferación celular entre ambos grupos etarios. Para ello se utilizaron machos lactantes de 21 dÃas de edad y adultos de 90 dÃas, de la cepa C3H/S. Los resultados muestran que los valores de sÃntesisde ADN de los renocitos y hepatodtos en los ratones lactantes son significativamente mayores (p<O.001) a los observados en los adultos, no encontrándose diferencias estadÃsticamente significativas entre los valores de ambos puntos horarios en los órganos estudiados. Podemos concluir que estos hallazgos demuestran que, si bien en los ratones lactantes aparecen valores máximos y mÃnimos en la actividad proliferativa de distintas poblaciones celulares, estas aún no presentan la ritmicidad establecida para los adultos
Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in normal and tumoral liver mouse cells
In previous studies have been reported a controversy between the reactivity of mono and polyclonal antibodies in different cells populations of the mouse. In this study we focus on the immunoreactivity of the monoclonal antibody VEGF (C-1) in order to analyze its expression in two cell populations of regenerating mouse liver (hepatocytes and endothelial cells) after partial hepatectomy, and two transplanted hepatocarcinomas (ES2 and SS1K). C3H/S male mice were divided into two groups and kept under standard conditions for circadian periodicity analysis, one group were transplanted with the tumors into the subcutaneous tissue of the animal flank and the other group were subjected to a partial hepatectomy (70 %). The animals were killed by decapitation and exsanguination. Samples of regeneration liver, ES2 and SS1K tumors were processed for histology and immunostained with VEGF (C-1) mouse monoclonal IgG2a antibody. The results showed strongly immunopositivity reaction for VEGF either in hepatocytes or endothelial cells of mouse regenerating liver. We also demonstrated positive immunoreaction in both malignant tumors ES2 and SS1K endothelial and parenchymal cells. We conclude that the use of VEGF (C-1) mouse monoclonal IgG2a antibody can be applied successfully in experimental design leading to study processes involved in mice’s angiogenesisFacultad de Ciencias Médica
Carbon stocks and pools in relation to the texture of kaolinitic soils from the Brazilian East Coast.
Extremely kaolinitic soils of Tertiary age elevations on the Brazilian east coast present a wide range of texture, which is recognized as one of the main factors controlling the soil organic matter contents. This study aimed to investigate the organic C storage of different compartments of kaolinitic soils. The studied soils had a wide particle size gradient, were under native forest vegetation, and located on Brazil?s eastern coast (Coruripe - CF, Umbaúba - UF, Nova Viçosa - VF, Sooretama - SF, and Itaboraà - IF). The forest cover of all sites allows to record soil properties reference values for a land use condition closer to that of the original sites. We determined soil organic C (SOC) content and SOC stock up to a depth of 1 m, C of topsoil (0.00-0.08 m), aggregate size classes, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of the soil surface horizon (A horizon). Soil C stocks at the 0.00-1.00 m depth ranged from 105 to 137 Mg ha-1 and were not regulated by soil texture. The SF soils stored more C up to a depth of 1 m, while lower mean C stocks were found for UF and CF soils. Soil texture was not a reliable index to predict the C contents of the aggregate size classes of the 0.00-0.08 m layer (within each class and in total, using equivalent soil mass of the classes). The most clayey soils had a high percentage of 2-4 mm aggregates and, as a consequence, high aggregate stability indices, which are positively correlated to silt plus clay contents of the soil surface horizon. The proportion of DOC in relation to the total organic C of the surface soil horizon was high for IF and UF areas, which are the less preserved forest fragments among all studied fragments
Indonesia Governance Index 2012: Towards a Well-informed Society and Responsive Government
Regional autonomy aims not only to increase welfare through provision of quality public services, but also to allow regions to determine their own development priorities. As a result, there is a range of different capacities and standards between local administrations and other stakeholders, leading to widening gaps in development between regions.
Efforts to improve are limited by the analytical capacity and the quality of governance in each location. Because of this we need an objective assessment of governance and Kemitraan has adressed this need with the Indonesia Governance Index (IGI).
This book examines the national findings of the 2012 IGI research, and offers concrete suggestions to solve current problems. It also elaborates on the results in key areas like gender, investment friendliness, and environmental management
Tantangan Tata Kelola Pemerintahan di 33 Provinsi: Kompilasi Laporan 33 Provinsi Indonesia Governance Index 2012
Sesuai dengan visi misi Partnership untuk mewujudkan Indonesia yang adil, demokratis dan sejahtera di atas prinsip dan praktik tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik, Partnership meluncurkan kembali upaya mengukur kemajuan daerah di bidang tata kelola pemerintahan melalui apa yang kami sebut sebagai Indonesia Governance Index (IGI). Hasil dari IGI akan memberikan gambaran terkini mengenai proses penyelenggaraan pemerintahan provinsi di seluruh Indonesia. IGI merupakan kelanjutan dan penyempurnaan dari Partnership Governance Index (PGI) yang dilakukan tahun 2008 oleh Knowledge and Resource Center (KRC), sebuah unit di Partnership yang juga menjadi lumbung pengetahuan, keahlian dan pengalaman mengawal reformasi tata kelola pemerintahan di Indonesia. Hasil PGI 2008 telah memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan bagi perbaikan tata pemerintahan kita dan sudah diakui oleh UKP4 (Unit Kerja Presiden Bidang Pengawasan dan Pengendalian) dan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Kemendagri). Kedua lembaga negara tersebut bahkan merekomendasikan agar hasil-hasil PGI bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai alat evaluasi dan monitoring penyelenggaraan tata kelola pemerintahan di daerah. Bukan hanya itu, pengakuan juga datang dari dunia internasional. UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) sebagai lembaga PBB yang membidangi pembangunan internasional memasukkan PGI sebagai salah satu materi dalam Users\u27 Guide to Measuring Local Governance
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