1,769 research outputs found

    Tracking a light pulse through a waveguide in space and time

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    We present first direct observation of the propagation of a femtosecond laser pulse in space and time through a waveguide structure. With an interferometric photon scanning tunneling microscope (PSTM), the local amplitude and phase of the pulse were retrieved with high spatial, spectral and time resolution. The relative field profiles, the wave vectors and the spectra of the pulses in the TE00 and TE01 modes in the waveguide have been experimentally determined

    Influence of hole size on the extraordinary transmission through subwavelength hole arrays

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    We show that the extraordinary transmission of light through an array of square subwavelength holes is strongly influenced by the size of the holes. For small, square holes (air fraction below 20%), the dependence of the normalized transmission (transmissivity) on hole width greatly exceeds the expectations on the basis of conventional aperture theory. For larger holes, the transmissivity saturates. Moreover, the positions of the transmission maxima shift when the size is varied

    Phase mapping of optical fields in integrated optical waveguide structures

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    The phase evolution of optical waves in a waveguide structure has been studied with a heterodyne interferometric photon scanning tunneling microscope. Both phase and amplitude of the local optical field are measured with subwavelength resolution. Topographical maps of the waveguide surface are obtained simultaneously with the optical information. Unexpected phase patterns, with phase jumps and phase singularities, have been observed. The phase patterns can be fully understood by taking into account the total field that is the sum of the optical fields of the various modes. We show that with the unique spatial phase information, the relative field profiles and wave vectors of all the excited modes in a multimodal waveguide structure can be determined independently

    Phase mapping of ultrashort pulses in bimodal photonic structures: A window on local group velocity dispersion

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    The amplitude and phase evolution of ultrashort pulses in a bimodal waveguide structure has been studied with a time-resolved photon scanning tunneling microscope (PSTM). When waveguide modes overlap in time intriguing phase patterns are observed. Phase singularities, arising from interference between different modes, are normally expected at equidistant intervals determined by the difference in effective index for the two modes. However, in the pulsed experiments the distance between individual singularities is found to change not only within one measurement frame, but even depends strongly on the reference time. To understand this observation it is necessary to take into account that the actual pulses generating the interference signal change shape upon propagation through a dispersive medium. This implies that the spatial distribution of phase singularities contains direct information on local dispersion characteristics. At the same time also the mode profiles, wave vectors, pulse lengths, and group velocities of all excited modes in the waveguide are directly measured. The combination of these parameters with an analytical model for the time-resolved PSTM measurements shows that the unique spatial phase information indeed gives a direct measure for the group velocity dispersion of individual modes. As a result interesting and useful effects, such as pulse compression, pulse spreading, and pulse reshaping become accessible in a local measuremen

    Nanoscale coherent imaging of photonic structures by PSTM

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    We present an alternative instrument to map local optical field distributions: a photon scanning tunneling microscope (PSTM). In a PSTM a near-field optical fiber probe is used to frustrate the evanescent field above an integrated optical device. The evanescent wave is converted into a propagating wave that is coupled into the fiber, guided through it and subsequently detected by a photomultiplier tub

    Optical Albedo Theory of Strongly-Irradiated Giant Planets: The Case of HD 209458b

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    We calculate a new suite of albedo models for close-in extrasolar giant planets and compare with the recent stringent upper limit for HD 209458b of Rowe et al. using MOST. We find that all models without scattering clouds are consistent with this optical limit. We explore the dependence on wavelength and waveband, metallicity, the degree of heat redistribution, and the possible presence of thermal inversions and find a rich diversity of behaviors. Measurements of transiting extrasolar giant planets (EGPs) at short wavelengths by MOST, Kepler, and CoRoT, as well as by proposed dedicated multi-band missions, can complement measurements in the near- and mid-IR using {\it Spitzer} and JWST. Collectively, such measurements can help determine metallicity, compositions, atmospheric temperatures, and the cause of thermal inversions (when they arise) for EGPs with a broad range of radii, masses, degrees of stellar insolation, and ages. With this paper, we reappraise and highlight the diagnostic potential of albedo measurements of hot EGPs shortward of ∼\sim1.3 μ\mum.Comment: 6 pages, 1 table, 1 color figure; accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Role of shape and localized resonances in extraordinary transmission through periodic arrays of subwavelength holes: Experiment and theory

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    The effect of the aspect ratio of rectangular holes on the transmissivity of periodic arrays of subwavelength holes in optically thick metal films is investigated. The transmissivity is found to be highly dependent on the aspect ratio of the holes. Moreover, the wavelengths of maximum transmissivity show a monotonous shift as a function of the aspect ratio of the holes. We attribute the enhanced transmission of the periodic arrays to an interplay of surface plasmons at the surface of the metal and shape resonances (also known as localized modes) inside the holes. The importance of the shape resonances was confirmed by a comparison of transmission through periodic hole arrays and through randomly distributed holes. Dispersion curves of periodic and random hole arrays confirmed the existence of shape resonance as well. We suggest that the localized modes effectively act as waveguides and increase the coupling efficiency of surface plasmons between both sides of the film, which results in a higher transmissivity. The shift of the maxima of the transmissivity may in part be explained by the spectral position of the localized modes in the individual holes. Finally measurements on similar patterns in Ni and Ag revealed that the occurrence of shape resonances is independent of the material of the film

    Local phase measurements of light in a one-dimensional photonic crystal

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    For the first time the local optical phase evolution in and around a small, o­ne-dimensional photonic crystal has been visualized with a heterodyne interferometric photon scanning tunnelling microscope. The measurements show an exponential decay of the optical intensity inside the crystal, which consists of a periodic array of subwavelength air rods fabricated in a conventional ridge waveguide. In addition it is found that the introduction of the air rods has a counter- intuitive effect o­n the phase development inside the structure. The heterodyne detection scheme allows the detection of low- intensity scattered wanes. In the vicinity of the scattering air rods phase singularities are found with a topological charge of plus or minus o­n

    Using negative detections to estimate source finder reliability

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    We describe a simple method to determine the reliability of source finders based on the detection of sources with both positive and negative total flux. Under the assumption that the noise is symmetric and that real sources have positive total flux, negative detections can be used to assign to each positive detection a probability of being real. We discuss this method in the context of upcoming, interferometric HI surveys.Comment: Accepted for publication on the 2012 PASA source finding special issu
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