796 research outputs found

    Breeding Morphogenetic Traits to Match Genotypes to Their Utilization

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    A divergent selection for lamina length was done from natural populations of perennial ryegrass. Tested in a multi-site experiment in France, the short-leaved perennial ryegrass was more productive under simulated grazing and less productive under infrequent cutting than the long-leaved perennial ryegrass. Matching cultivars to their management is possible by selecting for morphogenetic traits. However, our results suggest the range of adaptation to different managements of perennial ryegrass cultivars could be extended by increasing their phenotypic plasticity

    Prediction of Seed Yield of Festuca x Lolium Hybrids from the Nursery Mother Plants

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    In order to develop commercial Festuca x Lolium hybrids, their seed production has to be improved. Seed yields of Festuca x Lolium progenies were assessed in dense plots. Prediction of those seed yields was based on the morphological observations done on spaced plants in the nursery of both mother plants and their progenies. The best prediction of the progeny seed yields is a linear regression on the stem density and the seed weight per inflorescence assessed on the mother plants

    An Historical Analysis of the Binding Effect of Class Suits

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    This essay is a history of the doctrine of res judicata in class suits. Itreveals that the condition of precedent on this issue was from the beginningequivocal and confused, and that it remains somewhat so today

    APM z >> 4 QSO survey: spectra and intervening absorption systems

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    The APM multicolor survey for bright z > 4 objects, covering 2500 deg^2 of sky to m(R)~19, resulted in the discovery of thirty-one quasars with z > 4. High signal-to-noise optical spectrophotometry at 5A resolution has been obtained for the twenty-eight quasars easily accessible from the northern hemisphere. These spectra have been surveyed to create new samples of high redshift Lyman-limit systems, damped Lyman-alpha absorbers, and metal absorption systems (e.g. CIV and MgII). In this paper we present the spectra, together with line lists of the detected absorption systems. The QSOs display a wide variety of emission and absorption line characteristics, with 5 exhibiting broad absorption lines and one with extremely strong emission lines (BR2248-1242). Eleven candidate damped Ly-alpha absorption systems have been identified covering the redshift range 2.83.5). An analysis of the measured redshifts of the high ionization emission lines with the low ionization lines shows them to be blueshifted by 430+/-60 km/s. In a previous paper (Storrie-Lombardi et. al. 1994) we discussed the redshift evolution of the Lyman limit systems catalogued here. In subsequent papers we will discuss the properties of the Ly-alpha forest absorbers and the redshift and column density evolution of the damped Ly-alpha absorbers

    Frequency of Killer Whale (Orcinus Orca) Attacks and Ship Collisions Based on Scarring on Bowhead Whales (Balaena Mysticetus) of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas Stock

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    Bowhead whales of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock harvested by Alaskan Eskimos were examined for scars from killer whale and ship-collision injuries. We estimated that the frequency of scars from killer whale attacks ranged from 4.1% to 7.9% (depending on our confidence that the whale was properly examined) while about 1% exhibited scars from ship collisions. The frequency of killer whale scars was considerably lower than for bowhead whales of the Davis Strait stock and for other baleen whales where data are available, and was significantly lower (P<0.05) for whales <13 m. Patterns of both types of scars were quite similar to those reported for other cretacean species. Spaces between rake marks were within the range of interdental measurements from four killer whale skulls. The occurrence of attempted killer whale predation and ship strikes inferred from scars has not prevented the BCBS stock from increasing.Key words: bowhead whale, killer whale, Alaskan Eskimos, whaling, scarring, ship/whale collision, propeller injuryOn a examiné des baleines boréales provenant du stock des mers de Béring, des Tchouktches et de Beaufort, prises par les Esquimaux de l'Alaska afin de voir si elles portaient des cicatrices résultant de morsures d'épaulards ou de blessures provoquées par des collisions avec des navires. On a estimé la gamme de fréquence des cicatrices venant d'attaques d'épaulards comme allant de 4,1 à 7,9 p. cent (compte tenu de notre niveau de certitude quant à la qualité de l'examen de la baleine), tandis qu'environ 1 p. cent des animaux montraient des cicatrices résultant de collisions avec des navires. La fréquence des cicatrices dues aux épaulards était bien inférieure à celle observée sur les baleines provenant du stock du détroit de Davis et d'autres cétacés à fanons pour lesquels on possédait des données. Les schémas des deux types de cicatrices étaient assez semblables à ceux rapportés pour d'autres espèces de cétacés. La fréquence des cicatrices dues aux épaulards était de beaucoup inférieure (P<0,05) pour les baleines mesurant moins de 13 m. Les espaces entre les éraflures se situaient dans la gamme d'écartement interdentaire mesuré sur le crâne de quatre épaulards. Les tentatives de prédation par les épaulards et les coups portés par les navires - déduits des cicatrices - n'ont pas empêché le stock des mers de Béring, des Tchouktches et de Beaufort d'augmenter.Mot clés: baleine boréale, épaulard, Esquimaux de l’Alaska, pêche à la baleine, cicatrices, collision navire/baleine, blessure infligée par une hélic

    The Metallicity of High Redshift Galaxies: The Abundance of Zinc in 34 Damped Lyman Alpha Systems from z = 0.7 to 3.4

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    We report new observations of ZnII and CrII absorption lines in 10 damped \lya systems (DLAs), mostly at redshift z_{abs} \simgt 2.5 . By combining these results with those from our earlier survey (Pettini et al. 1994) and other recent data, we construct a sample of 34 measurements (or upper limits) of the Zn abundance relative to hydrogen [Zn/H]; the sample includes more than one third of the total number of DLAs known. The plot of the abundance of Zn as a function of redshift reinforces the two main findings of our previous study. (1) Damped \lya systems are mostly metal-poor, at all redshifts sampled; the column density weighted mean for the whole data set is [Zn/H] =1.13±0.38= -1.13 \pm 0.38 (on a logarithmic scale), or approximately 1/13 of solar. (2) There is a large spread, by up to two orders of magnitude, in the metallicities we measure at essentially the same redshifts. We propose that damped \lya systems are drawn from a varied population of galaxies of different morphological types and at different stages of chemical evolution, supporting the idea of a protracted epoch of galaxy formation. At redshifts z \simgt 2 the typical metallicity of the damped \lya systems is in agreement with expectations based on the consumption of HI gas implied by the recent measurements of ΩDLA\Omega_{DLA} by Storrie-Lombardi et al. (1996a), and with the metal ejection rates in the universe at these epochs deduced by Madau (1996) from the ultraviolet luminosities of high redshift galaxies revealed by deep imaging surveys. There are indications in our data for an increase in the mean metallicity of the damped \lya systems from z>3z > 3 to 2\approx 2, consistent with the rise in the comoving star formation rate indicated by the relative numbers of UU and BB drop-outs in the Hubble Deep Field. Although such comparisons are still tentative, it appears that these different avenues for exploring the early evolution of galaxies give a broadly consistent picture.Comment: 51 pages, LaTeX, 9 Postscript Figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    A slitless spectroscopic survey for quasars near quasars

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    We present the results of the Quasars near Quasars (QNQ) survey, a CCD-based slitless spectroscopic survey for faint V<22 quasars at 1.7<z<3.6 on 18 26.2'x33.5' fields centred on bright quasars at 2.76<z<4.69. In total 169 quasar candidates with emission lines were selected from the extracted flux-calibrated spectra on the basis of well-defined automatic selection criteria followed by visual inspection and verification. With follow-up spectroscopy of 81 candidates that were likely to reside at z>1.7 we were able to confirm 80 new quasars at 0.580<z<3.586 on 16 of our fields. 64 of the newly discovered quasars are located at z>1.7. The overall high success rate implies that most of the remaining 88 candidates are quasars as well, although the majority of them likely resides at z<1.7 on the basis of the observed line shapes and strengths. Due to the insufficient depth of the input source catalogues needed for extraction of the slitless spectra our survey is not well defined in terms of limiting magnitude for faint 2.5<z<3.6 quasars whose Lyman alpha emission is detectable well beyond V=22, albeit at a continuum S/N<1. While not useful for characterising the evolving space density of quasars, our sample provides many new closely spaced quasar sightlines around intensely studied quasars for further investigations on the three-dimensional distribution of the intergalactic medium.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures, accepted by A&A, includes Table 2 from online material, full paper with appendices containing additional figures and tables available at http://www.aip.de/People/gworseck/qnqpaper/qnqpaper_final.pd

    Dysregulation of metabolic-associated pathways in muscle of breast cancer patients: preclinical evaluation of interleukin-15 targeting fatigue

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    Background Breast cancer patients report a perception of increased muscle fatigue, which can persist following surgery and standardized therapies. In a clinical experiment, we tested the hypothesis that pathways regulating skeletal muscle fatigue are down-regulated in skeletal muscle of breast cancer patients and that different muscle gene expression patterns exist between breast tumour subtypes. In a preclinical study, we tested the hypothesis that mammary tumour growth in mice induces skeletal muscle fatigue and that overexpression of the cytokine interleukin-15 (IL-15) can attenuate mammary tumourinduced muscle fatigue. Methods Early stage non-metastatic female breast cancer patients (n = 14) and female non-cancer patients (n = 6) provided a muscle biopsy of the pectoralis major muscle during mastectomy, lumpectomy, or breast reconstruction surgeries. The breast cancer patients were diagnosed with either luminal (ER+ /PR+ , n = 6), triple positive (ER+ /PR+ /Her2/neu+ , n = 5), or triple negative (ER/PR/Her2/neu, n = 3) breast tumours and were being treated with curative intent either with neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery or surgery followed by standard post-operative therapy. Biopsies were used for RNA-sequencing to compare the skeletal muscle gene expression patterns between breast cancer patients and non-cancer patients. The C57BL/6 mouse syngeneic mammary tumour cell line, E0771, was used to induce mammary tumours in immunocompetent mice, and isometric muscle contractile properties and fatigue properties were analysed following 4 weeks of tumour growth. Results RNA-sequencing and subsequent bioinformatics analyses revealed a dysregulation of canonical pathways involved in oxidative phosphorylation, mitochondrial dysfunction, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor signalling and activation, and IL-15 signalling and production. In a preclinical mouse model of breast cancer, the rate of muscle fatigue was greater in mice exposed to mammary tumour growth for 4 weeks, and this greater muscle fatigue was attenuated in transgenic mice that overexpressed the cytokine IL-15. Conclusions Our data identify novel genes and pathways dysregulated in the muscles of breast cancer patients with early stage non-metastatic disease, with particularly aberrant expression among genes that would predispose these patients to greater muscle fatigue. Furthermore, we demonstrate that IL-15 overexpression can attenuate muscle fatigue associated with mammary tumour growth in a preclinical mouse model of breast cancer. Therefore, we propose that skeletal muscle fatigue is an inherent consequence of breast tumour growth, and this greater fatigue can be targeted therapeutically