1,451 research outputs found

    Wind tunnel calibration of the ''Arcasonde 1-A'' at simulated altitudes between 35 and 57 km

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    Subsonic wind tunnel calibration of Arcasonde 1-A atmospheric temperature sensing unit at simulated altitudes between 35 and 56 k

    The Deelen infrasound array for recording sonic booms and events of CTBT interest

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    The Seismology Division of the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) has build up expertise in infrasound measurements by investigating low frequency events in order to distinguish between seismic and sonic events. KNMI operates, amongst others, a sixteen element microbarometer array with an aperture of 1.5 km, the Deelen Infrasound Array (DIA). Sonic booms and events of Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) interest are recorded within the frequency range of 100 seconds and 40 Hertz. Recently, KNMI and Microflown Technologies B.V. started a collaboration concerning infrasound measurements. This paper reports the use of a novel sensor. The so-called Microflown [1] is an acoustic sensor, sensitive for frequencies from 0Hz up to 1kHz. The Microflown is developed at the University of Twente and commercialised by Microflown Technologies B.V [3]


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    In het kader van de optimalisatie van de kwaliteit en de gezondheidswaarde van onze voeding, is er grote belangstelling voor het verhogen van de inhoud van langketen n-3 polyonverzadigde vetzuren (n-3 PUFA) en voor het beschermen tegen oxidatie van dierlijke voedingsproducten. Verschillende dierproeven en laboratoriumanalyses op vlees werden in dit verband uitgevoerd. In het eerste deel van dit proefschrift werd het effect van de duur en het tijdstip van het voederen van n-3 PUFA bronnen (1.2 % lijnzaad- en visolie resp. rijk aan alfa-linoleenzuur (alfa-LNA) en eicosapentaeenzuur en docosahexaeenzuur (EPA en DHA)) op de vetzuursamenstelling en de sensorische karakteristieken van de longissimus thoracis (LT) en enkele vleesproducten onderzocht. Bij lijnzaad supplementatie was de laatste afmestfase bepalend voor de depositie van alfa-LNA en de verdere omzetting naar EPA en DHA. De hoogste EPA en DHA aandelen werden bekomen door de supplementatie van visolie over de volledige afmestfase. Deze verandering van het vetzuurprofiel bracht geen gewijzigde vetoxidatie in het vlees teweeg. Alhoewel de verschillen gering waren, beoordeelde een consumentenpanel kookham, salami en gegrild vlees van visolie gesupplementeerde varkens evenwel iets minder gunstig. In het tweede deel van het proefschrift werd het effect van bakken op de vetzuursamenstelling van varkensvlees onderzocht. De vetzuursamenstelling van het gebakken vlees evolueerde naar die van het gebruikte bakvet. De mate van toename of afname van een welbepaald vetzuur tijdens het bakken was proportioneel met de vetzuurgradiënt tussen het bakvet en het vlees. De langketen PUFA, hoewel gewoonlijk hitte-labiel en oxidatiegevoelig, waren niet expliciet onderhevig aan oxidatie gedurende dit proces. Het significant effect van zowel de vetbron in het voeder als van het bereidingsproces op de vetzuursamenstelling van varkensvlees, benadrukt de nood aan een geïntegreerde benadering van voederstrategie en post mortem behandeling bij het streven naar de productie van vlees dat bijdraagt tot een waardevol en gezond dieet. Oxidatieprocessen zijn één van de belangrijkste oorzaken van nutritionele en sensoriële kwaliteitsderving in onze voeding en worden bepaald door de balans van anti- en pro-oxidantia. Een verbeterde oxidatieve stabiliteit kan bekomen worden door de gehalten aan antioxidantia in het vlees te verhogen, hetzij door aanbreng via het voeder, hetzij door post mortem toevoeging gedurende de bereiding. Deze aspecten werden respectievelijk behandeld in het derde en vierde deel van het proefschrift. In het derde deel werd de voedersupplementatie van individuele antioxidantia vergeleken met die van antioxidant cocktails. De extra componenten van de antioxidant cocktails (vb. rozemarijn extract, citroenzuur en galluszuur) bleken geen additieve noch synergetische effecten te hebben bovenop de activiteit van a-tocoferyl acetaat als efficiënt antioxidant. In het vierde deel tenslotte, werd het effect onderzocht van post mortem toevoeging van antioxidantia in hamburgers. Uit dit experiment bleek dat de relatieve antioxidant activiteit van antioxidantia sterk afhankelijk is van de beschouwde oxidatieparameter en varieert naargelang de dosis en het hydrofiele/lipofiele karakter van de component en de matrix

    Negative illness perceptions are related to poorer health‐related quality of life among thyroid cancer survivors:Results from the PROFILES registry

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    Background Differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) reports a poorer health‐related quality of life (HRQoL) than a norm population. Patients' illness perceptions are modifiable and known associates of HRQoL in other cancers. The aim was to examine the relationship between illness perceptions and HRQoL among DTC survivors. Methods DTC survivors registered in the Netherlands Cancer Registry diagnosed between 1990 and 2008, received a survey on illness perceptions (Brief‐Illness Perception Questionnaire; B‐IPQ) and HRQoL (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, Quality of Life Questionnaire‐Core 30; EORTC QLQ‐C30). Multiple regression analyses were conducted investigating the relation between illness perceptions and HRQoL, while controlling for sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. Results Two hundred and eighty‐four DTC survivors were included. DTC survivors who believed their illness had many negative consequences; who perceived their illness as controllable by treatment; who had strong beliefs symptoms could be attributed to their illness; and who had strong beliefs their illness causes negative emotions, reported a poorer HRQoL. Conclusions Stronger negative illness perceptions are related to a poorer HRQoL among DTC survivors

    Are Race, Ethnicity, and Medical School Affiliation Associated with NIH R01 Type Award Probability for Physician Investigators?

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    This is a non-final version of an article published in final form in Acad Med. 2012 November ; 87(11): 1516–1524. doi:10.1097/ACM.0b013e31826d726b.PURPOSE: To analyze the relationship among NIH R01 Type 1 applicant degree, institution type, and race/ethnicity, and application award probability. METHOD: The authors used 2000–2006 data from the NIH IMPAC II grants database and other sources to determine which individual and institutional characteristics of applicants may affect the probability of applications being awarded funding. They used descriptive statistics and probit models to estimate correlations between race/ethnicity, degree (MD or PhD), and institution type (medical school or other institution), and application award probability, controlling for a large set of observable characteristics. RESULTS: Applications from medical schools were significantly more likely than those from other institutions to receive funding, as were applications from MDs versus PhDs. Overall, applications from blacks and Asians were less likely than those from whites to be awarded funding; however, among applications from MDs at medical schools, there was no difference in funding probability between whites and Asians and the difference between blacks and whites decreased to 7.8 percentage points. The inclusion of human subjects significantly decreased the likelihood of receiving funding. CONCLUSIONS: Compared with applications from whites, applications from blacks have a lower probability of being awarded R01 Type 1 funding, regardless of the investigator’s degree. However, funding probability is increased for applications with MD investigators and for those from medical schools. To some degree, these advantages combine so that applications from black MDs at medical schools have the smallest difference in funding probability compared with those from whites

    Implementing new surgical instruments in minimally invasive surgery

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    This thesis assessed methods to identify possible hazards to patient safety of new surgical instruments in minimally invasive surgery, before their introduction in daily clinical practice. Using a newly developed uterine manipulator and uterine power morcellators as a template, the concepts of a clinically driven approach and a prospective risk inventory were explored. LUMC / Geneeskund

    The Caffeine Dose Response in Habitual Consumers Performing a Maximal Anaerobic Test

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    Thermal tolerance limits of the Chinese mystery snail (\u3ci\u3eBellamya chinensis\u3c/i\u3e): Implications for management

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    The Chinese mystery snail, Bellamya chinensis (Gray, 1834) is a gastropod native to East Asia and is considered an invasive species in North America where its impacts on native species and ecosystems are not well understood. Scientific literature describing its biology and life history are sparse. Thermal tolerance limits, or the maximum and minimum temperature under which a species can survive, are key to identifying the potential geographical range of a species. The ability of managers to control invasive species is directly impacted by the thermal tolerance limits of a species. We attempted to identify the thermal tolerance limits of B. chinensis in a laboratory setting. Using a random sampling design, we exposed groups of wild-caught B. chinensis to either extreme high or low temperature treatments. We identified the upper temperature tolerance limit as between 40 and 45 °C. This result indicates some hot water management techniques may successfully prevent spread of B. chinensis among waterways. Despite exposing B. chinensis to freezing temperatures for extended periods of time we did not identify a lower temperature limit. Identifying the thermal tolerance limits of this and other invasive species informs predictions of range expansion and identification of potential prevention efforts