5,204 research outputs found

    Phase dynamics of a multimode Bose condensate controlled by decay

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    The relative phase between two uncoupled BE condensates tends to attain a specific value when the phase is measured. This can be done by observing their decay products in interference. We discuss exactly solvable models for this process in cases where competing observation channels drive the phases to different sets of values. We treat the case of two modes which both emit into the input ports of two beam splitters, and of a linear or circular chain of modes. In these latter cases, the transitivity of relative phase becomes an issue

    Discerning Aggregation in Homogeneous Ensembles: A General Description of Photon Counting Spectroscopy in Diffusing Systems

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    In order to discern aggregation in solutions, we present a quantum mechanical analog of the photon statistics from fluorescent molecules diffusing through a focused beam. A generating functional is developed to fully describe the experimental physical system as well as the statistics. Histograms of the measured time delay between photon counts are fit by an analytical solution describing the static as well as diffusing regimes. To determine empirical fitting parameters, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy is used in parallel to the photon counting. For expedient analysis, we find that the distribution's deviation from a single Poisson shows a difference between two single fluor moments or a double fluor aggregate of the same total intensities. Initial studies were performed on fixed-state aggregates limited to dimerization. However preliminary results on reactive species suggest that the method can be used to characterize any aggregating system.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure

    Resonance fluorescence with excitation of finite bandwidth

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    The problem of resonance fluorescence from a two-level atom that is driven near resonance by a laser beam of finite bandwidth is tackled via the Heisenberg equations of motion, by a simple generalization of our previous treatment. It is found that the two-time intensity correlation function is again factorizable into a product of the mean light intensities at the two times, each of which is slightly modified under broad-band excitation from its value under monochromatic excitation. The spectrum of the fluorescence is affected rather more drastically, and, in general, becomes asymmetric under broad-band excitation

    Photoelectric detection of polychromatic light

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    The problem of photoelectric detection of light is reexamined when the light is polychromatic and not strictly stationary, and when the frequency response of the detector has to be taken into account. It is shown that, whereas the one-photoelectron detection probability can always be expressed in a familiar form involving the expected light intensity, the same is not true of the twofold detection probability. In general, the photodetector does not count photons in any precise sense

    Anderson localization of a Tonks-Girardeau gas in potentials with controlled disorder

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    We theoretically demonstrate features of Anderson localization in the Tonks-Girardeau gas confined in one-dimensional (1D) potentials with controlled disorder. That is, we investigate the evolution of the single particle density and correlations of a Tonks-Girardeau wave packet in such disordered potentials. The wave packet is initially trapped, the trap is suddenly turned off, and after some time the system evolves into a localized steady state due to Anderson localization. The density tails of the steady state decay exponentially, while the coherence in these tails increases. The latter phenomenon corresponds to the same effect found in incoherent optical solitons

    Fluctuations in the formation time of ultracold dimers from fermionic atoms

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    We investigate the temporal fluctuations characteristic of the formation of molecular dimers from ultracold fermionic atoms via Raman photoassociation. The quantum fluctuations inherent to the initial atomic state result in large fluctuations in the passage time from atoms to molecules. Assuming degeneracy of kinetic energies of atoms in the strong coupling limit we find that a heuristic classical stochastic model yields qualitative agreement with the full quantum treatment in the initial stages of the dynamics. We also show that in contrast to the association of atoms into dimers, the reverse process of dissociation from a condensate of bosonic dimers exhibits little passage time fluctuations. Finally we explore effects due to the non-degeneracy of atomic kinetic energies.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Gaussian-State Theory of Two-Photon Imaging

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    Biphoton states of signal and idler fields--obtained from spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC) in the low-brightness, low-flux regime--have been utilized in several quantum imaging configurations to exceed the resolution performance of conventional imagers that employ coherent-state or thermal light. Recent work--using the full Gaussian-state description of SPDC--has shown that the same resolution performance seen in quantum optical coherence tomography and the same imaging characteristics found in quantum ghost imaging can be realized by classical-state imagers that make use of phase-sensitive cross correlations. This paper extends the Gaussian-state analysis to two additional biphoton-state quantum imaging scenarios: far field diffraction-pattern imaging; and broadband thin-lens imaging. It is shown that the spatial resolution behavior in both cases is controlled by the nonzero phase-sensitive cross correlation between the signal and idler fields. Thus, the same resolution can be achieved in these two configurations with classical-state signal and idler fields possessing a nonzero phase-sensitive cross correlation.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Full photon statistics of a light beam transmitted through an optomechanical system

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    In this paper, we study the full statistics of photons transmitted through an optical cavity coupled to nanomechanical motion. We analyze the entire temporal evolution of the photon correlations, the Fano factor, and the effects of strong laser driving, all of which show pronounced features connected to the mechanical backaction. In the regime of single-photon strong coupling, this allows us to predict a transition from sub-Poissonian to super-Poissonian statistics for larger observation time intervals. Furthermore, we predict cascades of transmitted photons triggered by multi-photon transitions. In this regime, we observe Fano factors that are drastically enhanced due to the mechanical motion.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Dispersion spreading of biphotons in optical fibres and two-photon interference

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    We present the first observation of two-photon polarization interference structure in the second-order Glauber's correlation function of two-photon light generated via type-II spontaneous parametric down-conversion. In order to obtain this result, two-photon light is transmitted through an optical fibre and the coincidence distribution is analyzed by means of the START-STOP method. Beyond the experimental demonstration of an interesting effect in quantum optics, these results also have considerable relevance for quantum communications.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.Let
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