690 research outputs found

    Local spectroscopy and atomic imaging of tunneling current, forces and dissipation on graphite

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    Theory predicts that the currents in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and the attractive forces measured in atomic force microscopy (AFM) are directly related. Atomic images obtained in an attractive AFM mode should therefore be redundant because they should be \emph{similar} to STM. Here, we show that while the distance dependence of current and force is similar for graphite, constant-height AFM- and STM images differ substantially depending on distance and bias voltage. We perform spectroscopy of the tunneling current, the frequency shift and the damping signal at high-symmetry lattice sites of the graphite (0001) surface. The dissipation signal is about twice as sensitive to distance as the frequency shift, explained by the Prandtl-Tomlinson model of atomic friction.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted at Physical Review Letter

    Electromagnetic Simulation and Design of a Novel Waveguide RF Wien Filter for Electric Dipole Moment Measurements of Protons and Deuterons

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    The conventional Wien filter is a device with orthogonal static magnetic and electric fields, often used for velocity separation of charged particles. Here we describe the electromagnetic design calculations for a novel waveguide RF Wien filter that will be employed to solely manipulate the spins of protons or deuterons at frequencies of about 0.1 to 2 MHz at the COoler SYnchrotron COSY at J\"ulich. The device will be used in a future experiment that aims at measuring the proton and deuteron electric dipole moments, which are expected to be very small. Their determination, however, would have a huge impact on our understanding of the universe.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    Thermal effects on atomic friction

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    We model friction acting on the tip of an atomic force microscope as it is dragged across a surface at non-zero temperatures. We find that stick-slip motion occurs and that the average frictional force follows lnv2/3|\ln v|^{2/3}, where vv is the tip velocity. This compares well to recent experimental work (Gnecco et al, PRL 84, 1172), permitting the quantitative extraction of all microscopic parameters. We calculate the scaled form of the average frictional force's dependence on both temperature and tip speed as well as the form of the friction-force distribution function.Comment: Accepted for publication, Physical Review Letter

    Distance dependence of force and dissipation in non-contact atomic force microscopy on Cu(100) and Al(111)

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    The dynamic characteristics of a tip oscillating in the nc-AFM mode in close vicinity to a Cu(100)-surface are investigated by means of phase variation experiments in the constant amplitude mode. The change of the quality factor upon approaching the surface deduced from both frequency shift and excitation versus phase curves yield to consistent values. The optimum phase is found to be independent of distance. The dependence of the quality factor on distance is related to 'true' damping, because artefacts related to phase misadjustment can be excluded. The experimental results, as well as on-resonance measurements at different bias voltages on an Al(111) surface, are compared to Joule dissipation and to a model of dissipation in which long-range forces lead to viscoelastic deformations

    Phase Transitions of an Oscillator Neural Network with a Standard Hebb Learning Rule

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    Studies have been made on the phase transition phenomena of an oscillator network model based on a standard Hebb learning rule like the Hopfield model. The relative phase informations---the in-phase and anti-phase, can be embedded in the network. By self-consistent signal-to-noise analysis (SCSNA), it was found that the storage capacity is given by αc=0.042\alpha_c = 0.042, which is better than that of Cook's model. However, the retrieval quality is worse. In addition, an investigation was made into an acceleration effect caused by asymmetry of the phase dynamics. Finally, it was numerically shown that the storage capacity can be improved by modifying the shape of the coupling function.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Interaction imaging with amplitude-dependence force spectroscopy

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    Knowledge of surface forces is the key to understanding a large number of processes in fields ranging from physics to material science and biology. The most common method to study surfaces is dynamic atomic force microscopy (AFM). Dynamic AFM has been enormously successful in imaging surface topography, even to atomic resolution, but the force between the AFM tip and the surface remains unknown during imaging. Here, we present a new approach that combines high accuracy force measurements and high resolution scanning. The method, called amplitude-dependence force spectroscopy (ADFS) is based on the amplitude-dependence of the cantilever's response near resonance and allows for separate determination of both conservative and dissipative tip-surface interactions. We use ADFS to quantitatively study and map the nano-mechanical interaction between the AFM tip and heterogeneous polymer surfaces. ADFS is compatible with commercial atomic force microscopes and we anticipate its wide-spread use in taking AFM toward quantitative microscopy

    Effect of aging on esophageal motility in patients with and without GERD

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    Background/Aims: The impact of aging on esophageal motility is not completely understood. This study aims at assessing 1) whether degeneration of esophageal body motility occurs with age and 2) whether this development is influenced by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

    Effect of aging on esophageal motility in patients with and without GERD

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    Background/Aims: The impact of aging on esophageal motility is not completely understood. This study aims at assessing 1) whether degeneration of esophageal body motility occurs with age and 2) whether this development is influenced by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

    Analysis of the optical properties of the silvery spots on the wings of the Gulf Fritillary, Dione vanillae

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    The ventral face of the wings of the butterfly Dione vanillae is covered with bright and shiny silvery spots. These areas contain densely packed ground- and coverscales with a bright metallic appearance reflecting more than 50% of light uniformly over the visible range. Our analysis shows that this optically attractive feature is caused by the inner microstructure of the scales located in these areas. Electron microscopy of cross sections through the scales shows that upper and lower lamina, supporting trabeculae, and topping ridges can be approximated by a ‘circus tent’-like geometry. By simulating its optical properties, we show that a moderate disorder of this geometry is important for the uniform reflection of light resulting in the silvery appearance