55 research outputs found

    KRIT1 loss of function causes a ROS-dependent upregulation of c-Jun

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    Loss-of-function mutations in the KRIT1 gene (CCM1) have been associated with the pathogenesis of cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM), a major cerebrovascular disease. However, KRIT1 functions and CCM pathogenetic mechanisms remain incompletely understood. Indeed, recent experiments in animal models have clearly demonstrated that the homozygous loss of KRIT1 is not sufficient to induce CCM lesions, suggesting that additional factors are necessary to cause CCM disease. Previously, we found that KRIT1 is involved in the maintenance of the intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis to prevent ROS-induced cellular dysfunctions, including a reduced ability to maintain a quiescent state. Here, we show that KRIT1 loss of function leads to enhanced expression and phosphorylation of the redox-sensitive transcription factor c-Jun, as well as induction of its downstream target COX-2, in both cellular models and human CCM tissues. Furthermore, we demonstrate that c-Jun upregulation can be reversed by either KRIT1 re-expression or ROS scavenging, whereas KRIT1 overexpression prevents forced upregulation of c-Jun induced by oxidative stimuli. Taken together with the reported role of c-Jun in vascular dysfunctions triggered by oxidative stress, our findings shed new light on the molecular mechanisms underlying KRIT1 function and CCM pathogenesis

    Modulation of host cell processes by T3SS effectors

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    Two of the enteric Escherichia coli pathotypes-enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)-have a conserved type 3 secretion system which is essential for virulence. The T3SS is used to translocate between 25 and 50 bacterial proteins directly into the host cytosol where they manipulate a variety of host cell processes to establish a successful infection. In this chapter, we discuss effectors from EPEC/EHEC in the context of the host proteins and processes that they target-the actin cytoskeleton, small guanosine triphosphatases and innate immune signalling pathways that regulate inflammation and cell death. Many of these translocated proteins have been extensively characterised, which has helped obtain insights into the mechanisms of pathogenesis of these bacteria and also understand the host pathways they target in more detail. With increasing knowledge of the positive and negative regulation of host signalling pathways by different effectors, a future challenge is to investigate how the specific effector repertoire of each strain cooperates over the course of an infection

    KRIT1 Regulates the Homeostasis of Intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species

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    KRIT1 is a gene responsible for Cerebral Cavernous Malformations (CCM), a major cerebrovascular disease characterized by abnormally enlarged and leaky capillaries that predispose to seizures, focal neurological deficits, and fatal intracerebral hemorrhage. Comprehensive analysis of the KRIT1 gene in CCM patients has suggested that KRIT1 functions need to be severely impaired for pathogenesis. However, the molecular and cellular functions of KRIT1 as well as CCM pathogenesis mechanisms are still research challenges. We found that KRIT1 plays an important role in molecular mechanisms involved in the maintenance of the intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) homeostasis to prevent oxidative cellular damage. In particular, we demonstrate that KRIT1 loss/down-regulation is associated with a significant increase in intracellular ROS levels. Conversely, ROS levels in KRIT1−/− cells are significantly and dose-dependently reduced after restoration of KRIT1 expression. Moreover, we show that the modulation of intracellular ROS levels by KRIT1 loss/restoration is strictly correlated with the modulation of the expression of the antioxidant protein SOD2 as well as of the transcriptional factor FoxO1, a master regulator of cell responses to oxidative stress and a modulator of SOD2 levels. Furthermore, we show that the KRIT1-dependent maintenance of low ROS levels facilitates the downregulation of cyclin D1 expression required for cell transition from proliferative growth to quiescence. Finally, we demonstrate that the enhanced ROS levels in KRIT1−/− cells are associated with an increased cell susceptibility to oxidative DNA damage and a marked induction of the DNA damage sensor and repair gene Gadd45α, as well as with a decline of mitochondrial energy metabolism. Taken together, our results point to a new model where KRIT1 limits the accumulation of intracellular oxidants and prevents oxidative stress-mediated cellular dysfunction and DNA damage by enhancing the cell capacity to scavenge intracellular ROS through an antioxidant pathway involving FoxO1 and SOD2, thus providing novel and useful insights into the understanding of KRIT1 molecular and cellular functions

    Correction: KRIT1 Regulates the Homeostasis of Intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species

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