3,709 research outputs found

    Onward in higher education: Business faculty perspectives on authentic assessment

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    This mixed-method study explored business faculty’s perspectives on drawbacks and benefits associated with authentic assessment at 10 R1 Midwestern universities. In search of solutions, faculty were also asked to provide recommendations in implementing authentic assessment. Quantitative and qualitative findings suggest most business faculty are in favor of assessment strategies that promote higher order thinking and real-world practices. However, ongoing faculty professional development opportunities and reconsidering the assessment culture of higher education are needed to make this important shift towards authentic assessment

    Peran Penguasaan Dasar Matematika dan Persepsi Mahasiswa terhadap Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Mata Kuliah Kalkulus I

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    Penelitian ini dilatar-belakangi oleh adanya penguasaan dasar matematika yang kurang, persepsi negatif mahasiswa terhadap mata kuliah kalkulus, kemampuan pemahaman konsep mata kuliah kalkulus yang kurang, serta adanya Kenyataan nilai mata kuliah kalkulus yang tidak maksimal pada setiap tahunnya. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan adalah untuk mengetahui besar pengaruh penguasaan dasar matematika dan persepsi mahasiswa secara bersama terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep mata kuliah kalkulus. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap mahasiswa program studi pendidikan matematika UNINDRA semester 3, tahun ajaran 2016 / 2017, dengan jumlah sampel 92 orang mahasiswa dari jumlah populasi 119 orang mahasiswa. Jumlah sampel penelitian diperoleh dari rumus Slovin dan diambil dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Pengolahan data penelitian dilakukan dengan komputer menggunakan program SPSS 20 - regresi ganda. Jenis instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah instrumen tes untuk penguasaan dasar matematika yang berjumlah 15 butir, tes kemampuan pemahaman konsep mata kuliah kalkulus 1 berjumlah 5 butir, serta instrumen non-tes berupa pernyataan untuk instrumen persepsi mahasiswa yang berjumlah 30 butir. Tes penguasaan dasar matematika yang berjumlah 15 butir tersebut terdiri dari 5 butir instrumen tes aljabar, 5 butir instrumen tes trigonometri dan 5 butir instrumen tes geometri. Hasil pengolahan data menghasilkan persamaan regresi ganda Y = - 4,313 + 0,086 X1 + 0,145 X2. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari penguasaan dasar matematika dan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep mata kuliah kalkulus 1. Hal tersebut dapat dikatakan juga bahwa penguasaan dasar matematika dan persepsi mahasiswa tidak berperan dalam kemampuan pemahaman konsep mata kuliah kalkulus 1

    Psychopathy and Free Will From a Philosophical and Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective

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    In our chapter, we discuss one of the most influential compatibilist accounts of free will, Fischer and Ravizza\u27s (1998) reasons-responsiveness theory, and review the empirical literature on psychopathy that addresses the requirements for moral responsibility that are put forward in their account. Reasons-responsive compatibilist views seem to argue for the absence of moral responsibility or at least diminished responsibility when considering psychopathy. Their view draws upon impairments in the relevant kind of reasons-responsiveness in which one is responsive to both prudential and moral reasons. If moral reasons as genuine reasons that may motivate behavior are somehow aliento individuals with psychopathy, can we argue that these individuals are fully responsible for their immoral behavior? Based on empirical findings, we argue that psychopaths have core affective and cognitive deficits that may impair moral rationality. We conclude that the hard determinist, hard incompatibilist, and reasons-responsive compatibilist view suggest that offenders with severe psychopathy should not be held criminally responsible, and that mild psychopathy should function as a mitigating factor allowing for partial criminal responsibility. We should greatly increase our emphasis on early prevention and rehabilitation while ensuring that society is adequately protected and the feelings and rights of victims are respected. What we fear – or at any rate a very important part of what we fear – in determinism is the prospect that determinism would rule out control, and we very definitely do not want to lose control or be out of control or be controlled by something or someone else – like a marionette or puppet. (Dennett, 1984: 51

    Composition chimique de l’huile essentielle de Satureja calamintha (L.) Scheele du Maroc

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    Ce travail vise l’étude de la composition chimique de l’huile essentielle de Satureja calamintha (L.) Scheele du Maroc. Les constituants chimiques principaux de cette huile essentielle sont borneol (34.52%), αcampholenic aldehyde (14.26%), cedren-13-ol (6.45%), et manoyloxide (3.78%).Mots-clés : huile essentielle, Satureja calamintha, composition chimique.Chemical composition of essential oil of Satureja Calamintha (L.) Scheele of MoroccoThis work aims to study the chemical composition of essential oil of Satureja Calamintha (L.) Scheele of Morocco. The main chemical constituents of the essential oil are Borneol (34.52%), α-campholenic aldehyde (14.26%), cedrene-13-ol, 8 - (6.45%), and manoyloxide (3.78%).Keywords : essential oil, Satureja Calamintha, chemical composition


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    This study aims to explain the effect of customer reviews and prices on purchasing decisions through trust, and to examine the effect of trust on purchasing decisions on e-marketplace users in Indonesia. Data was collected using a questionnaire survey of 185 active e-marketplace buyers in Indonesia. The analysis used to prove the hypothesis in this study is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on components or variants known as Partial Least Square (PLS) with Smartpls 3.0 application. The results of this study indicate that trust has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. While customer reviews and prices are factors that affect the trust. Where customer reviews have the greatest influence in influencing trust in purchasing decisions through e-marketplaces in Indonesia. This study offers several implications from the research results

    Remote ischemic preconditioning in patients with intermittent claudication

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    OBJECTIVE: Remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC) is a phenomenon in which a short period of sub-lethal ischemia in one organ protects against subsequent bouts of ischemia in another organ. We hypothesized that RIPC in patients with intermittent claudication would increase muscle tissue resistance to ischemia, thereby resulting in an increased ability to walk. METHODS: In a claudication clinic, 52 ambulatory patients who presented with complaints of intermittent claudication in the lower limbs associated with an absent or reduced arterial pulse in the symptomatic limb and/or an ankle-brachial index <0.90 were recruited for this study. The patients were randomly divided into three groups (A, B and C). All of the patients underwent two tests on a treadmill according to the Gardener protocol. Group A was tested first without RIPC. Group A was subjected to RIPC prior to the second treadmill test. Group B was subjected to RIPC prior to the first treadmill test and then was subjected to a treadmill test without RIPC. In Group C (control group), both treadmill tests were performed without RIPC. The first and second tests were conducted seven days apart. Brazilian Clinical Trials: RBR-7TF6TM. RESULTS: Group A showed a significant increase in the initial claudication distance in the second test compared to the first test. CONCLUSION: RIPC increased the initial claudication distance in patients with intermittent claudication; however, RIPC did not affect the total walking distance of the patients
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