70 research outputs found

    Penerapan Pembelajaran IPA dengan Strategi Pdeode untuk Mereduksi Miskonsepsi Siswa pada Materi Perubahan Fisika dan Perubahan Kimia Kelas VII SMP

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaanopembelajaran, pengaruh pembelajaran dengan menggunakan strategi PDEODE (Predict-Discuss-Explain-Observe-Discuss-Explain) terhadap pengurangan miskonsepsi siswa, dan respon siswa pada pembelajaran dengan strategi PDEODE. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMPN 1 Wonoayu Sidoarjo. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah One Group Pre-test and Post-test Design. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan mengambil sampel penelitian yaitu siswa kelas VII-B SMPN 1 Wonoayu Sidoarjo. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan diantaranya analisis keterlaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan skala Likert dan diinterpretasi persentase keterlaksanaan, analisis pereduksian miskonsepsismenggunakan metode CRI (Certaintynof Respons Index) dengan membandingkan persentase miskonsepsi siswa sebelum dan sesudah penerapan strategi PDEODE, dan analisis respon siswa menggunakan skor Guttman dan diinterpretasi persentase respon siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterlaksanaan pembelajaran berlangsung dengan sangat baik dengan persentase rata-rata keterlaksanaan pembelajaran yang diperoleh pada pertemuan I dan pertemuan II masing-masing sebesar 89,09% dan 95,76%. Hasil penurunan miskonsepsi secara keseluruhan menunjukkan persentase siswa yang mengalami miskonsepsi berkurang sebesar 40,77% dari 52,93% menjadi 12,16%. Siswa memberikan respon positif dengan kategori sangat baik dengan persentase rata-rata sebesar 97,84%. Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan pembelajaran dengan strategi PDEODE dapat mereduksi miskonsepsi siswa pada materi Perubahan fisika dan Perubahan kimia di SMPN 1 Wonoayu Sidoarjo. Kata Kunci : Strategi PDEODE, miskonsepsi, Perubahan fisika, dan Perubahan kimi

    Tolok Ukur Kebaruan dalam Desain Industri

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    Novelty test becomes legal principle that needs attention in protection of industrial design. Only the newest design gets the rights. In fact, although industrial design has been registered on Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights, it often happens that a claim relates to the legal test of novelty on industrial design. There are no clear parameters of novelty on Industrial Design in the Act Number 30 Year 2000. The following article examines the legal test of novelty on industrial design. Therefore, the question, what is the legal test of novelty on industrial design? Unclear parameter about novelty arising difficulties in deciding the new industrial design

    Correlation Between Prolonged Standing And Plantar Fasciitis

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    Background: Plantar fasciitis (PF) is the most common heel pain in adult. It is estimated that it affects as much as 10% of the population over the course of their lifetime. Previous study mention that prolonged standing is one of the risk factor of PF, however other study suggests that there is low evidence of prolonged standing may cause PF. The objective of this study was to findout whether or not prolonged standing may correlate to PF. Methods: This cross-sectional with total sampling study involved 73 workers in total. 35 of them did not fulfill the inclusion criteria, hence only 38 of subjects were used. The data collected using questionnare and analyzed using Chi-square. with p-value (p) <0.05 and confidence interval (CI) 95%. Results: There is no correlation between prolonged standing and PF symptoms p= 0.249. Conclusion: There is no correlation between prolonged standing and plantar fasciitis and even though in other study suggest that BMI, and age also the risk factor of PF this was not consistently confirmed in this study. Further research may use larger number of subjects and use other measure to determine the definition of prolonged standing

    Comparative Economic Value Added on Southeast Asian Banking Industry

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    This study analyses the bank's performance comparison across countries in some ASEAN members which are listed in the stock exchange, as well as to analyse the influence of Economic Value Added (EVA) and some financial ratios on the company stock return. Analysis suggests some results. In Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, the movement of EVA follows the movement of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This study also finds that Earning per Share (EPS), only in Singapore, and Return on Equity (ROE) and Return on Assets (ROA), only in the Philippines, have an influence on stock return. Only in the Philippines where EVA together with ROA has an effect on stock return

    Rendahnya Praktik Menyusui pada Ibu Post Sectio Caesarea dan Dukungan Tenaga Kesehatan di Rumah Sakit

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    Penelitian terdahulu menyebutkan bahwa ibu melahirkan secara sectio caesarea cenderung lebih lambat melakukan inisiasi menyusu dini dan mempunyai prevalensi lebih rendah dalam praktik ASI ekslusif dibanding Ibu melahirkan pervaginam. Ibu post sectio caesarea juga tidak memulai menyusui bayinya pada hari pertama melahirkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor yang menyebabkan rendahnya praktik inisiasi ASI pada Ibu post sectio caesarea termasuk peran tenaga kesehatan di sebuah rumah sakit di Surabaya. Sebanyak 72 ibu yang melahirkan secara sectio caesarea selama bulan Juni 2012 telah menandatangani informed consent, diobservasi sejak masuk rumah sakit sampai akhir hari ke-2 post sectio caesarea, dan diwawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semua ibu sudah mempunyai pengetahuan yang baik tentang ASI, 26,4% di antaranya sudah mempunyai pengalaman sebelumnya dalam memberikan ASI, tetapi hanya 6,9% dan total 29,2% yang mulai memberikan ASI pada hari pertama dan kedua pasca sectio caesarea. Dukungan tenaga kesehatan dalam hal membantu proses pemberian ASI dilaporkan masih rendah. Uji korelasi mendapatkan bahwa dukungan tenaga kesehatan dan kondisi rawat gabung adalah faktor yang berhubungan dengan praktik pemberian ASI (p value 0,39; p = 0,001; phi value = 0,47; p = 0,001). Rendahnya pemberian ASI ibu pasca sectio caesarea berkorelasi dengan rendahnya dukungan tenaga kesehatan dan penundaan rawat gabung.Previous studies showed that breastfeeding initiation was late in babies born with sectio caesarea compared to those with vaginal delivery and prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding practice was low in the former group. There was no breastfeeding initiation in the first day of post sectio caesarea. The objective of this study was to define factors correlated to low breast feeding practice initiation on post sectio caesarea mother, including the role of health workers in a hospital in Surabaya. 72 post sectio caesarea mothers were observed and interviewed on 1-30 June 2012 to find the factors correlated with breastfeeding practice. The results showed that although all the mothers already had a good knowledge about breastfeeding, and 26.4% of them had previous experience in breastfeeding, only 6.9% and 29.2% of total breastfeeding is started on the first and second post sectio caesarea respectively. Support for breastfeeding practice from health workers was low, and there were significant correlation between the support and rooming conditions with breastfeeding practices (p = 0.001). We concluded that low level of breastfeeding practice on mother with sectio caesarea correlated with low support of health professional and with the delay of room-in practice

    Workshop on Applications Payroll (Steam) CV. S & D Jaya

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    In a small and large companies require payroll processing is right - deadly accurate from the datas of each employee starts the way it works until the absence of a superior to subordinates sari payroll of each employee must vary to obtain accurate calculations should therefore relate to the employee services . Therefore, the payroll in the computer system is helping the financial administration to proceed in this case a "CV. S & D JAYA "need to use a computer from a manual to computerized, because it requires field employees process more effective and efficient

    Analisa Pola Partnership Dalam Pengelolaan Obyek Wisata Umbul Tirto Marto Pengging Kabupaten Boyolali Tahun 2012-2014

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    Partnership in the management of Tourism Umbul Tirto Marto Pengging is one of Boyolali Government's breakthrough in realization of good governance in the field of tourism. In the management of the tourist attractions, Boyolali Government's and private parties agree to use a pattern partnership contract concessions, which the private sector is only given the responsibility of providing the service management over part or all of a specific infrastructure, including system operation and maintenance facilities as well as providing a service to the community and the provision of working capital.This partnership can be expressed successfully and can be references as well as recommendations for Governments to develop assets and Boyolali district in other area-based management systems with the use of partnerships. This is because the concept of partnership in Boyolali as minor policy because the policy remains theGovernment's agenda, yet familiar. It is visible from some assets have been worked by using a system of partnership

    Factors Associated with Xylene Exposure

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    Xylene is an ingredient that is most dominant in spray painting in the automotive industry. When the paint is sprayed, the worker will be exposed not only by the vapor, but also from the mist, a collection of fine particles in the form of a liquid. This study was conducted in one area of car painting in Surabaya. The aim of this study is to analyze factors associated with xylene exposrue. Car painter is a group of workers at risk for exposure to xylene. In addition, workers also do not know the dangers of exposure to xylene against him. This study was designed as an observational study conducted cross-sectional to analyze the relationship between levels of xylene exposure and characteristic of workshops in car painting area in Surabaya. Result of Spearman test for analyzing factors associated with xylene exposure showed a significant correlation on temperature and humidity. Based on the independent-samples t-test it can be concluded that there is a statistically significant difference between two conditions, if the cut off point of this comparison based on TLV, 100 ppm. As the conclusion, there is a relationship between characteristics of workshops with xylene exposure in car painting areas in Surabaya

    Refa (Rehabilitasi Friedreich\u27s Ataxia) sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Penderita di Kecamatan Ampel Boyolali

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    Genetic disorders are the most common coordination in the world is Fridreich \u27s ataxia (FA). In Indonesia FA obtained Boyolali Ampel area. FA is progressive and has not found specific drugs for FA. Symptoms and accompanying complications can be treated with physical exercise. Physical exercise can reduce the progression of symptoms and helps maintain body functions as long as possible. The level of knowledge of patient and public awareness about the FA in Boyolali Ampel sub-district is still lacking. Improving the quality of life and slow the worsening condition of the patient FA. Divided into three phases, namely the preparation, implementation, and follow-up. In the implementation phase given counseling or education, provide motivation and physical exercise through video playback, provide physical exercise posters, and pocket books to be handgrip patients, provision of aids to patients, perform a physical examination, and renovate one of the stalls where people work. In the follow-up stage of the final observation assessment to measure the success of this program and reinforce the benefits of patients. Improved quality of life is evident from the scores of healthy physical (exercise 58.33% to 93.33%, the cleanliness of 66.7% to 85%, and the nutritional 71.67% to 78.33%), healthy social (65% to 75%), a healthy spiritual (85% to 91, 67%), support family members as the cadre (71.67% to 93.33%), the increase in scores independence and decrease depression scores. Worsening condition of the patient can be slowed as evidenced by an increase in the percentage of physical exercise. Physical exercise and family support is very influential in improving the quality of life of patients
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