193 research outputs found

    Antidote use in a pediatric emergency department

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    INTRODUCTION: Poisoning is an infrequent cause of consultation in a pediatric emergency department (PED), but it can be potentially serious. Pediatricians should know how to use the available antidotes properly. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the use of antidotes in a PED and to assess the suitability of their indications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review of antidote use in a PED between January 2008 and June 2012. Inclusion criteria were age younger than 18 years and consultation for suspicious poisoning by a substance that could be treated with an antidote. The adequacy of antidote indication was based on the recommendations of the Spanish Society of Pediatric Emergencies (SSPE). RESULTS: A total of 1728 consultations for suspicious poisoning (0.4% of the total visits in the PED) were recorded. In 353 cases (20.4%) the involved poison could be treated with an antidote. Sixty-seven patients received an antidote (3.9% of consultations for suspicious poisoning), and a total of 69 administrations of an antidote were made: 100% oxygen (46), N-acetylcysteine (10), flumazenil (4), naloxone (3), deferoxamine (2), vitamin K (2), bicarbonate (1), and carnitine (1). In 3 cases there was no indication for administration: flumazenil without respiratory depression, and vitamin K following coumarin exposure. As side effects, agitation was noted after the use of flumazenil, and a decrease in the prothrombin time during infusion of N-acetylcysteine. CONCLUSIONS: The administration of antidotes in this PED is uncommon and, mainly, in accordance with the SSPE recommendations, and without serious side effects. The use of flumazenil needs to be limited to the cases with a clear indication and without any contraindication

    Review and evaluation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in an emergency department

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    Introducción: La baja incidencia de parada cardiorrespiratoria (PCR) en niños ha motivado la creación de registros de datos que permiten valorar las medidas implantadas para poder compararlas y extraer conclusiones. El objetivo de este trabajo era conocer la experiencia del personal de un servicio de urgencias pediátricas (SUP) en la atención de las PCR, describir las medidas de reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) empleadas y su evaluación. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de las historias clínicas y del registro «tipo Utstein», durante 10 años (2001-2010), de los pacientes a quienes el personal del SUP realizó maniobras de RCP. Resultados: Se analizaron 49 episodios de RCP correspondientes a 46 pacientes (28 varones, con una mediana de edad de 2,1 años). Presentaban alguna enfermedad crónica 28 pacientes. La PCR y la etiología neurológica fueron el motivo de aviso y la causa más frecuente, respectivamente. Se encontraban en medio extrahospitalario 21 pacientes, y se iniciaron maniobras de RCP en 13. En 44 episodios se intubó al paciente, en 35 se realizó masaje cardiaco externo y en 33 se administraron fármacos. En 13 pacientes no se consiguió la recuperación de la circulación espontánea (RECE). La mediana de tiempo de RCP fue de 30 minutos, y resultó superior en los pacientes en quienes no se consiguió la RECE (45 frente a 15 min; p= 0,03). Otros 12 pacientes fallecieron durante el ingreso posterior a la PCR. El personal del SUP consideró mejorables las maniobras de RCP realizadas en 12 de los 43 episodios evaluados. Conclusiones: La realización de RCP por parte del personal del SUP es poco frecuente. La mayoría de los pacientes estaban en PCR en el momento de ser atendidos, por lo que requirieron la realización de RCP avanzada. El personal del SUP evaluó las maniobras de RCP realizadas en 43 casos, y las consideró correctas en 31, mejorables en 10 y deficientes en 2 episodios

    Influencia de un aditivo no comercial sobre la calidad de los yesos en construcción

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    At the present paper, it shows how has been studied the influence over the quality of a special sort of gypsum, when it has been added as "additive" 0,96% of potasium chlorurus (Kcl), it has been observed the variation on the mechanical proprieties and also over the time of the beginning and end of the set. Also with the use ot a scanner Electronic Microscopic (M.E.B.), it has been observed the results obtained using such additive and it has been made a comparison with the finded values for the standard specimen.En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado la influencia sobre la calidad de un determinado tipo de yeso, al incorporar como "aditivo" 0,96% de cloruro de potasio (KCI), comprobando la variación en el comportamiento mecánico, así como en los tiempos de principio y final de fraguado. También mediante el uso de la Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (M.E.B.), se han observado los resultados obtenidos al emplear el citado aditivo y se han comparado con los valores encontrados para las probetas patrón

    Human annexin A6 interacts with influenza a virus protein M2 and negatively modulates infection

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    Copyright © 2012, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights ReservedThe influenza A virus M2 ion channel protein has the longest cytoplasmic tail (CT) among the three viral envelope proteins and is well conserved between different viral strains. It is accessible to the host cellular machinery after fusion with the endosomal membrane and during the trafficking, assembly, and budding processes. We hypothesized that identification of host cellular interactants of M2 CT could help us to better understand the molecular mechanisms regulating the M2-dependent stages of the virus life cycle. Using yeast two-hybrid screening with M2 CT as bait, a novel interaction with the human annexin A6 (AnxA6) protein was identified, and their physical interaction was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation assay and a colocalization study of virus-infected human cells. We found that small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated knockdown of AnxA6 expression significantly increased virus production, while its overexpression could reduce the titer of virus progeny, suggesting a negative regulatory role for AnxA6 during influenza A virus infection. Further characterization revealed that AnxA6 depletion or overexpression had no effect on the early stages of the virus life cycle or on viral RNA replication but impaired the release of progeny virus, as suggested by delayed or defective budding events observed at the plasma membrane of virus-infected cells by transmission electron microscopy. Collectively, this work identifies AnxA6 as a novel cellular regulator that targets and impairs the virus budding and release stages of the influenza A virus life cycle.This work was supported by the Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Disease (project 09080892) of the Hong Kong Government, the Area of Excellence Scheme of the University Grants Committee (grant AoE/M-12/-06 of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China), the French Ministry of Health, the RESPARI Pasteur Network

    Human Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) Transgenesis Fully Rescues Noradrenergic Function in Dopamine β-Hydroxylase Knockout Mice

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    Dopamine β-hydroxylase (DBH) converts dopamine (DA) to norepinephrine (NE) in noradrenergic/adrenergic cells. DBH deficiency prevents NE production and causes sympathetic failure, hypotension and ptosis in humans and mice; DBH knockout (Dbh -/-) mice reveal other NE deficiency phenotypes including embryonic lethality, delayed growth, and behavioral defects. Furthermore, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the human DBH gene promoter (-970C\u3eT; rs1611115) is associated with variation in serum DBH activity and with several neurological- and neuropsychiatric-related disorders, although its impact on DBH expression is controversial. Phenotypes associated with DBH deficiency are typically treated with L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylserine (DOPS), which can be converted to NE by aromatic acid decarboxylase (AADC) in the absence of DBH. In this study, we generated transgenic mice carrying a human bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) encompassing the DBH coding locus as well as ~45 kb of upstream and ~107 kb of downstream sequence to address two issues. First, we characterized the neuroanatomical, neurochemical, physiological, and behavioral transgenic rescue of DBH deficiency by crossing the BAC onto a Dbh -/- background. Second, we compared human DBH mRNA abundance between transgenic lines carrying either a C or a T at position -970. The BAC transgene drove human DBH mRNA expression in a pattern indistinguishable from the endogenous gene, restored normal catecholamine levels to the peripheral organs and brain of Dbh -/- mice, and fully rescued embryonic lethality, delayed growth, ptosis, reduced exploratory activity, and seizure susceptibility. In some cases, transgenic rescue was superior to DOPS. However, allelic variation at the rs1611115 SNP had no impact on mRNA levels in any tissue. These results indicate that the human BAC contains all of the genetic information required for tissue-specific, functional expression of DBH and can rescue all measured Dbh deficiency phenotypes, but did not reveal an impact of the rs11115 variant on DBH expression in mice

    Rothmund-Thomson syndrome: Insights from new patients on the genetic variability underpinning clinical presentation and cancer outcome

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    Biallelic mutations in RECQL4 gene, a caretaker of the genome, cause Rothmund-Thomson type-II syndrome (RTS-II) and confer increased cancer risk if they damage the helicase domain. We describe five families exemplifying clinical and allelic heterogeneity of RTS-II, and report the effect of pathogenic RECQL4 variants by in silico predictions and transcripts analyses. Complete phenotype of patients #39 and #42 whose affected siblings developed osteosarcoma correlates with their c.[1048_1049del], c.[1878+32_1878+55del] and c.[1568G>C;1573delT], c.[3021_3022del] variants which damage the helicase domain. Literature survey highlights enrichment of these variants affecting the helicase domain in patients with cancer outcome raising the issue of strict oncological surveillance. Conversely, patients #29 and #19 have a mild phenotype and carry, respectively, the unreported homozygous c.3265G>T and c.3054A>G variants, both sparing the helicase domain. Finally, despite matching several criteria for RTS clinical diagnosis, patient #38 is heterozygous for c.2412_2414del, no pathogenic CNVs out of those evidenced by high-resolution CGH-array, emerged as contributors to her phenotype

    Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase Genotype Identifies Individuals Less Susceptible to Bias in Computer-Assisted Decision Making

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    Computerized aiding systems can assist human decision makers in complex tasks but can impair performance when they provide incorrect advice that humans erroneously follow, a phenomenon known as “automation bias.” The extent to which people exhibit automation bias varies significantly and may reflect inter-individual variation in the capacity of working memory and the efficiency of executive function, both of which are highly heritable and under dopaminergic and noradrenergic control in prefrontal cortex. The dopamine beta hydroxylase (DBH) gene is thought to regulate the differential availability of dopamine and norepinephrine in prefrontal cortex. We therefore examined decision-making performance under imperfect computer aiding in 100 participants performing a simulated command and control task. Based on two single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) of the DBH gene, −1041 C/T (rs1611115) and 444 G/A (rs1108580), participants were divided into groups of low and high DBH enzyme activity, where low enzyme activity is associated with greater dopamine relative to norepinephrine levels in cortex. Compared to those in the high DBH enzyme activity group, individuals in the low DBH enzyme activity group were more accurate and speedier in their decisions when incorrect advice was given and verified automation recommendations more frequently. These results indicate that a gene that regulates relative prefrontal cortex dopamine availability, DBH, can identify those individuals who are less susceptible to bias in using computerized decision-aiding systems

    ADHDgene: a genetic database for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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    With a worldwide prevalence of ∼5%, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has become one of the most common psychiatric disorders. The polygenetic nature of ADHD indicates that multiple genes jointly contribute to the development of this complex disease. Studies aiming to explore genetic susceptibility of ADHD have been increasing in recent years. There is a growing need to integrate the genetic data from various genetic studies to provide a comprehensive data set and uniform access for convenience of in-depth data mining. So far, there has been no such effort for ADHD. To address the genetic complexity of ADHD, we developed the ADHDgene database by integrating ADHD-related genetic factors by profound literature reading. Based on the data from the literature, extended functional analysis, including linkage disequilibrium analysis, pathway-based analysis and gene mapping were performed to provide new insights into genetic causes of ADHD. Moreover, powerful search tools and a graphical browser were developed to facilitate the navigation of the data and data connections. As the first genetic database for ADHD, ADHDgene aims to provide researchers with a central genetic resource and analysis platform for ADHD and is freely available at http://adhd.psych.ac.cn/

    Research priorities for European paediatric emergency medicine

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    Objective Research in European Paediatric Emergency Medicine (REPEM) network is a collaborative group of 69 paediatric emergency medicine (PEM) physicians from 20 countries in Europe, initiated in 2006. To further improve paediatric emergency care in Europe, the aim of this study was to define research priorities for PEM in Europe to guide the development of future research projects. Design and Setting We carried out an online survey in a modified three-stage Delphi study. Eligible participants were members of the REPEM network. In stage 1, the REPEM steering committee prepared a list of research topics. In stage 2, REPEM members rated on a 6-point scale research topics and they could add research topics and comment on the list for further refinement. Stage 3 included further prioritisation using the Hanlon Process of Prioritisation (HPP) to give more emphasis to the feasibility of a research topic. Results Based on 52 respondents (response rates per stage varying from 41% to 57%), we identified the conditions 'fever', 'sepsis' and 'respiratory infections', and the processes/interventions 'biomarkers', 'risk stratification' and 'practice variation' as common themes of research interest. The HPP identified highest priority for 4 of the 5 highest prioritised items by the Delphi process, incorporating prevalence and severity of each condition and feasibility of undertaking such research. Conclusions While the high diversity in emergency department (ED) populations, cultures, healthcare systems and healthcare delivery in European PEM prompts to focus on practice variation of ED conditions, our defined research priority list will help guide further collaborative research efforts within the REPEM network to improve PEM care in Europe.publishersversionPeer reviewe