58 research outputs found

    False-positive iodine-131 whole-body scan findings in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma: report of 11 cases and review of the literature

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    BACKGROUND: Iodine-131 (I-131) whole-body scan (WBS) plays an important role in the management of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC), to detect normal thyroid remnants and recurrent or metastatic disease. A focus of I-131 accumulation outside the thyroid bed and the areas of physiological uptake is strongly suggestive of a distant functioning metastasis. However, many false-positive I-131 WBS findings have been reported in the literature. PATIENT FINDINGS: We describe a series of 11 personal cases of patients with DTC, collected from 1992 to 2011, in whom diagnostic or post-treatment WBS showed false-positive retention of I-131 in various locations. SUMMARY: False-positive accumulations of I-131 on WBS may be classified according to the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms: external and internal contaminations by body secretions, ectopic normal thyroid and gastric tissues, inflammatory and infectious diseases, benign and malignant tumors, cysts and effusions of serous cavities, thymic uptake, and other non classified causes. CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians must be aware of possible false-positive findings to avoid misinterpretations of the I-131 WBS, which could lead to inappropriate treatments

    An integrated analysis of scale effects in alternative agricultural systems

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    The impacts associated with alternative methods of agricultural production, and the factors that drive their adoption, are critically dependent on the scale at which they are applied. Using organic farming as a case study, this project operating from 2006-2009 in the UK, will undertake an integrated assessment of scale effects by studying matched sets of farms situated in landscapes with high and low concentrations of organic farming

    SCALA: In situ calibration for integral field spectrographs

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    International audienceThe scientific yield of current and future optical surveys is increasingly limited by systematic uncertainties in the flux calibration. This is the case for Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) cosmology programs, where an improved calibration directly translates into improved cosmological constraints. Current methodology rests on models of stars. Here we aim to obtain flux calibration that is traceable to state-of-the-art detector-based calibration. We present the SNIFS Calibration Apparatus (SCALA), a color (relative) flux calibration system developed for the SuperNova Integral Field Spectrograph (SNIFS), operating at the University of Hawaii 2.2 m (UH 88) telescope. By comparing the color trend of the illumination generated by SCALA during two commissioning runs, and to previous laboratory measurements, we show that we can determine the light emitted by SCALA with a long-term repeatability better than 1%. We describe the calibration procedure necessary to control for system aging. We present measurements of the SNIFS throughput as estimated by SCALA observations. The SCALA calibration unit is now fully deployed at the UH\,88 telescope, and with it color-calibration between 4000 {\AA} and 9000 {\AA} is stable at the percent level over a one-year baseline

    Foamy Macrophages from Tuberculous Patients' Granulomas Constitute a Nutrient-Rich Reservoir for M. tuberculosis Persistence

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is characterized by a tight interplay between Mycobacterium tuberculosis and host cells within granulomas. These cellular aggregates restrict bacterial spreading, but do not kill all the bacilli, which can persist for years. In-depth investigation of M. tuberculosis interactions with granuloma-specific cell populations are needed to gain insight into mycobacterial persistence, and to better understand the physiopathology of the disease. We have analyzed the formation of foamy macrophages (FMs), a granuloma-specific cell population characterized by its high lipid content, and studied their interaction with the tubercle bacillus. Within our in vitro human granuloma model, M. tuberculosis long chain fatty acids, namely oxygenated mycolic acids (MA), triggered the differentiation of human monocyte-derived macrophages into FMs. In these cells, mycobacteria no longer replicated and switched to a dormant non-replicative state. Electron microscopy observation of M. tuberculosis–infected FMs showed that the mycobacteria-containing phagosomes migrate towards host cell lipid bodies (LB), a process which culminates with the engulfment of the bacillus into the lipid droplets and with the accumulation of lipids within the microbe. Altogether, our results suggest that oxygenated mycolic acids from M. tuberculosis play a crucial role in the differentiation of macrophages into FMs. These cells might constitute a reservoir used by the tubercle bacillus for long-term persistence within its human host, and could provide a relevant model for the screening of new antimicrobials against non-replicating persistent mycobacteria

    Inner/Outer Nuclear Membrane Fusion in Nuclear Pore Assembly: Biochemical Demonstration and Molecular Analysis

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    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is characterized by a long-lived membrane-lined channel connecting the inner and outer nuclear membranes. This stabilized membrane channel, within which the nuclear pore is built, has little evolutionary precedent. In this report we demonstrate and map the inner/outer nuclear membrane fusion in NPC assembly

    Improved photometric calibration of the SNLS and the SDSS supernova surveys

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    Context. We present a combined photometric calibration of the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) and the SDSS supernova survey, which results from a joint effort of the SDSS and the SNLS collaborations. Aims. Our primary motivation is to eventually sharpen cosmological constraints derived from type Ia supernova measurements by improving the accuracy of the photometric calibration. We deliver fluxes calibrated to the HST spectrophotometric star network for large sets of tertiary stars that cover the science fields of both surveys in all photometric bands. We also cross-calibrate directly the two surveys and demonstrate their consistency. Methods. For each survey the flat-fielding is revised based on the analysis of dithered star observations. The calibration transfer from the HST spectrophotometric standard stars to the multi-epoch tertiary standard star catalogs in the science fields follows three different paths: observations of primary standard stars with the SDSS PT telescope; observations of Landolt secondary standard stars with SNLS MegaCam instrument at CFHT; and direct observation of faint HST standard stars with MegaCam. In addition, the tertiary stars for the two surveys are cross-calibrated using dedicated MegaCam observations of stripe 82. This overlap enables the comparison of these three calibration paths and justifies using their combination to improve the calibration accuracy. Results. Flat-field corrections have improved the uniformity of each survey as demonstrated by the comparison of photometry in overlapping fields: the rms of the difference between the two surveys is 3 mmag in gri, 4 mmag in z and 8 mmag in u. We also find a remarkable agreement (better than 1%) between the SDSS and the SNLS calibration in griz. The cross-calibration and the introduction of direct calibration observations bring redundancy and strengthen the confidence in the resulting calibration. We conclude that the surveys are calibrated to the HST with a precision of about 0.4% in griz. This precision is comparable to the external uncertainty affecting the color of the HST primary standard stars
