5,899 research outputs found

    Integrating all-optical switching with spintronics

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    All-optical switching (AOS) of magnetic materials describes the reversal of the magnetization using short (femtosecond) laser pulses, and has been observed in a variety of materials. In the past decade it received extensive attention due to its high potential for fast and energy-efficient data writing in future spintronic memory applications. Unfortunately, the AOS mechanism in the ferromagnetic multilayers commonly used in spintronics needs multiple pulses for the magnetization reversal, losing its speed and energy efficiency. Here, we experimentally demonstrate `on-the-fly' single-pulse AOS in combination with spin Hall effect (SHE) driven motion of magnetic domains in Pt/Co/Gd synthetic-ferrimagnetic racetracks. Moreover, using field-driven-SHE-assisted domain wall (DW) motion measurements, both the SHE efficiency in the racetrack is determined and the chirality of the optically written DW's is verified. Our experiments demonstrate that Pt/Co/Gd racetracks facilitate both single-pulse AOS as well as efficient SHE induced domain wall motion, which might ultimately pave the way towards integrated photonic memory devices

    Absorption and generation of femtosecond laser-pulse excited spin currents in non-collinear magnetic bilayers

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    Spin currents can be generated on an ultrafast timescale by excitation of a ferromagnetic (FM) thin film with a femtosecond laser-pulse. Recently, it has been demonstrated that these ultrafast spin currents can transport angular momentum to neighbouring FM layers, being able to change both the magnitude and orientation of the magnetization in the adjacent layer. In this work, both the generation and absorption of these optically excited spin currents are investigated. This is done using non-collinear magnetic bilayers, i.e. two FM layers separated by a conductive spacer. Spin currents are generated in a Co/Ni multilayer with out-of-plane (OOP) anisotropy, and absorbed by a Co layer with an in-plane (IP) anisotropy. This behaviour is confirmed by careful analysis of the laser-pulse induced magnetization dynamics, whereafter it is demonstrated that the transverse spin current is absorbed very locally near the injection interface of the IP layer (90% within the first approx. 2 nm). Moreover, it will also be shown that this local absorption results in the excitation of THz standing spin waves within the IP layer. The dispersion measured for these high frequency spin waves shows a discrepancy with respect to the theoretical predictions, for which a first explanation involving intermixed interface regions is proposed. Lastly, the spin current generation is investigated using different number of repeats for the Co/Ni multilayer, which proves to be of great relevance for identifying the optical spin current generation mechanism

    Multi-Centered Invariants, Plethysm and Grassmannians

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    Motivated by multi-centered black hole solutions of Maxwell-Einstein theories of (super)gravity in D=4 space-time dimensions, we develop some general methods, that can be used to determine all homogeneous invariant polynomials on the irreducible (SL_h(p,R) x G4)-representation (p,R), where p denotes the number of centers, and SL_h(p,R) is the "horizontal" symmetry of the system, acting upon the indices labelling the centers. The black hole electric and magnetic charges sit in the symplectic representation R of the generalized electric-magnetic (U-)duality group G4. We start with an algebraic approach based on classical invariant theory, using Schur polynomials and the Cauchy formula. Then, we perform a geometric analysis, involving Grassmannians, Pluecker coordinates, and exploiting Bott's Theorem. We focus on non-degenerate groups G4 "of type E7" relevant for (super)gravities whose (vector multiplets') scalar manifold is a symmetric space. In the triality-symmetric stu model of N=2 supergravity, we explicitly construct a basis for the 10 linearly independent degree-12 invariant polynomials of 3-centered black holes.Comment: 1+29 pages, 6 Table

    Delayed kinetics of poliovirus RNA synthesis in a human cell line with reduced levels of hnRNP C proteins.

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    The hnRNP C heterotetramer [(C1(3))C2] binds RNA polymerase II transcripts in the nucleus, along with other proteins of the core hnRNP complex, and plays an important role in mRNA biogenesis and transport. Infection of HeLa cells with poliovirus causes hnRNP C to re-localize from the nucleus, where it is normally retained during interphase, to the cytoplasm. We have proposed that in the cytoplasm, the protein isoforms of hnRNP C participate in the recognition of viral specific RNAs by the poliovirus replication proteins and/or in the assembly of membrane-bound RNA replication complexes. In SK-OV-3 cells, which express reduced levels of hnRNP C compared to HeLa cells or 293 cells, the kinetics of poliovirus replication are delayed. hnRNP C is also re-localized from the nucleus to the cytoplasm in SK-OV-3 cells infected with poliovirus. Increased expression of hnRNP C in SK-OV-3 cells by transient transfection increases the rate of virus production and overall yield over that seen in mock-transfected cells. We propose that hnRNP C interacts with poliovirus RNA and replication proteins to increase the efficiency of viral genomic RNA synthesis
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