3,037 research outputs found

    A transimpedance amplifier using a novel current mode feedback loop

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    We present a transimpedance amplifier stage based on a novel current mode feedback topology. This circuit employs NMOS and PMOS transistors exclusively and requires neither capacitor for stabilizing the transimpedance loop nor resistor for the transresistance feedback and transistor loading. This amplifier circuit is fully compatible with submicron digital CMOS processes. The active feedback network consists of two grounded-gate MOS devices which split the output current in both the feedback and output branches. The transresistance and the phase margin are adjustable through external DC signals. The measured rise time of the impulse response of the amplifier implemented in an industrial 0,7”m CMOS process is 18 ns for a transresistance of 180 k and 30 ns for a transresistance of 560 k. The measured Equivalent Noise Charge (ENC) is 800 rms e¯ for an input capacitance of 20 pF with the transresistance adjusted to 560 k

    Simple Front End Electronics for Multigap Resistive Plate Chambers

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    A simple circuit for the presentation of the signals from Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chambers (MRPCs) to standard existing digitization electronics is described. The circuit is based on "off-the-shelf" discrete components. An optimization of the values of specific components is required to match the aspects of the MRPCs for the given application. This simple circuit is an attractive option for the initial signal processing for MRPC prototyping and bench- or beam-testing efforts, as well as for final implementations of small-area Time-of-Flight systems with existing data acquisition systems.Comment: submitted to Nucl. Inst. and Methods, Section

    Bloom-Gilman duality of inelastic structure functions in nucleon and nuclei

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    The Bloom-Gilman local duality of the inelastic structure function of the proton, the deuteron and light complex nuclei is investigated using available experimental data in the squared four-momentum transfer range from 0.3 to 5 (GeV/c)**2. The results of our analysis suggest that the onset of the Bloom-Gilman local duality is anticipated in complex nuclei with respect to the case of the protonand the deuteron. A possible interpretation of this result in terms of a rescaling effect is discussed with particular emphasis to the possibility of reproducing the damping of the nucleon-resonance transitions observed in recent electroproduction data off nuclei.Comment: revised version, to appear in Physical Review

    Deuteron photo-disintegration with polarised photons in the energy range 30 - 50 MeV

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    The reaction d(\vec\gamma,np) has been studied using the tagged and polarised LADON gamma ray beam at an energy 30 - 50 MeV to investigate the existence of narrow dibaryonic resonances recently suggested from the experimental measurements in a different laboratory. The beam was obtained by Compton back-scattering of laser light on the electrons of the storage ring ADONE. Photo-neutron yields were measured at five neutron angle \vartheta_n = 22, 55.5, 90, 125 and 157 degrees in the center of mass system.Our results do not support the existence of such resonances.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, 22 figures, 1 table. Nucl. Phys. A to appea

    Pion emission in 2H, 12C, 27Al, gamma pi+ reactions at threshold

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    The first data from MAX-lab in Lund, Sweden on pion production in photonuclear reactions at threshold energies, is presented. The decrease of the total yield of pi+ in gamma + 12C, 27Al reactions below 200 MeV as well as differential, dsigma/dOmega, cross sections follow essentially predictions from an intranuclear cascade model with an attractive potential for pion-nucleus interaction in its simplest form. Double differential, d2sigma/dOmegadT, cross sections at 176 MeV show, however, deviations from the model, which call for refinements of nuclear and Coulomb potentials and possibly also for coherent pion production mechanisms.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Cooperative damping mechanism of the resonance in the nuclear photoabsorption

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    We propose a resonance damping mechanism to explain the disappearance of the peaks around the position of the resonances higher than the Δ\Delta resonance in the nuclear photoabsorption. This phenomenon is understood by taking into account the cooperative effect of the collision broadening of Δ\Delta and N∗N^{*}, the pion distortion and the interference in the two-pion photoproduction processes in the nuclear medium.Comment: 11 pages, uses revtex.sty. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Hadron beam test of a scintillating fibre tracker system for elastic scattering and luminosity measurement in ATLAS

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    A scintillating fibre tracker is proposed to measure elastic proton scattering at very small angles in the ATLAS experiment at CERN. The tracker will be located in so-called Roman Pot units at a distance of 240 m on each side of the ATLAS interaction point. An initial validation of the design choices was achieved in a beam test at DESY in a relatively low energy electron beam and using slow off-the-shelf electronics. Here we report on the results from a second beam test experiment carried out at CERN, where new detector prototypes were tested in a high energy hadron beam, using the first version of the custom designed front-end electronics. The results show an adequate tracking performance under conditions which are similar to the situation at the LHC. In addition, the alignment method using so-called overlap detectors was studied and shown to have the expected precision.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Journal of Instrumentation (JINST

    Tensor Analyzing Powers for Quasi-Elastic Electron Scattering from Deuterium

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    We report on a first measurement of tensor analyzing powers in quasi-elastic electron-deuteron scattering at an average three-momentum transfer of 1.7 fm−1^{-1}. Data sensitive to the spin-dependent nucleon density in the deuteron were obtained for missing momenta up to 150 MeV/cc with a tensor polarized 2^2H target internal to an electron storage ring. The data are well described by a calculation that includes the effects of final-state interaction, meson-exchange and isobar currents, and leading-order relativistic contributions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Differential cross section measurement of eta photoproduction on the proton from threshold to 1100 MeV

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    The differential cross section for the reaction p(gamma, eta p) has been measured from threshold to 1100 MeV photon laboratory energy. For the first time, the region of the S11(1535) resonance is fully covered in a photoproduction experiment and allows a precise extraction of its parameters at the photon point. Above 1000 MeV, S-wave dominance vanishes while a P-wave contribution is observed whose nature will have to be clarified. These high precision data together with the already measured beam asymmetry data will provide stringent constraints on the extraction of new couplings of baryon resonances to the eta meson.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Letters B. Typos corrected. Some more information on the S11(1535) parameter
