159 research outputs found

    How hibernation in frogs drives brain and reproductive evolution in opposite directions

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    Environmental seasonality can promote the evolution of larger brains through cognitive and behavioral flexibility but can also hamper it when temporary food shortage is buffered by stored energy. Multiple hypotheses linking brain evolution with resource acquisition and allocation have been proposed for warm-blooded organisms, but it remains unclear how these extend to cold-blooded taxa whose metabolism is tightly linked to ambient temperature. Here, we integrated these hypotheses across frogs and toads in the context of varying brumation (hibernation) durations and their environmental correlates. We showed that protracted brumation covaried negatively with brain size but positively with reproductive investment, likely in response to brumation-dependent changes in the socio-ecological context and associated selection on different tissues. Our results provide novel insights into resource allocation strategies and possible constraints in trait diversification, which may have important implications for the adaptability of species under sustained environmental change

    Paternal condition affects offspring reproduction and life history in a sex-specific manner in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Nongenetic parental effects can contribute to the adaptation of species to changing environments by circumventing some of the limitations of genetic inheritance. A clearer understanding of the influence of nongenetic inheritance and its potentially sex-specific responses in daughters and sons is needed to better predict the evolutionary trajectories of species. However, whereas nongenetic maternal effects have long been recognized and widely studied, comparatively little is known about corresponding paternal effects. Here, by following 30 isogenic lines of Drosophila melanogaster across two generations, each reared under two dietary regimes in each generation, we tested how protein restriction during larval development of the fathers affects the fitness and health of their daughters and sons. We then quantified genetic and non-genetic paternal, and direct environmental, effects across multiple axes of offspring fitness. Daughters and sons responded differently to their father’s developmental history. While isolines differed in mean trait values, their specific responses to protein restriction generally varied little. The sex- and trait-specific responses to paternal effects emphasize the complexity of inter-generational parental effects, which raise important questions about their mode of transmission and adaptive value, including the potential for conflict between the sexes

    Strongly sexually dimorphic forelegs are not more condition-dependent than less dimorphic traits in Drosophila prolongata

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    Directional sexual selection drives the evolution of traits that are most closely linked to reproductive success, giving rise to trait exaggeration and sexual dimorphism. Exaggerated structures are often costly and, therefore, thought to be expressed in a condition-dependent manner. Sexual selection theory thus predicts a direct link between directional sexual selection, sexual dimorphism, and sex-specific condition dependence. However, only a handful of studies investigate the relationship between sexual dimorphism and condition dependence. Using 21 genetic lines of Drosophila prolongata, we here compared the degree of sexual dimorphism and sex-specific condition dependence, measured as allometric slopes, in sexually selected and non-sexual traits. Our data revealed male-biased sexual dimorphism in all traits examined, most prominently in the sexually selected forelegs. However, there was no relationship between the degree of sex-specific condition dependence and sexual dimorphism across traits and genetic lines. Our results contradict theoretical predictions and highlight the importance of understanding the role of exaggerated traits in the context of both sexual and natural selection

    Evolutionary trade-offs between testes size and parenting in Neotropical glassfrogs.

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    In males, large testes size signifies high sperm production and is commonly linked to heightened sperm competition levels. It may also evolve as a response to an elevated risk of sperm depletion due to multiple mating or large clutch sizes. Conversely, weapons, mate or clutch guarding may allow individuals to monopolize mating events and preclude sperm competition, thereby reducing the selection of large testes. Herein, we examined how paternal care, sexual size dimorphism (SSD), weaponry and female fecundity are linked to testes size in glassfrogs. We found that paternal care was associated with a reduction in relative testes size, suggesting an evolutionary trade-off between testes size and parenting. Although females were slightly larger than males and species with paternal care tended to have larger clutches, there was no significant relationship between SSD, clutch size and relative testes size. These findings suggest that the evolution of testes size in glassfrogs is influenced by sperm competition risk, rather than sperm depletion risk. We infer that clutch guarding precludes the risk of fertilization by other males and consequently diminishes selective pressure for larger testes. Our study highlights the prominent role of paternal care in the evolution of testes size in species with external fertilization

    Interplay between male quality and male-female compatibility across episodes of sexual selection

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    The processes underlying mate choice profoundly influence the dynamics of sexual selection and the evolution of male sexual traits. Consistent preference for certain phenotypes may erode genetic variation in populations through directional selection, whereas divergent preferences (e.g., genetically compatible mates) provide one mechanism to maintain such variation. However, the relative contributions of these processes across episodes of selection remain unknown. Using Drosophila melanogaster, we followed the fate of male genotypes, previously scored for their overall reproductive value and their compatibility with different female genotypes, across pre- and postmating episodes of selection. When pairs of competitor males differed in their intrinsic quality and their compatibility with the female, both factors influenced outcomes from mating success to paternity but to a varying degree between stages. These results add further dimensions to our understanding of how the interactions between genotypes and forms of selection shape reproductive outcomes and ultimately reproductive trait evolution

    Cognition contra camouflage: How the brain mediates predator-driven crypsis evolution

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    While crypsis is a prominent antipredator adaptation, the role of the brain in predator-driven evolution remains controversial. Resolving this controversy requires contextualizing the brain with established antipredator traits and predation pressure. We hypothesize that the reduced predation risk through crypsis relaxes predation-driven selection on the brain and provide comparative evidence across 102 Chinese frog species for our hypothesis. Specifically, our phylogenetic path analysis reveals an indirect relationship between predation risk and crypsis that is mediated by brain size. This result suggests that at a low predation risk, frogs can afford to be conspicuous and use their large brain for cognitive predator evasion. This strategy may become less efficient or energetically costlier under higher predation pressure, favoring smaller brains and instead increasing crypsis

    The evolution of male-biased sexual size dimorphism is associated with increased body size plasticity in males

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    1. Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) can vary drastically across environments, demonstrating pronounced sex-specific plasticity. In insects, females are usually the larger and more plastic sex. However, the shortage of taxa with male-biased SSD hampers the assessment of whether the greater plasticity in females is driven by selection on size or represents an effect of the female reproductive role. Here, we specifically address the role of sex-specific plasticity of body size in the evolution of SSD reversals to disentangle sex and size effects. 2. We first investigate sex-specific body size plasticity in Sepsis punctum and Sepsis neocynipsea as two independent cases of intraspecific SSD reversals in sepsid flies. In both species, directional variation in SSD between populations is driven by stronger sexual selection on male size. Using controlled laboratory breeding, we find evidence for sex-specific plasticity and increased condition dependence of male size in populations with male-biased SSD, but not of female size in populations with female-biased SSD. 3. To extend the comparative scope, we next estimate sex-specific body size plasticity in eight additional fly species that differ in the direction of SSD under laboratory conditions. In all species with male-biased SSD we find males to be the more plastic sex, while this was only rarely the case in species with female-biased SSD, thus suggesting a more general trend in Diptera. 4. To examine the generality of this pattern in holometabolous insects, we combine our data with data from the literature in a meta-analysis. Again, male body size tends to be more plastic than female size when males are the larger sex, though female size is now also generally more plastic when females are larger. 5. Our findings indicate that primarily selection on size, rather than the reproductive role per se, drives the evolution of sex-specific body size plasticity. However, sepsid flies, and possibly Diptera in general, show a clear sexual asymmetry with greater male than female plasticity related to SSD, likely driven by strong sexual selection on males. Although further research controlling for phylogenetic and ecological confounding effects is needed, our findings are congruent with theory in suggesting that condition dependence plays a pivotal role in the evolution of sexual size dimorphism

    Sperm competition in yellow dung flies: No consistent effect of sperm size

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    The male competition for fertilization that results from female multiple mating promotes the evolution of increased sperm numbers and can impact sperm morphology, with theory predicting that longer sperm can at times be advantageous during sperm competition. If so, males with longer sperm should sire more offspring than competitors with shorter sperm. Few studies have directly tested this prediction, and findings are inconsistent. Here we assessed whether longer sperm provide a competitive advantage in the yellow dung fly (Scathophaga stercoraria; Diptera: Scathophagidae). Initially, we let brothers with different temperature-mediated mean sperm lengths compete – thus minimizing confounding effects of genetic background – and found no clear advantage of longer sperm. We then used flies from lines subjected to bidirectional selection on phenoloxidase activity that had shown correlated evolutionary responses in sperm and female spermathecal duct lengths. This experiment also yielded no main effect of sperm size on siring success. Instead, there was a trend for a shorter-sperm advantage, but only when competing in females with longer spermathecal ducts. Our data corroborated many previously reported findings (last-male precedence, effects of copula duration and body size), suggesting our failure to find sperm size effects is not inherently due to our experimental protocols. We conclude that longer sperm are not competitively superior in yellow dung flies under most circumstances, and that, consistent with previous work, in this species competitive fertilization success is primarily determined by the relative numbers of sperm competing

    Sperm design and variation in the New World blackbirds (Icteridae)

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    Post-copulatory sexual selection (PCSS) is thought to be one of the evolutionary forces responsible for the rapid and divergent evolution of sperm design. However, whereas in some taxa particular sperm traits are positively associated with PCSS, in other taxa, these relationships are negative, and the causes of these different patterns across taxa are poorly understood. In a comparative study using New World blackbirds (Icteridae), we tested whether sperm design was influenced by the level of PCSS and found significant positive associations with the level of PCSS for all sperm components but head length. Additionally, whereas the absolute length of sperm components increased, their variation declined with the intensity of PCSS, indicating stabilizing selection around an optimal sperm design. Given the diversity of, and strong selection on, sperm design, it seems likely that sperm phenotype may influence sperm velocity within species. However, in contrast to other recent studies of passerine birds, but consistent with several other studies, we found no significant link between sperm design and velocity, using four different species that vary both in sperm design and PCSS. Potential reasons for this discrepancy between studies are discussed

    Ejaculate quality and constraints in relation to sperm competition levels among eutherian mammals

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    The outcome of sperm competition is influenced by the relative quantity and quality of sperm among competing ejaculates. Whereas it is well established that individual ejaculate traits evolve rapidly under postcopulatory sexual selection, little is known about other factors that might influence the evolution of ejaculates. For example, the metabolic rate is likely to affect the sperm production rate and the cellular activity or metabolism of sperm, and it has recently been suggested to constrain the evolution of sperm length in large but not small mammals. I thus examined in eutherian mammals how ejaculate quality traits vary with one another and with testis mass, body size, and metabolism. I found all ejaculate traits to covary positively with one another and to increase with relative testis mass. When controlling for testis mass, small-bodied species showed superior sperm quality (but not sperm number). Furthermore, sperm motility and viability were positively associated with the mass-corrected metabolic rate, but the percentage of morphologically normal and acrosome-intact sperm were not. These results indicate that body size and the energy budget may also influence the evolution of ejaculate quality, although these influences appear to vary among traits