3,204 research outputs found

    Multiplet Structures of BPS Solitons

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    There exist simple single-charge and multi-charge BPS p-brane solutions in the D-dimensional maximal supergravities. From these, one can fill out orbits in the charge vector space by acting with the global symmetry groups. We give a classification of these orbits, and the associated cosets that parameterise them.Comment: Latex, 34 pages, comments and reference adde

    Mass of Rotating Black Holes in Gauged Supergravities

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    The masses of several recently-constructed rotating black holes in gauged supergravities, including the general such solution in minimal gauged supergravity in five dimensions, have until now been calculated only by integrating the first law of thermodynamics. In some respects it is more satisfactory to have a calculation of the mass that is based directly upon the integration of a conserved quantity derived from a symmetry principal. In this paper, we evaluate the masses for the newly-discovered rotating black holes using the conformal definition of Ashtekar, Magnon and Das (AMD), and show that the results agree with the earlier thermodynamic calculations. We also consider the Abbott-Deser (AD) approach, and show that this yields an identical answer for the mass of the general rotating black hole in five-dimensional minimal gauged supergravity. In other cases we encounter discrepancies when applying the AD procedure. We attribute these to ambiguities or pathologies of the chosen decomposition into background AdS metric plus deviations when scalar fields are present. The AMD approach, involving no decomposition into background plus deviation, is not subject to such complications. Finally, we also calculate the Euclidean action for the five-dimensional solution in minimal gauged supergravity, showing that it is consistent with the quantum statistical relation.Comment: Typos corrected and references update

    A Killing tensor for higher dimensional Kerr-AdS black holes with NUT charge

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    In this paper, we study the recently discovered family of higher dimensional Kerr-AdS black holes with an extra NUT-like parameter. We show that the inverse metric is additively separable after multiplication by a simple function. This allows us to separate the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, showing that geodesic motion is integrable on this background. The separation of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation is intimately linked to the existence of an irreducible Killing tensor, which provides an extra constant of motion. We also demonstrate that the Klein-Gordon equation for this background is separable.Comment: LaTeX, 14 pages. v2: Typo corrected and equation added. v3: Reference added, introduction expanded, published versio

    Lambda and Anti-Lambda Hypernuclei in Relativistic Mean-field Theory

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    Several aspects about Λ\Lambda-hypernuclei in the relativistic mean field theory, including the effective Λ\Lambda-nucleon coupling strengths based on the successful effective nucleon-nucleon interaction PK1, hypernuclear magnetic moment and Λˉ\bar\Lambda-hypernuclei, have been presented. The effect of tensor coupling in Λ\Lambda-hypernuclei and the impurity effect of Λˉ\bar\Lambda to nuclear structure have been discussed in detail.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the Sendai International Symposium "Strangeness in Nuclear and Hadronic Systems SENDAI08

    Multiple Intersections of D-branes and M-branes

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    We give a classification of all multiple intersections of D-branes in ten dimensions and M-branes in eleven dimensions that corresponds to threshold BPS bound states. The residual supersymmetry of these composite branes is determined. By dimensional reduction composite p-branes in lower dimensions can be constructed. We emphasize in dimensions D greater or equal than two, those solutions which involve a single scalar and depend on a single harmonic function. For these extremal branes we obtain the strength of the coupling between the scalar and the gauge field. In particular we give a D-brane and M-brane interpretation of extreme p-branes in two, three and four dimensions.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures, corrections in table 1 and figure

    Separability in Cohomogeneity-2 Kerr-NUT-AdS Metrics

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    The remarkable and unexpected separability of the Hamilton-Jacobi and Klein-Gordon equations in the background of a rotating four-dimensional black hole played an important role in the construction of generalisations of the Kerr metric, and in the uncovering of hidden symmetries associated with the existence of Killing tensors. In this paper, we show that the Hamilton-Jacobi and Klein-Gordon equations are separable in Kerr-AdS backgrounds in all dimensions, if one specialises the rotation parameters so that the metrics have cohomogeneity 2. Furthermore, we show that this property of separability extends to the NUT generalisations of these cohomogeneity-2 black holes that we obtained in a recent paper. In all these cases, we also construct the associated irreducible rank-2 Killing tensor whose existence reflects the hidden symmetry that leads to the separability. We also consider some cohomogeneity-1 specialisations of the new Kerr-NUT-AdS metrics, showing how they relate to previous results in the literature.Comment: Latex, 15 pages, minor typos correcte

    Extremal Black Hole/CFT Correspondence in (Gauged) Supergravities

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    We extend the investigation of the recently proposed Kerr/CFT correspondence to large classes of rotating black hole solutions in gauged and ungauged supergravities. The correspondence, proposed originally for four-dimensional Kerr black holes, asserts that the quantum states in the near-horizon region of an extremal rotating black hole are holographically dual to a two-dimensional chiral theory whose Virasoro algebra arises as an asymptotic symmetry of the near-horizon geometry. In fact in dimension D there are [(D-1)/2] commuting Virasoro algebras. We consider a general canonical class of near-horizon geometries in arbitrary dimension D, and show that in any such metric, the [(D-1)/2] central charges each imply, via the Cardy formula, a microscopic entropy that agrees with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the associated extremal black hole. In the remainder of the paper we show for most of the known rotating black hole solutions of gauged supergravity, and for the ungauged supergravity solutions with four charges in D=4 and three charges in D=5, that their extremal near-horizon geometries indeed lie within the canonical form. This establishes that in all these examples, the microscopic entropies of the dual CFTs agree with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropies of the extremal rotating black holes.Comment: 32 pages, references added and minor typos fixe

    Current-induced forces and hot-spots in biased nano-junctions

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    We investigate theoretically the interplay of current-induced forces (CIF), Joule heating, and heat transport inside a current-carrying nano-conductor. We find that the CIF, due to the electron-phonon coherence, can control the spatial heat dissipation in the conductor. This yields a significant asymmetric concentration of excess heating (hot-spot) even for a symmetric conductor. When coupled to the electrode phonons, CIF drive different phonon heat flux into the two electrodes. First-principles calculations on realistic biased nano-junctions illustrate the importance of the effect.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. accepted versio

    Pseudo-Killing Spinors, Pseudo-supersymmetric p-branes, Bubbling and Less-bubbling AdS Spaces

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    We consider Einstein gravity coupled to an n-form field strength in D dimensions. Such a theory cannot be supersymmetrized in general, we nevertheless propose a pseudo-Killing spinor equation and show that the AdS X Sphere vacua have the maximum number of pseudo-Killing spinors, and hence are fully pseudo-supersymmetric. We show that extremal p-branes and their intersecting configurations preserve fractions of the pseudo-supersymmetry. We study the integrability condition for general (D,n) and obtain the additional constraints that are required so that the existence of the pseudo-Killing spinors implies the Einstein equations of motion. We obtain new pseudo-supersymmetric bubbling AdS_5 X S^5 spaces that are supported by a non-self-dual 5-form. This demonstrates that non-supersymmegtric conformal field theories may also have bubbling states of arbitrary droplets of free fermions in the phase space. We also obtain an example of less-bubbling AdS geometry in D=8, whose bubbling effects are severely restricted by the additional constraint arising from the integrability condition.Comment: typos corrected, extra comments and references added, version appeared in JHE

    Cosmological Solutions in String Theories

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    We obtain a large class of cosmological solutions in the toroidally-compactified low energy limits of string theories in DD dimensions. We consider solutions where a pp-dimensional subset of the spatial coordinates, parameterising a flat space, a sphere, or an hyperboloid, describes the spatial sections of the physically-observed universe. The equations of motion reduce to Liouville or SL(N+1,R)SL(N+1,R) Toda equations, which are exactly solvable. We study some of the cases in detail, and find that under suitable conditions they can describe four-dimensional expanding universes. We discuss also how the solutions in DD dimensions behave upon oxidation back to the D=10D=10 string theory or D=11D=11 M-theory.Comment: Latex, 21 pages, a reference adjuste