51 research outputs found

    Faune corallienne d'ùge Cénomanien inférieur de Nea Nikopoli (Kozani, GrÚce ; Crétacé)

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    A Lower Cenomanian marine succession rich in corals is reported from the western margin of the Pelagonian zone in central Greece. The succession starts with a coarse conglomerate followed by sandstone, nodular limestone and massive limestone. Fifteen levels contain corals with the nodular limestone being the most species-rich. As a total, 78 species in 46 genera are described. They belong to 15 superfamilies. Three genera and four species are described as new. The new genera belong to the families Heterocoeniidae and Felixaraeidae, and the informal Plesiosmiliids. The record of six genera results in stratigraphical range extensions. The coral associations show more relationships to Lower than to Upper Cretaceous faunas. Thirty-nine genera already existed before the Cenomanian and 33 genera continued into the Middle Cenomanian, but only 19 genera persisted into the Turonian. The coral fauna has close palaeobiogeographic relationships with mainly Boreal or North Tethyan Cenomanian faunas such as those of the Aquitanian Basin, the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, or with faunas from the northern margin of the Rhenish Massif, but shares also species with the Upper Aptian to Lower Albian of the Bisbee Basin in North America and with faunas of the Lower to Middle Albian of the Northern Pyrenees.Une série marine riche en coraux d'ùge Cénomanien inférieur est signalée sur la marge occidentale de la zone pélagonienne en GrÚce centrale. La série débute par un conglomérat grossier suivi d'un grÚs, d'un calcaire noduleux et d'un calcaire massif. Quinze niveaux renferment des coraux, le calcaire noduleux étant le plus riche en espÚces. En tout 78 espÚces réparties en 46 genres et 15 superfamilles sont décrites. Trois genres et quatre espÚces sont nouveaux. Les nouveaux genres appartiennent à la famille des Heterocoeniidae et à celle des Felixaraeidae, ainsi qu'à celle informelle des Plésiosmiliidés. Les assemblages de coraux montrent plus de relations avec des faunes du Crétacé inférieur qu'avec celles du Crétacé supérieur. 39 genres existaient déjà avant le Cénomanien et 33 se sont prolongés dans le Cénomanien moyen, mais seulement 19 ont persisté jusque dans le Turonien. La faune corallienne montre des relations paléobiogéographiques étroites avec principalement des faunes du Cénomanien boréal ou nord-téthysien comme celles du Bassin d'Aquitaine, du Bassin Basco-Cantabrique, ou avec des faunes de la marge nord du Massif rhénan, mais elle partage aussi des espÚces avec l'Aptien supérieur ou l'Albien inférieur du Bassin de Bisbee en Amérique du Nord ainsi qu'avec des faunes de l'Albien inférieur à moyen des Pyrénées septentrionales

    Mining for Social Serendipity

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    A common social problem at an event in which people do not personally know all of the other participants is the natural tendency for cliques to form and for discussions to mainly happen between people who already know each other. This limits the possibility for people to make interesting new acquaintances and acts as a retarding force in the creation of new links in the social web. Encouraging users to socialize with people they don't know by revealing to them hidden surprising links could help to improve the diversity of interactions at an event. The goal of this paper is to propose a method for detecting "surprising" relationships between people attending an event. By "surprising" relationship we mean those relationships that are not known a priori, and that imply shared information not directly related with the local context of the event (location, interests, contacts) at which the meeting takes place. To demonstrate and test our concept we used the Flickr community. We focused on a community of users associated with a social event (a computer science conference) and represented in Flickr by means of a photo pool devoted to the event. We use Flickr metadata (tags) to mine for user similarity not related to the context of the event, as represented in the corresponding Flickr group. For example, we look for two group members who have been in the same highly specific place (identified by means of geo-tagged photos), but are not friends of each other and share no other common interests or, social neighborhood

    ESPEN guideline on clinical nutrition in acute and chronic pancreatitis

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    Both acute and chronic pancreatitis are frequent diseases of the pancreas, which, despite being of benign nature, are related to a significant risk of malnutrition and may require nutritional support. Acute necrotizing pancreatitis is encountered in 20% of patients with acute pancreatitis, is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, and may require artificial nutrition by enteral or parenteral route, as well as additional endoscopic, radiological or surgical interventions. Chronic pancreatitis represents a chronic inflammation of the pancreatic gland with development of fibrosis. Abdominal pain leading to decreased oral intake, as well as exocrine and endocrine failure are frequent complications of the disease. All of the above represent risk factors related to malnutrition. Therefore, patients with chronic pancreatitis should be considered at risk, screened and supplemented accordingly. Moreover, osteoporosis and increased facture risk should be acknowledged in patients with chronic pancreatitis, and preventive measures should be considered

    PI(18:1/18:1) is a SCD1-derived lipokine that limits stress signaling

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    Cytotoxic stress activates stress-activated kinases, initiates adaptive mechanisms, including the unfolded protein response (UPR) and autophagy, and induces programmed cell death. Fatty acid unsaturation, controlled by stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD)1, prevents cytotoxic stress but the mechanisms are diffuse. Here, we show that 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(1’-myo-inositol) [PI(18:1/18:1)] is a SCD1-derived signaling lipid, which inhibits p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activation, counteracts UPR, endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation, and apoptosis, regulates autophagy, and maintains cell morphology and proliferation. SCD1 expression and the cellular PI(18:1/18:1) proportion decrease during the onset of cell death, thereby repressing protein phosphatase 2 A and enhancing stress signaling. This counter-regulation applies to mechanistically diverse death-inducing conditions and is found in multiple human and mouse cell lines and tissues of Scd1-defective mice. PI(18:1/18:1) ratios reflect stress tolerance in tumorigenesis, chemoresistance, infection, high-fat diet, and immune aging. Together, PI(18:1/18:1) is a lipokine that links fatty acid unsaturation with stress responses, and its depletion evokes stress signaling
