13 research outputs found

    Identification of a regulatory pathway inhibiting adipogenesis via RSPO2

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    Healthy adipose tissue remodeling depends on the balance between de novo adipogenesis from adipogenic progenitor cells and the hypertrophy of adipocytes. De novo adipogenesis has been shown to promote healthy adipose tissue expansion, which confers protection from obesity-associated insulin resistance. Here, we define the role and trajectory of different adipogenic precursor subpopulations and further delineate the mechanism and cellular trajectory of adipogenesis, using single-cell RNA-sequencing datasets of murine adipogenic precursors. We identify Rspo2 as a functional regulator of adipogenesis, which is secreted by a subset of CD142+^{+} cells to inhibit maturation of early progenitors through the receptor Lgr4. Increased circulating RSPO2 in mice leads to adipose tissue hypertrophy and insulin resistance and increased RSPO2 levels in male obese individuals correlate with impaired glucose homeostasis. Taken together, these findings identify a complex cellular crosstalk that inhibits adipogenesis and impairs adipose tissue homeostasis

    Targeting ERK3/MK5 complex for treatment of obesity and diabetes.

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    Kinases represent one of the largest druggable families of proteins. Importantly, many kinases are aberrantly activated/de-activated in multiple organs during obesity, which contributes to the development of diabetes and associated diseases. Previous results indicate that the complex between Extracellular-regulated kinase 3 (ERK3) and Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK)-activated protein kinase 5 (MK5) suppresses energy dissipation and promotes fatty acids (FAs) output in adipose tissue and, therefore promotes obesity and diabetes. However, the therapeutic potential of targeting this complex at the systemic level has not been fully explored. Here we applied a translational approach to target the ERK3/MK5 complex in mice. Importantly, deletion of ERK3 in the whole body or administration of MK5-specific inhibitor protects against obesity and promotes insulin sensitivity. Finally, we show that the expression of ERK3 and MK5 correlates with the degree of obesity and that ERK3/MK5 complex regulates energy dissipation in human adipocytes. Altogether, we demonstrate that ERK3/MK5 complex can be targeted in vivo to preserve metabolic health and combat obesity and diabetes.This study was funded by European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant SicMetabol (no.678119), Emmy Noether Grant Su820/1-1 from the German Research Foundation (DFG), EMBO Installation Grant from European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), the Dioscuri Centre of Scientific Excellenced The program initiated by the Max Planck Society (MPG), managed jointly with the National Science Centre, and mutually funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and Sonata bis grant (2020/38/E/NZ4/00314) from National Science Centre.S

    Deletion der Protein Kinase D1 in Adipocyten fördert den Energieumsatz und schĂŒtzt dadurch vor Adipositas

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    Adaptation to alterations in nutrient availability ensures the survival of organisms. In vertebrates, adipocytes play a decisive role in this process due to their ability to store large amounts of excess nutrients and release them in times of food deprivation. In todays western world, a rather unlimited excess of nutrients leads to high-caloric food consumption in humans. Nutrient overload together with a decreased energy dissipation result in obesity as well as associated diseases such as insulin resistance, diabetes, and liver steatosis. Obesity causes a hormonal imbalance, which in combination with altered nutrient levels can aberrantly activate G-protein coupled receptors utilizing diacylglycerol (DAG) as secondary messenger. Protein kinase D (PKD) 1 is a DAG effector integrating multiple hormonal and nutritional inputs. Nevertheless, its physiological role in adipocytes has not been investigated so far. In this thesis, evidence is provided that the deletion of PKD1 in adipocytes suppresses lipogenesis as well as the accumulation of triglycerides. Furthermore, PKD1 depletion results in increased mitochondrial biogenesis as well as decoupling activity. Moreover, PKD1 deletion promotes the expression of the ÎČ3-adrenergic receptor (ADRB3) in a CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP)-α and ÎŽ-dependent manner. This results in elevated expression levels of beige markers in adipocytes in the presence of a ÎČ-agonist. Contrarily, adipocytes expressing a constitutive active form of PKD1 present a reversed phenotype. Additionally, PKD1 regulates adipocyte metabolism in an AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)-dependent manner by suppressing its activity through phosphorylation of AMPK α1/α2 subunits. Thus, PKD1 deletion results in an enhanced activity of the AMPK complex. Consistent with the in vitro findings, mice lacking PKD1 in adipocytes demonstrate a resistance to high-fat diet-induced obesity due to an elevated energy expenditure caused by trans-differentiation of white into beige adipocytes. Moreover, deletion of PKD1 in murine adipocytes improves systemic insulin sensitivity and ameliorates liver steatosis. Finally, PKD1 levels positively correlate with HOMA-IR as well as insulin levels in human subjects. Furthermore, inhibition of PKD1 in human adipocytes leads to metabolic alterations, which are comparable to the alterations seen in their murine counterparts. Taken together, these data demonstrate that PKD1 suppresses energy dissipation, drives lipogenesis, and adiposity. Therefore, increased energy dissipation induced by several complementary mechanisms upon PKD1 deletion might represent an attractive strategy to treat obesity and its related complications.Die Anpassung an verĂ€nderte NĂ€hrstoffverfĂŒgbarkeiten sichert das Überleben eines jeden Organismus. Dabei spielen in Vertebraten vorallem Adipozyten eine entscheidende Rolle. Sie haben die FĂ€higkeit, große Mengen ĂŒberschĂŒssiger NĂ€hrstoffe zu speichern und diese in Zeiten des Mangels wieder freizusetzen. Heutzutage herrscht jedoch besonders in IndustrielĂ€ndern ein ausreichendes Angebot an Nahrungsmitteln, was zu einer ĂŒbermĂ€ĂŸigen Kalorienzufuhr einzelner Individuen fĂŒhrt. Durch ĂŒberschĂŒssige Energiezufuhr in Verbindung mit einem verringerten Energieverbrauch kommt es zu Fettleibigkeit und damit verbundenen Erkrankungen wie Insulinresistenz, Diabetes und nichtalkoholischer Fettleber. Übergewicht fĂŒhrt zu einem hormonellen Ungleichgewicht, das im Zusammenhang mit verĂ€nderten NĂ€hrstoffgehalten, unter Verwendung von Diacylglycerol (DAG) als sekundĂ€ren Botenstoff, G-Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptoren unkontrollierten aktiviert. Protein Kinase D (PKD) 1 ist ein DAG Effektor, der an unterschiedlichsten hormonellen und ernĂ€hrungsphysiologischen VorgĂ€ngen beteiligt ist. Die zugrunde liegende physiologische Rolle von PKD1 in Adipozyten ist jedoch weitgehend unverstanden. In dieser Doktorarbeit wird gezeigt, dass eine Adipozyten spezifische PKD1 Defizienz sowohl Lipogenese als auch die Akkumulation von Triglyceriden unterdrĂŒckt. DarĂŒber hinaus wird durch die Deletion von PKD1 sowohl der Mitochondriengehalt als auch die Dynamik erhöht und die EntkopplungsaktivitĂ€t gesteigert. Zudem wird die Expression des ÎČ3-adrenergen Rezeptors (ADRB3) durch die PKD1 Defizienz in einer CCAAT/Enhancer-Bindungsprotein (C/EBP) -α und ÎŽ-abhĂ€ngigen Weise gefördert. In Gegenwart eines ÎČ-Agonisten kommt es dadurch zu einer erhöhten Expression von Genen, die auf beige Fettzellen hindeuten. Im Gegensatz dazu weisen Adipozyten, die eine konstitutiv aktive Form von PKD1 exprimieren, einen umgekehrten PhĂ€notyp auf. ZusĂ€tzlich reguliert PKD1 den Adipozytenmetabolismus abhĂ€ngig von AMP-aktivierter Proteinkinase (AMPK). PKD1 unterdrĂŒckt die AMPK-AktivitĂ€t durch Phosphorylierung von AMPK-α1/α2-Untereinheiten. Daher steigert die PKD1-Deletion die TĂ€tigkeit des AMPK-Komplexes. In Übereinstimmung mit den In-vitro-Daten zeigen MĂ€use, denen PKD1 in Adipozyten fehlt, eine Resistenz gegen nahrungsinduzierte Fettleibigkeit. Dies lĂ€sst sich durch eine gesteigerte Transdifferenzierung von weißen zu beigen Fettzellen erklĂ€ren, die einen erhöhten Energieumsatz aufweisen. Weiterhin verbessert die Deletion von PKD1 in Adipozyten der Maus die systemische InsulinsensitivitĂ€t und schĂŒtzt vor einer Lebersteatose. In humanen Fettzellen zeigen sich Ă€hnliche VerĂ€nderungen im Metabolismus, wie bereits in den Adipozyten der Maus beobachtet wurden. Des Weiteren korreliert die Expression von PKD1 in humanem Fettgewebe positiv mit HOMA-IR, einem Marker fĂŒr Insulin-Resistenz sowie den Insulinwerten beim Menschen. Zusammengefasst weisen die Daten dieser Thesis auf, dass PKD1 den Energieverbrauch unterdrĂŒckt und sowohl Lipogenese als auch Adipositas fördert. Adipozyten, denen PKD1 fehlt, zeigen demnach einen erhöhten Energieumsatz, der durch unterschiedliche komplementĂ€re Mechanismen verursacht wird. Dadurch könnte sich eine attraktive Strategie zur Behandlung von Fettleibigkeit und den damit verbundenen Komplikationen ergeben

    The kinase PKD3 provides negative feedback on cholesterol and triglyceride synthesis by suppressing insulin signaling

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    Hepatic activation of protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms by diacylglycerol (DAG) promotes insulin resistance and contributes to the development of type 2 diabetes (T2D). The closely related protein kinase D (PKD) isoforms act as effectors for DAG and PKC. Here, we showed that PKD3 was the predominant PKD isoform expressed in hepatocytes and was activated by lipid overload. PKD3 suppressed the activity of downstream insulin effectors including the kinase AKT and mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 and 2 (mTORC1 and mTORC2). Hepatic deletion of PKD3 in mice improved insulin-induced glucose tolerance. However, increased insulin signaling in the absence of PKD3 promoted lipogenesis mediated by SREBP (sterol regulatory element-binding protein) and consequently increased triglyceride and cholesterol content in the livers of PKD3-deficient mice fed a high-fat diet. Conversely, hepatic-specific overexpression of a constitutively active PKD3 mutant suppressed insulin-induced signaling and caused insulin resistance. Our results indicate that PKD3 provides feedback on hepatic lipid production and suppresses insulin signaling. Therefore, manipulation of PKD3 activity could be used to decrease hepatic lipid content or improve hepatic insulin sensitivity

    Challenges in tackling energy expenditure as obesity therapy: From preclinical models to clinical application

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    Background: A chronic imbalance of energy intake and energy expenditure results in excess fat storage. The obesity often caused by this overweight is detrimental to the health of millions of people. Understanding both sides of the energy balance equation and their counter-regulatory mechanisms is critical to the development of effective therapies to treat this epidemic. Scope of review: Behaviors surrounding ingestion have been reviewed extensively. This review focuses more specifically on energy expenditure regarding bodyweight control, with a particular emphasis on the organs and attractive metabolic processes known to reduce bodyweight. Moreover, previous and current attempts at anti-obesity strategies focusing on energy expenditure are highlighted. Precise measurements of energy expenditure, which consist of cellular, animal, and human models, as well as measurements of their translatability, are required to provide the most effective therapies. Major conclusions: A precise understanding of the components surrounding energy expenditure, including tailored approaches based on genetic, biomarker, or physical characteristics, must be integrated into future anti-obesity treatments. Further comprehensive investigations are required to define suitable treatments, especially because the complex nature of the human perspective remains poorly understood

    Targeting ERK3/MK5 complex for treatment of obesity and diabetes.

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    This dataset corresponds to the article titled “Targeting ERK3/MK5 complex for treatment of obesity and diabetes” published in Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2022 Jul 5;612:119-125. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2022.04.070. It comprises images of the original Western blots, along with the source data used for creating figures and conducting calculations. Further information related to this dataset can be found in the correspondingly titled article. This study was funded by European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant SicMetabol (no.678119), Emmy Noether Grant Su820/1-1 from the German Research Foundation (DFG), EMBO Installation Grant from European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), the Dioscuri Centre of Scientific Excellence—The program initiated by the Max Planck Society (MPG), managed jointly with the National Science Centre, and mutually funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and Sonata bis grant (2020/38/E/NZ4/00314) from National Science Centre

    Protein kinase D1 deletion in adipocytes enhances energy dissipation and protects against adiposity

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    Nutrient overload in combination with decreased energy dissipation promotes obesity and diabetes. Obesity results in a hormonal imbalance, which among others, activates G-protein coupled receptors utilizing diacylglycerol (DAG) as secondary messenger. Protein kinase D1 (PKD1) is a DAG effector which integrates multiple nutritional and hormonal inputs, but its physiological role in adipocytes is unknown. Here, we show that PKD1 promotes lipogenesis and suppresses mitochondrial fragmentation, biogenesis, respiration, and energy dissipation in an AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)-dependent manner. Moreover, mice lacking PKD1 in adipocytes are resistant to diet-induced obesity due to elevated energy expenditure. Beiging of adipocytes promotes energy expenditure and counteracts obesity. Consistently, deletion of PKD1 promotes expression of the ÎČ3-adrenergic receptor (ADRB3) in a CCAAT/enhancerbinding protein (C/EBP)-α and ÎŽ-dependent manner, which leads to the elevated expression of beige markers in adipocytes and subcutaneous adipose tissue. Finally, deletion of PKD1 in adipocytes improves insulin sensitivity and ameliorates liver steatosis. Thus, loss of PKD1 in adipocytes increases energy dissipation by several complementary mechanisms and might represent an attractive strategy to treat obesity and its related complications

    Platelet‐derived lipids promote insulin secretion of pancreatic ÎČ cells

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    Abstract Hyperreactive platelets are commonly observed in diabetic patients indicating a potential link between glucose homeostasis and platelet reactivity. This raises the possibility that platelets may play a role in the regulation of metabolism. Pancreatic ÎČ cells are the central regulators of systemic glucose homeostasis. Here, we show that factor(s) derived from ÎČ cells stimulate platelet activity and platelets selectively localize to the vascular endothelium of pancreatic islets. Both depletion of platelets and ablation of major platelet adhesion or activation pathways consistently resulted in impaired glucose tolerance and decreased circulating insulin levels. Furthermore, we found platelet‐derived lipid classes to promote insulin secretion and identified 20‐Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20‐HETE) as the main factor promoting ÎČ cells function. Finally, we demonstrate that the levels of platelet‐derived 20‐HETE decline with age and that this parallels with reduced impact of platelets on ÎČ cell function. Our findings identify an unexpected function of platelets in the regulation of insulin secretion and glucose metabolism, which promotes metabolic fitness in young individuals