1,025 research outputs found

    Habilidades Comunicativas en Niños Ciegos Desde Una Perspectiva Referencial Ecológica

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    The purpose of this study was to detect the differential communicative abilities that distinguishes the communicative exchange between blind and sighted couples, from a referential ecological framework. The sample was composed of 18 children (9 sighted and 9 blind) between 8 and 12 years old. Children were grouped by three conditions according to the vision level of couples (blind-blind; blind-sighted and sighted-sighted). The experimetal task used was the 'organization of a room' designed by Boada and Forns (in this monograph). The task was adapted to tridimensionality, and coded following their autors' instructions. Results suggest that blind children couples need to use more communicative skills to avoid communicative faillur and that they are less specific in he differentiation of emisor-receptor roles

    Buscando un nuevo lenguaje femenino: Elfriede Jelinek y Marlene Streeruwitz*

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    Two Austrian authors, Elfriede Jelinek, Nobel Prize winner in 2004, and Marlene Streeruwitz “the unknown writer from the Danube”, as she was termed by the theatre magazine Theater heute, are the leading exponents of the search for a different literary language in which the female voice can express itself. While Elfriede Jelinek experiments with language by introducing changes in phraseology and constant references to philosophy and the world of music, Marlene Streeruwitz uses a broken, fragmented language with unstructured* Este trabajo se enmarca dentro del Proyecto de Investigación “Traducción y recepción del teatro postdramático en lengua alemana” (GV06/395), financiado por la Generalitat Valenciana. sentences and her texts are more like musical scores than traditional literary texts. The aim of this paper is to put forward a linguistic analysis of both authors’ texts in order to demonstrate how, with their particular use of language, they attempt to break out of the limitations imposed by a tradition based on stagnant social structures. They paint a picture of today’s society marked by violence and war in which the boundaries between victims and tyrants are blurred.os autoras austriacas, Elfriede Jelinek, Premio Nobel 2004, y Marlene Streeruwitz “la desconocida del Danubio” –como la llamaban en la revista de teatro Theater heute– son los máximos exponentes en la búsqueda de otro lenguaje literario en el que la voz femenina pueda articularse. Si por un lado, Elfriede Jelinek experimenta con el lenguaje introduciendo modificaciones de fraseologismos y referencias constantes a la filosofía y al mundo de la música, Marlene Streeruwitz utiliza un lenguaje roto, fragmentado en el que las frases se desestructuran y sus textos se parecen más a partituras musicales que a textos literarios tradicionales. El objetivo de nuestra contribución será ofrecer un análisis lingüístico de los textos de ambas autoras para comprobar cómo finalmente tratan de reventar con su particular uso del lenguaje los límites impuestos por una tradición basada en estructuras sociales anquilosadas, reflejando, de este modo, un retrato de la sociedad actual impregnada por la huella de la violencia y de las guerras y en el que las fronteras entre víctimas y verdugos se diluyen

    Analysing motivation to do medicine cross-culturally : the international motivation to do medicine scale

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    Vaglum, Wiers-Jensen & Ekeberg (1999) developed an instrument to assess motivation to study medicine. This instrument has been applied in different countries but it has not been studied cross-culturally. Our aims were to develop a Motivation to do Medicine Scale for use in international studies and to compare motivations of UK and Spanish medical students (UK: n= 375; Spain: n= 149). A cross-sectional and cross-cultural study was conducted. The Vaglum et al. (1999) Motivation to do Medicine Scale (MMS) was used. The original MMS factor structure was not supported by the Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Exploratory Factor Analyses within each country identified four factors: 'People', 'Status', 'Natural Science' and 'Research'. Students scored higher on the 'People' and 'Natural Science' than on the other factors. The UK sample scored higher than the Spanish sample on the 'Research' factor and there were greater difference between genders in Spain for both 'People' and 'Research' factors. The scale is suitable for use in cross-cultural studies of medical students' motivation. It can be used to investigate differences between countries and may be used to examine changes in motivation over time or over medical disciplines

    Creencias de control en cáncer: una revisión de la literatura

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    The use of the control construct is widespread in research about chronic illness. Our aim was to analyse the relationship between perceived control and health outcomes in people with cancer. A search of databases (Medline, PsycINFO and Psicodoc) for articles published between 1966 and 2006 were conducted. Key words related to cancer, control beliefs and health outcomes were combined and searched resulting in the identification of 716 studies; 44 of the articles located met the criteria for inclusion in this review. The review showed that, firstly, selfefficacy beliefs had more power over patients’ adaptation than the other belief constructs. Secondly, locus of control beliefs were the most frequently assessed beliefs in the 44 studies; however, there was a lack of association between locus of control and health outcomes. Internal locus of control was the dimension with the most positive relationship with emotional status and quality of life.El control es un constructo ampliamente utilizado en las investigaciones sobre enfermedades crónicas en general. Nuestro objetivo fue analizar la relación entre el constructo de control percibido y los resultados de salud en cáncer. Hemos revisado los estudios publicados en las bases de datos Medline, PsycINFOy Psicodoc, el periodo de tiempo que abarcó la búsqueda fue entre 1966 y 2006. En el diseño de búsqueda introdujimos las palabras cáncer, creencias de control y resultados de salud. Se encontraron 716 estudios, 44 de los cuales se incluyeron en la revisión. La revisión muestra, en primer lugar, que las creencias de autoeficacia tienen mayor poder predictivo sobre la adaptación de las pacientes que otro constructo. En segundo lugar, las creencias de locus de control fueron las que más se utilizaron. El locus de control interno fue la dimensión que mostró mayores relaciones positivas con los resultados de salud

    Improved description of di-lepton production in τντP\tau^-\to\nu_\tau P^- decays

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    Recently, the Belle collaboration reported the first measurements of the τντπe+e\tau^- \to\nu_{\tau}\pi^-e^+e^- branching fraction and the spectrum of the pion-dielectron system. This decay and the corresponding di-muon channel offer the possibility to extract information on the WπγW\pi\gamma^* vertex in a kinematical region relevant for the evaluations of the radiative corrections to τντπ\tau^- \to \nu_{\tau}\pi^- and of the pion pole part of the hadronic light-by-light contribution to aμa_{\mu}. This is the motivation to seek for improvements on our previous evaluation of τντπ+\tau^- \to \nu_{\tau}\pi^-\ell^+\ell^- decays (=e,μ\ell=e,\,\mu). In this paper we ameliorate our calculation of the WPγWP^-\gamma^* vertex by including flavor symmetry breaking effects in the framework of the Resonance Chiral Theory. We impose QCD short-distance behavior to constrain most parameters and data on the πe+e\pi^-e^+e^- spectrum reported by Belle to fix the remaining free ones. As a result, improved predictions for the branching ratios and hadronic/leptonic spectra are reported, in good agreement with observations. Analogous calculations for the strangeness-changing τντK+\tau^- \to \nu_{\tau}K^-\ell^+\ell^- transitions are reported for the first time.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, 3 table