872 research outputs found

    Post-fledging dependence period and onset of natal dispersal in Bearded Vultures (Gypaetus barbatus): new insights from GPS satellite telemetry.

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    Utilizamos telemetría satelital para estudiar el periodo de dependencia post emplumamiento de tres individuos silvestres y seis individuos cautivos de Gypaetus barbatus. El primer vuelo tuvo lugar cuando los pollos tenían 126 ± 7 días de edad (rango  =  111-134 días) y el inicio de la dispersión ocurrió a los 193 ± 40 días desde el primer vuelo (rango  =  143-231 días). Los jóvenes permanecieron en sus áreas natales (o de liberación, en el caso de aves criadas en cautiverio) durante los primeros dos meses desde la fecha de emplumamiento. Luego, comenzaron a incrementar progresivamente la distancia a sus áreas natales; durante este tiempo, la mayoría de los desplazamientos de larga distancia (>15 km) tuvieron lugar antes del mediodía. Los tamaños de las áreas de acción registrados en este estudio fueron superiores a los descritos con anterioridad para la especie, principalmente debido a la diferencia en los métodos de rastreo empleados: la telemetría satelital permitió la detección de movimientos de larga distancia más allá del rango de medición del rastreo por radio convencional. Finalmente, la adquisición de la independencia (i.e., emancipación) se solapó con la siguiente temporada de cría de los adultos

    Reading-related Cognitive Deficits in Spanish Developmental Dyslexia

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    AbstractSpanish-speaking children learn to read words written in a relatively transparent orthography. Variations in orthographic transparency may shape the manifestation of reading difficulties. This study was intended to help clarify the nature of developmental dyslexia in Spanish. Developmentally Dyslexic children (DD) were compared to a chronological age-matched control group (CA). Measures included rapid automated naming, verbal working memory, phonological short-term memory, and phonemic awareness. Results demonstrated that developmental dyslexics show reading-related cognitive deficits in areas such as naming speed, verbal working memory, phonological short-term memory, and phonemic awareness. Our results are consistent with studies conducted in the Spanish language and in other transparent orthographies

    Ecological specialization to fluctuating resources prevents long-distance migratory raptors from becoming sedentary on islands.

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    Background The adaptive transition between behavioral strategies, such as the shift from migratoriness to sedentariness, remains an outstanding question in evolutionary ecology. Density-dependent variation in the age of first breeding has been proposed as a feasible mechanism through which long-lived migratory birds with deferred sexual maturity should become sedentary to persist on islands. Although this pattern seems to hold for most raptors and herons, a few exceptions have been identified. One of these exceptions is the Eleonora's falcon, a long-distance migratory bird, which shows one of the most peculiar adaptations in the timing of reproduction and food requirements among raptors. Methodology/Principal Findings Here, we compiled data concerning demography, banding recoveries and satellite tracking of Eleonora's falcons to discuss likely explanations for the exceptional behavior of this insular long-distance migratory species. Conclusions/Significance New data reveal that Eleonora's falcons do return to the natal colonies in their first year and young birds are able to breed. However, in contrast to previous hypothesis, the highly specialized strategy of this and other ecologically similar species, as well as the virtual lack of food during winter at breeding areas prevent them from becoming sedentary on islands. Although the ultimate mechanisms underlying the process of sedentarization remain poorly understood, the evidence provided reveal the existence of important trade-offs associated with ecological specialization that may become particularly relevant in the present context of global change

    Effect of Phenylephrine on the Accommodative System.

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    Accommodation is controlled by the action of the ciliary muscle and mediated primarily by parasympathetic input through postganglionic fibers that originate from neurons in the ciliary and pterygopalatine ganglia. During accommodation the pupil constricts to increase the depth of focus of the eye and improve retinal image quality. Researchers have traditionally faced the challenge of measuring the accommodative properties of the eye through a small pupil and thus have relied on pharmacological agents to dilate the pupil. Achieving pupil dilation (mydriasis) without affecting the accommodative ability of the eye (cycloplegia) could be useful in many clinical and research contexts. Phenylephrine hydrochloride (PHCl) is a sympathomimetic agent that is used clinically to dilate the pupil. Nevertheless, first investigations suggested some loss of functional accommodation in the human eye after PHCl instillation. Subsequent studies, based on different measurement procedures, obtained contradictory conclusions, causing therefore an unexpected controversy that has been spread almost to the present days. This manuscript reviews and summarizes the main research studies that have been performed to analyze the effect of PHCl on the accommodative system and provides clear conclusions that could help clinicians know the real effects of PHCl on the accommodative system of the human eye

    Living on the Edge: Assessing the Extinction Risk of Critically Endangered Bonelli’s Eagle in Italy

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    Background: The population of Bonelli’s eagle (Aquila fasciata) has declined drastically throughout its European range due to habitat degradation and unnatural elevated mortality. There are less than 1500 breeding pairs accounted for in Europe, and the species is currently catalogued as Critically Endangered in Italy, where the 22 territories of Sicily, represent nearly 95% of the entire Italian population. However, despite national and European conservation concerns, the species currently lacks a specific conservation plan, and no previous attempts to estimate the risk of extinction have been made. Methodology/Principal Findings: We incorporated the most updated demographic information available to assess the extinction risk of endangered Bonelli’s eagle in Italy through a Population Viability Analysis. Using perturbation analyses (sensitivity and elasticity), and a combination of demographic data obtained from an assortment of independent methods, we evaluated which demographic parameters have more influence on the population’s fate. We also simulated different scenarios to explore the effects of possible management actions. Our results showed that under the current conditions, Bonelli’s eagle is expected to become extinct in Italy in less than 50 years. Stand-alone juvenile mortality was the most critical demographic parameter with the strongest influence on population persistence with respect to other demographic parameters. Measures aimed at either decreasing juvenile mortality, adult mortality or decreasing both juvenile and adult mortality resulted in equivalent net positive effects on population persistence (population growth rate l.1). In contrast, changes aimed at increasing breeding success had limited positive effects on demographic trends. Conclusions/Significance: Our PVA provides essential information to direct the decision-making process and exposes gaps in our previous knowledge. To ensure the long-term persistence of the species in Italy, measures are urgently needed to decrease both adult mortality due to poaching and juvenile mortality due to nest plundering, the top ranking mortality causes.PLL is supported by a “Juan de la Cierva” postdoctoral grant of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (reference JCI-2011–09588)

    Recommendations from the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Psoriasis Working Group on the Management of Patients with Cancer and Psoriasis

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    [spa] Diversos estudios sugieren que los pacientes con psoriasis tienen un mayor riesgo de aparición de neoplasias, especialmente cutáneas, lo que podría estar asociado al uso de terapias para tratar la enfermedad. Además, la evidencia disponible sobre la seguridad de algunos tratamientos en este contexto y el manejo de estos pacientes es escasa. Así, las guías de práctica clínica con recomendaciones para el manejo de la psoriasis en el paciente oncológico son ambiguas. En el presente trabajo se recogen recomendaciones para el manejo y el uso de las terapias disponibles para estos pacientes. Estas recomendaciones han sido consensuadas por 45 dermatólogos del Grupo de Psoriasis de la Academia Española de Dermatología y Venereología utilizando el método Delphi, y tienen por objetivo ayudar a los especialistas en la toma de decisiones en la práctica clínica.[eng] Several studies suggest that patients with psoriasis have a higher incidence of neoplasms, especially of the skin, which could be associated with the use of therapies to treat psoriasis. Furthermore, the evidence available on the safety profile of some treatments in this context, and the management of these patients is scarce, which is why clinical practice guidelines with recommendations on the management of psoriasis in cancer patients are ambiguous. This study provides recommendations on the management and use of the therapies currently available for these patients. They are the result of a Delphi consensus reached by 45 dermatologists of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Psoriasis Working Group, and their goal is to help specialists in the field in their decision -making processes

    Insights on Salt Tolerance of Two Endemic Limonium Species from Spain

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    [EN] We have analysed the salt tolerance of two endemic halophytes of the genus Limonium, with high conservation value. In the present study, seed germination and growth parameters as well as different biomarkers-photosynthetic pigments, mono and divalent ion contents-associated to salt stress were evaluated in response to high levels of NaCl. The study was completed with an untargeted metabolomics analysis of the primary compounds including carbohydrates, phosphoric and organic acids, and amino acids, identified by using a gas chromatography and mass spectrometry platform. Limonium albuferae proved to be more salt-tolerant than L. doufourii, both at the germination stage and during vegetative growth. The degradation of photosynthetic pigments and the increase of Na+/K+ ratio under salt stress were more accentuated in the less tolerant second species. The metabolomics analysis unravelled several differences between the two species. The higher salt tolerance of L. albuferae may rely on its specific accumulation of fructose and glucose under high salinity conditions, the first considered as a major osmolyte in this genus. In addition, L. albuferae showed steady levels of citric and malic acids, whereas the glutamate family pathway was strongly activated under stress in both species, leading to the accumulation of proline (Pro) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).This research was funded by GENERALITAT VALENCIANA, grant number AICO/2017/039, to M. Boscaiu.González-Orenga, S.; Ferrer-Gallego, PP.; Laguna, E.; López-Gresa, MP.; Donat-Torres, MP.; Verdeguer Sancho, MM.; Vicente, O.... (2019). Insights on Salt Tolerance of Two Endemic Limonium Species from Spain. Metabolites. 9(12):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo9120294S12291

    The Duration of the Trial Influences the Effects of Mineral Deficiency and the Effective Phytase Dose in Broilers' Diets

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    [EN] Two trials varying in duration (short- and long-term) were conducted to evaluate the effects of providing deficient (NC) or sufficient (PC) Ca and P levels, and different doses of a new phytase (250, 500, and 1000 FTU/kg feed), in broiler feed on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and retention, and tibia mineralization. A total of 80 and 490 male chicks (Ross) of 21 and 1 days of age were used in the short- and long-term trials, respectively. In the long-term trial, chicks fed NC diets showed a lower (p < 0.05) average daily gain and feed intake compared to chicks fed PC and a greater (p < 0.05) feed conversion ratio compared to 500 and 1000 FTU/kg feed during the starting period. Regarding the effects on minerals¿ and nutrients¿ coefficients of retention, animals fed NC showed a significantly higher digestibility for P than those fed the PC diet in the long-term trial. Additionally, feeding 250 to 500 FTU/kg diets increased most of the nutrients¿ digestibility in the short-term but only P digestibility in the long-term trial. Tibia mineralization increased linearly with phytase addition (p < 0.05) only in the long-term trial. In conclusion, the effects of dietary mineral and phytase levels on growth performance are more noticeable in young animals. In addition, the duration of the trial is key due to a possible adaptation phenomenon of birds to low P supplementary levels.This research was funded by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Government of Spain.Javadi, M.; Cerisuelo, A.; Cambra López, M.; Macias-Vidal, J.; Donadeu, A.; Dupuy, J.; Carpintero, L.... (2022). The Duration of the Trial Influences the Effects of Mineral Deficiency and the Effective Phytase Dose in Broilers' Diets. Animals. 12(11):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani12111418119121