170 research outputs found

    «Hic sunt leones». The new legal dimension in the age of globalization (a reflection from uncertainty)

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    La llamada globalización tiene su origen en el predominio del capitalismo financiero, que provoca, en apariencia, el escape al Estado de los flujos económicos, y a la consecuente predisposición normativa. Las causas del escape son la revolución tecnológica y el predominio de concepciones políticas y económicas de cuño ultra liberal-conservador: ideología neocon y escuela económica monetarista que abonan la idea de la inevitabilidad de las decisiones de los mercados. Sin embargo no hay: mercado sin reglas jurídicas salvo por el rehúse del Estado. Así nace el Derecho de la globalización como fruto exclusivo de las instancias del poder privado Los resultados: crisis institucional por vacío del poder político jurídico del Estado; aparición de modos de producción del Derecho sin legitimación política; de ello son vehículos la nueva lex mercatoria, el contrato y el arbitraje. Se debe notar que el Derecho global no es Derecho solo transfronterizo, sino que sus soluciones se trasladan al ámbito estatal. Vienen así a la existencia de dos dimensiones jurídicas, una desregulada, otra subalterna de la desregulación, alumbrando un mundo de grandes incertidumbres.The so-called globalization stems from the predominance of financial capitalism, which causes an apparent escape for the state of economic flows and your consequent regulation. The causes of the escape are the technological revolution and the prevalence of political and economic conceptions of ultra-liberal-conservative stamp: neocon ideology and monetarist school of economics. This analysis supports the idea of the inevitability of the decisions of the markets. However, there is not market without legal rules; there is the refusal of the state power. Thus, borns the globalization law as the exclusive product of instances of private power. It is results an institutional vacuum of legal political power of the state; and the emergence of modes of production of law without political legitimacy; vehicles of this are the new lex mercatoria, the contract and arbitration. It should be noted that the so called law of globalization is not only transboundary but their solutions are transferred to the state leve!. So, comes to the existence of two legal dimensions, one unregulated, another subordinate to deregulation, arising a world of great uncertainty

    Régimen fiscal del llamado «depósito en garantía» (caución de numerario)

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    En este dictamen se analiza un contrato tipo para la prestación de un servicio propio del giro de una actividad empresarial, prestación que sólo puede ser ejecutada por quienes reciben el servicio mediante la utilización de un determinado bien mueble, en concreto una máquina, aparato o mecanismo técnico, propiedad del prestador de dicho servicio. Por ello, y para ese efecto, el prestador del servicio y propietario del bien mueble lo arrienda a los suscriptores del contrato tipo; para garantizar, en caso de cesación de la relación contractual, la devolución y la integridad del citado bien mueble incluye dentro del contrato tipo una cláusula en virtud de la cual el arrendador debe entregar una determinada cantidad de numerario, que sólo le será devuelta a la finalización del contrato que vincula a las partes, y siempre contra la entrega del aparato o mecanismo técnico en buen estado; dicha cláusula suele llamar a esta cantidad, de acuerdo con una terminología usual en el tráfico, «depósito en garantía». Nuestras conclusiones serían idénticas en el caso de que este arrendamiento fuera en sí mismo un contrato principal y no conexo a otro. No obstante, por simplificación de la exposición nos referiremos generalmente al caso anterior. Este estudio se ceñirá exclusivamente al régimen fiscal de la cantidad consignada como «depósito en garantía», pronunciándonos finalmente sobre si procede la exigencia por ese concepto del Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido o, en su caso, del Impuesto sobre Transmisiones Patrimoniales y Actos Jurídicos Documentados. El pronunciamiento final requiere, inexcusablemente (aunque sea sólo desde un punto de vista instrumental) unas consideraciones sobre la operación analizada desde la perspectiva del Derecho Privado. Ello explica la estructura del estudio en dos partes: la primera, dedicada a aquellas consideraciones, y la segunda, sobre el régimen fiscal de la prenda irregular de dinero o caución de numerario, que es la calificación estimada correcta en el estudio iusprivatista de la cuestión

    Ten Years of Airbnb Phenomenon Research: A Bibliometric Approach (2010–2019)

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    The interest in the Airbnb phenomenon is represented in the fast growth of publications indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) since the research inception of this topic in 2010. However, there are no studies that analyze the incidence of this phenomenon from a bibliometric approach using WoS. Therefore, this paper aims to quantify the incidence and composition of the Airbnb phenomenon through bibliometrics taken it as a data source. To achieve this aim, the WoS statistical instruments and the bibliometric tool VOSviewer are used. The results obtained, such as the number of articles and citations per year, the main categories of these articles, the nationalities of the authors, the most productive institutions, the sources and authors in terms of publications, and the H-Core of the most cited articles, are presented. Finally, concept maps are exposed, representing the relatedness of co-authorship and co-citation among authors, as well as the co-occurrence of the keywords in the articles analyzed. Satisfaction, trust, and innovation appear as the main research lines. This paper can be useful for academics and professionals, giving them a holistic overview of the topic, identifying new research areas, or as an objective manner to literary review approaches

    Teaching field geology in Spain

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    The Department of Crystallography and Mineralogy (Complutense University, Madrid) carries out every year a field geology course in San José - Rodalquilar (Almería, SE Spain. The region of Almería offers a unique opportunity for the teaching of field geology because of the variety of contrasted geologic scenarios: 1) Alpine metamorphic complexes; 2) Miocene sedimentary basins; 3) Miocene volcanic rocks including world-class pyroclastic deposits of almost every possible type; 4) epithermal gold and industrial minerals deposits; and 5) a second to none large fault zone (Carboneras Fault Zone, Serrata de Níjar). However, what makes different our field geology course is the fact that the students, in teams of 3 to 4 members, simulate a professional survey. Given that most students will end up working for companies, it is important that they receive some practical training before they leave the university. [RESUMEN] El Departamento de Cristalografía y Mineralogía de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid realiza anualmente un curso de geología de campo en San José – Rodalquilar (Almería, Sureste de España). La región de Almería ofrece una oportunidad única para la enseñanza de la geología de campo ya que en ella encontramos una gran variedad de escenarios geológicos: 1) complejos alpinos; 2) cuencas sedimentarias del Mioceno; 3) rocas volcánicas del Mioceno con extraordinarios ejemplos de diferentes tipos de depósitos piroclásticos; 4) yacimientos epitermales de oro, yacimientos de bentonitas, alunita, y zeolitas; y 5) una gran zona de falla (Zona de Falla de Carboneras, Serrata de Níjar). Sin embargo, lo que hace diferente nuestro curso de campo es el hecho de que los alumnos, en equipos de 3 o 4 miembros, simulan estar realizando un trabajo profesional. Dado que la mayor parte de los alumnos acabará trabajando para alguna empresa, nos parece importante que reciban alguna formación práctica antes de que acaben la carrera

    Fetal undernutrition is associated with perinatal sex-dependent alterations in oxidative status

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    This is the published version of a work that was accepted for publication in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemestry. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemestry 26.12 (2015). DOI: 10.1016/jnubio.2015.09.004Intrauterine growth retardation predisposes to hypertension development, known as fetal programming. Females are less susceptible, which has been mainly attributed to estrogen influence. We hypothesize that perinatal differences in oxidative status might also contribute. We studied 21-day-old (prepuberal) and 6-month-old male and female Intrauterine growth retardation predisposes to hypertension development, known as fetal programming. Females are less susceptible, which has been mainly attributed to estrogen influence. We hypothesize that perinatal differences in oxidative status might also contribute. We studied 21-day-old (prepuberal) and 6-month-old male and female offspring from rats fed ad libitum during gestation (Control) or with 50% of Control daily intake from day 10 to delivery (maternal undernutrition, MUN). We assessed in vivo blood pressure and the following plasma biomarkers of oxidative status: protein carbonyls, thiols, reduced glutathione (GSH), total antioxidant capacity, superoxide anion scavenging activity (SOSA) and catalase activities; we calculated a global score (oxy-score) from them. Estradiol and melatonin concentration was measured in young rats. Prepuberal MUN males were normotensive but already exhibited increased carbonyls and lower thiols, GSH, SOSA and melatonin; oxy-score was significantly lower compared to Control males. Prepuberal MUN females only exhibited reduced SOSA compared to Control females. Adult rats from all experimental groups showed a significant increase in carbonyls and a decrease in antioxidants compared to prepuberal rats; oxy-score was negative in adult rats suggesting the development of a prooxidative status as rat age. Adult MUN males were hypertensive and exhibited the highest increase in carbonyls despite similar or even higher antioxidant levels compared to Controls. Adult MUN females remained normotensive and did not exhibit differences in any of the biomarkers compared to Controls. The better global antioxidant status developed by MUN females during perinatal life could contribute to their protection against hypertension programming.offspring from rats fed ad libitum during gestation (Control) or with 50% of Control daily intake from day 10 to delivery (maternal undernutrition, MUN). We assessed in vivo blood pressure and the following plasma biomarkers of oxidative status: protein carbonyls, thiols, reduced glutathione (GSH), total antioxidant capacity, superoxide anion scavenging activity (SOSA) and catalase activities; we calculated a global score (oxy-score) from them. Estradiol and melatonin concentration was measured in young rats. Prepuberal MUN males were normotensive but already exhibited increased carbonyls and lower thiols, GSH, SOSA and melatonin; oxy-score was significantly lower compared to Control males. Prepuberal MUN females only exhibited reduced SOSA compared to Control females. Adult rats from all experimental groups showed a significant increase in carbonyls and a decrease in antioxidants compared to prepuberal rats; oxy-score was negative in adult rats suggesting the development of a prooxidative status as rat age. Adult MUN males were hypertensive and exhibited the highest increase in carbonyls despite similar or even higher antioxidant levels compared to Controls. Adult MUN females remained normotensive and did not exhibit differences in any of the biomarkers compared to Controls. The better global antioxidant status developed by MUN females during perinatal life could contribute to their protection against hypertension programming.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Spain (grant number FEM2012-37634-C03-01 to S. M. Arribas) and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Banco - Santander (Interuniversity Cooperation Project, Center for Latin American Studies, Santander, USA 2013–2014 to M. A. Martín-Cabrejas)

    Stratifying diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients treated with chemoimmunotherapy: GCB/non-GCB by immunohistochemistry is still a robust and feasible marker

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    Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is a heterogeneous group of aggressive lymphomas that can be classified into three molecular subtypes by gene expression profiling (GEP): GCB, ABC and unclassified. Immunohistochemistry-based cell of origin (COO) classification, as a surrogate for GEP, using three available immunohistochemical algorithms was evaluated in TMA-arranged tissue samples from 297 patients with de novo DLBCL treated by chemoimmunotherapy (R-CHOP and R-CHOP-like regimens). Additionally, the prognostic impacts of MYC, BCL2, IRF4 and BCL6 abnormalities detected by FISH, the relationship between the immunohistochemical COO classification and the immunohistochemical expression of MYC, BCL2 and pSTAT3 proteins and clinical data were evaluated. In our series, non-GCB DLBCL patients had significantly worse progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS), as calculated using the Choi, Visco-Young and Hans algorithms, indicating that any of these algorithms would be appropriate for identifying patients who require alternative therapies to R-CHOP. Whilst MYC abnormalities had no impact on clinical outcome in the non-GCB subtype, those patients with isolated MYC rearrangements and a GCB-DLBCL phenotype had worse PFS and therefore might benefit from novel treatment approaches

    Hereditary Leiomyomatosis and Renal Cell Cancer Syndrome in Spain: Clinical and Genetic Characterization

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    Simple Summary Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC) syndrome is a very rare hereditary disorder characterized by cutaneous leiomyomas (CLMs), uterine leiomyomas (ULMs), renal cysts (RCys) and renal cell cancer (RCC), with no data on its prevalence worldwide. No genotype-phenotype associations have been described. The aim of our study was to describe the genotypic and phenotypic features of the largest series of patients with HLRCC from Spain reported to date. Of 27 FH germline pathogenic variants, 12 were not previously reported in databases. Patients with missense pathogenic variants showed higher frequencies of CLMs, ULMs and RCys, than those with loss-of-function variants. The frequency of RCCs (10.9%) was lower than those reported in the previously published series. Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer syndrome (HLRCC) is a very rare hereditary disorder characterized by cutaneous leiomyomas (CLMs), uterine leiomyomas (ULMs), renal cysts (RCys) and renal cell cancers (RCCs). We aimed to describe the genetics, clinical features and potential genotype-phenotype associations in the largest cohort of fumarate hydratase enzyme mutation carriers known from Spain using a multicentre, retrospective study of individuals with a genetic or clinical diagnosis of HLRCC. We collected clinical information from medical records, analysed genetic variants and looked for genotype-phenotype associations. Analyses were performed using R 3.6.0. software. We included 197 individuals: 74 index cases and 123 relatives. CLMs were diagnosed in 65% of patients, ULMs in 90% of women, RCys in 37% and RCC in 10.9%. Twenty-seven different pathogenic variants were detected, 12 (44%) of them not reported previously. Patients with missense pathogenic variants showed higher frequencies of CLMs, ULMs and RCys, than those with loss-of-function variants (p = 0.0380, p = 0.0015 and p = 0.024, respectively). This is the first report of patients with HLRCC from Spain. The frequency of RCCs was lower than those reported in the previously published series. Individuals with missense pathogenic variants had higher frequencies of CLMs, ULMs and RCys

    Breast cancer PAM50 signature: correlation and concordance between RNA-Seq and digital multiplexed gene expression technologies in a triple negative breast cancer series

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    [Background]: Full RNA-Seq is a fundamental research tool for whole transcriptome analysis. However, it is too costly and time consuming to be used in routine clinical practice. We evaluated the transcript quantification agreement between RNA-Seq and a digital multiplexed gene expression platform, and the subtype call after running the PAM50 assay in a series of breast cancer patients classified as triple negative by IHC/FISH. The goal of this study is to analyze the concordance between both expression platforms overall, and for calling PAM50 triple negative breast cancer intrinsic subtypes in particular.[Results]: The analyses were performed in paraffin-embedded tissues from 96 patients recruited in a multicenter, prospective, non-randomized neoadjuvant triple negative breast cancer trial (NCT01560663). Pre-treatment core biopsies were obtained following clinical practice guidelines and conserved as FFPE for further RNA extraction. PAM50 was performed on both digital multiplexed gene expression and RNA-Seq platforms. Subtype assignment was based on the nearest centroid classification following this procedure for both platforms and it was concordant on 96% of the cases (N = 96). In four cases, digital multiplexed gene expression analysis and RNA-Seq were discordant. The Spearman correlation to each of the centroids and the risk of recurrence were above 0.89 in both platforms while the agreement on Proliferation Score reached up to 0.97. In addition, 82% of the individual PAM50 genes showed a correlation coefficient > 0.80.[Conclusions]: In our analysis, the subtype calling in most of the samples was concordant in both platforms and the potential discordances had reduced clinical implications in terms of prognosis. If speed and cost are the main driving forces then the preferred technique is the digital multiplexed platform, while if whole genome patterns and subtype are the driving forces, then RNA-Seq is the preferred method.M.M was supported by two research grants from Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness ISCIII-FIS grants (PI 12/02684): “Predictores genómicos de respuesta a la quimioterapia neoadyuvante con docetaxel-carboplatino en pacientes con cáncer de mama triple negativo”/“Genomic predictors of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with docetaxel-carboplatin in patients with triple negative breast cancer”; and (PI 15/00117): “Cáncer de mama triple negative: Predicción de respuesta a docetaxel-carboplatino neoadyuvante mediante caracterización de TILs y firmas inmunes basadas en secuenciación masiva de RNA”/” Triple negative breast cancer: Prediction of response to neoadjuvant docetaxel-carboplatin by characterization of TILs and immune signatures based on massive RNA sequencing”. C.M.P was supported by funds from the NCI Breast SPORE program (P50-CA58223).Peer reviewe

    Manuales y textos de enseñanza en la universidad liberal : VII congreso internacional sobre la historia de las universidades hispánicas

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    Congreso Internacional de Historia de las Universidades Hispánicas (VII, 2004: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)El libro edita las actas del VII Congreso internacional sobre la historia de las universidades hispánicas celebrado los días 16-18 de noviembre de 2000 en el campus de Colmenarejo de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Fue una reunión científica monográfica sobre los manuales y textos de enseñanza en la universidad liberal. Contó con un conjunto de ponencias que se adentraron en los ámbitos de la economía, el derecho público, el derecho privado, la filosofía y la medicina. Otras muchas cuestiones fueron analizadas en las comunicaciones.Presentación / Manuel Ángel Bermejo Castrillo. -- Una ciencia peligrosa: la enseñanza de la economía en la Universidad española / Pedro Fraile Balbín. -- La enseñanza del derecho público en España. Un ensayo critico / Alfredo Gallego Anabitarte. -- La enseñanza del derecho privado en la Universidad liberal /Ángel M. López y López y Cecilia Gómez-Salvago Sánchez. -- La enseñanza de la filosofía en la Universidad decimonónica (Asignaturas y textos oficiales) / Antonio Jiménez García. -- Manuales y textos de enseñanza médica en la Universidad liberal: la España del siglo XIX / José M. López Piñero. -- ¿Política o Academia? La disputa en torno al texto de lógica en la escuela nacional preparatoria / María de Lourdes Alvarado. -- La enseñanza del derecho natural y de gentes: el libro de Heineccio / Antonio Álvarez de Morales. -- Manuales y libros de texto utilizados en las escuelas industriales españolas durante la época isabelina / José Manuel Cano Pavón. -- Las bibliotecas universitarias en España durante la revolución liberal / Genaro Luis García López. -- Il magistero di Corrado Segre a Torino. I quaderni manoscritti delle lezioni universitarie (1888-1924) / Livia Giacardi. -- Los manuales de literatura en la facultad de Filosofía (1846-1867) / Jean-Louis Guereña. -- Los asertos de conclusiones públicas de Filosofía en el Colegio del Rosario durante la época de la Universidad Central (1826-1842) / María Clara Guillén de Iriarte. -- Vattel larva detracta. Reflexiones sobre la recepción del Ius Publicum Europaeum en la Universidad preliberal española / Pablo Gutiérrez Vega. -- La enseñanza del derecho en la Argentina por dos pequeños grandes libros: el Álvarez y el prontuario de Castro / Alberto David Leiva. -- Los libros útiles o la utilidad de los libros. Manuales de derecho entre 1841 y 1845 / Manuel Martínez Neira. -- L’insegnamento della storia nell’università italiana dopo l’unità / Mauro Moretti e Ilaria Porciani. -- Manuales de historia de filosofía en España (s. XIX) / Laureano Robles. -- L’insegnamento della matematica all’università di Torino (1848-1948). Aspetti storici, istituzionali e scientifici / Clara Silvia Roero. -- La enseñanza del derecho natural en el último tercio del siglo XIX / Salvador Rus Rufino. -- Un español republicano en Argentina: Juan Bialet Massé. Sus textos de anatomía y manual de medicina legal / María Cristina Vera de Flachs. -- La docenza del giansenista Pietro Tamburini a Pavia nel periodo francese. Un esperimento di sintesi tra etica teologica e diritti dell’uomo all’ombra dell’albero della libertà /Emauela Verzella Pettiti. -- El sentido humanista de la Universidad. Comentario a un texto de 1930: Misión de la Universidad, de José Ortega y Gasset / Javier Zamora Bonill

    Critical review of technologies for the on-site treatment of hospital wastewater: From conventional to combined advanced processes

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    In this work, a raw and low cost mineral, ilmenite (FeTiO3), has been tested for the first time as a photocatalyst paired with peroxymonosulfate (HSO5-; PMS) for the inactivation of Enterococcus faecalis as an alternative to conventional treatments to disinfect wastewater for reuse. The influence of some operational parameters such as reagent dosage, catalyst concentration, initial pH, or flow rate was also studied and optimized. After several tests, the scarce pure photoactivity under UV-A was remarked by ilmenite because of its high iron content, which favors photogenerated charge recombination. However, ilmenite activity was highly promoted when combined with low concentrations of PMS and UV-A light, reaching total inactivation of Enterococcus faecalis in 120 min. Quenching tests were performed using methanol, tert-butyl alcohol, furfuryl alcohol, and Cu(II) to assess the main reactive species involved in the disinfection process determining the critical role of both HO·and SO4·- radicals in the process. Finally, the influence of the water matrix was also evaluated by studying the effect of water hardness and the presence of nutrients on the system. Overall, the PMS/Ilmenite/UV-A system yielded promising results with a total removal of Enterococcus faecalis in 120 min. However, it also showed the need for further study and understanding of the disinfection mechanism to achieve the same level of performance in real wastewaterThe "Comunidad de Madrid" supported this research through REMTAVARES S2013/MAE-2716 and S2018/EMT-434